Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Autumn 1 Would the Beatles have won X factor? Did London Bridge really burn down? Who first lived in Britain? Romans WWI Vikings Text link Aghh Spider! (s) The Flower (s) Stone Age Boy The Tin Forest (s) One Boy’s War How to train your dragon Autumn 2 Where do the leaves go to in winter? What would Dora/Ben 10 find exciting about our town? What makes the Earth angry? Why is Manchester such a cool place to live? What’s so special about The USA? Will you ever see the water you drink again? Text link The Stick man Lost and Found (2015+) Follow that map! Escape from Pompeii, Fox The Suitcase Kid Tuesday (s) Journey to the River Sea Spring 1 Why is the Wii more fun than Grandma and Grandad’s old toys? Why are explorers brave people? Ancient Greece Who were the early lawmakers? Ancient Egypt The Mayans Text link The Rabbit Problem (s) Man on the Moon, Hail Ancient Greece Membear of Parliament Avoid being a pyramid builder Avoid being a Mayan soothsayer Spring 2 Why can’t a meerkat live in the North Pole? Where would you prefer to live: England or Africa? Victorians Norman castles Anglo-Saxons Text link Meerkat Mail The leopard’s drum, Lilia and the secret of the rain My life as a Victorian Maid Castles Beowulf How to be an anglo saxon Summer 2 Where do and did the wheels on the bus go? Why do we love to be beside the seaside? Why do so many people choose to go to the Mediterranean on their holidays? Where would you choose to build a city? Why should rainforests be important to us all? I’m a Year 6 pupil, can you get me out of here? Text link Naughty Bus Winnie at the seaside The Mystery of the Mona Lisa Cities The Great Kapok Tree When you reach me Kensuke’s kingdom Alternative Texts Beegu, Penguin Footprints in the snow Scaredy Squirrel Augustus and his smile Unfortunately! Fox Jamil’s Clever Cat Until I met Dudley Falling Angels The Lost Happy endings The man who walked between the towers The village that vanished The wolves in the walls Cloud tea Monkeys Rose Blanche The spider and the fly Way home Journey to Jo,burg The boy, the bear, the baron, the bard The princess blankets The watertower