(based on April 17-18, 2011 meeting; potential projects to pull together)
1. Regionally compatible wildlife distribution and crucial area data (lead State WGA leads)
WGA Pilot Projects (ID-MT; WY Interagency) —now subsumed by WBA CHAT?
BLM ROC in support of REAs; deadlines tightest for Middle Rockies REA; Wyoming Basins
REA and Northern Great Basins REA just kicking off
GAP/reGAP NW project (Jocelyn Aycrigg); NW distribution project led by Gary Bouvais
2. Connectivity (lead John Pierce, Gregg Servheen)
WGA Landscape Integrity Working Group; rolls the 5-state connectivity assessment to a larger connectivity assessment with key players, including Dave Theobald, Pat Comer, Mike
Schwartz to, by 2013, assess connectivity (and I assume Landscape Integrity) for the full
WGA area
Montana Connectivity Project
NPS Call to Action: working with Wildlife Conservation Society, calls for establishing 5 wildlife corridors —doesn’t specify where, but the gnlcc is definitely on the radar screen
AGO Crown of the Continent Connectivity Priority
3. Climate change and Vulnerability Assessments (led by Leona Svancara)
Tracking the National Climate Assessment
Tracking Katharine Hayhoe report on proper use of downscaled climate data
The GYCC Adaptation subcommittee is working with Jim Morrison and Tom to use the downscaled data provided by CIG at U of W in the GYA
Middle Rockies REA is using Steve Hostetler's data for the vulnerability assessment;
Hostetler’s website is set to launch in October
Andrea Ray of NOAA is building a "portal" for downscaled climate data —the National Climate
Prediction and Projections Platform
PW Vulnerability Assessment project to fast forward work in the Columbia Basin (Leona is a
PI; downscaled model by Sarah Shafer of USGS)
Meade Krosby at UW downscaling climate data for the WGA project, at least the Columbia
4. Assessing Habitat data layers for best/consistency (No Identified Lead)
Leona sent out her assessment of different data layers (GAP, REGap, Landfire)
Update of LandFire
Wildlife Habitat Policy Research Program (Servheen)
LCC-Sponsored Habitat Data (e.g, Crabtree Proposal; GNLCC Sponsored Science)
Habitat data sponsored by other partners (NPS I&M Program (Thoma); NASA CRB Projects
(PIs Hansen, Morissette, and Crabtree)
5. Assessing data sharing and collaboration tools (lead Sean Finn with state partner)
Role of LC MAP as a data and analysis portal
State based systems (MT CAPS, WY WISDOM, others) and WGA Regional CHAT
BLM ROC and the REA data base