Figurative Language

Figurative Language
10/14/2009 5:20:00 PM
Figurative Language- any language that goes beyond the literal meaning of
words. When you describe something by comparing it with something else.
Simile- always look for ‘like or as.’ Comparison of two unrelated things.
‘like a fish out of water’ ‘smile was bright as the sun’
Metaphor- not using ‘like or as.’ ‘my dad is a bear in the morning’ ‘He is a
pig when he eats.’
Alliteration- repeated consonant sounds “wide-eyed and wondering.” ‘peter
piper picked a peck of pickled peppers’ Calls attention to important words.
Personification- ‘The wind was singing.’ ‘The sun was smiling down on us’
A comparison that gives human qualities to animals or objects.
Onomatopoeia- Sounds spelled the way they sound naturally. Zoom, zip,
buzz, thump.
Hyperbole- ‘The class lasted forever!’ ‘My backpack weighs a ton!’
Exaggerations that emphasize a point. “There were a thousand fire fighters.’
Idioms- ‘Put a sock in it’ means be quiet. Groups of words whose meaning is
not taken literally. Comparison.
Cliche- ‘don’t cry over spilled milk’ means don’t cry over everything’ ‘If
you’re not first, you’re last.’ ‘Would you like some cheese for that whine’
Overused expression that has lost it’s novelty.
Figurative Language
10/14/2009 5:20:00 PM
Go through the following sentences looking for possible examples of
figurative language. Identify which example of figurative language is used in
each sentence.
1.) Robin felt like a fish out of water on the first day of school. simile
2.) Angie’s tray went splat when it hit the floor in the lunchroom.
3.) The dog was outside barking, singing songs into the moonlight.
4.) Brandon knew a big secret. He was trying really hard not to spill the
5.) I told the students to put their names on their papers a million and one
6.) My dad is a bear in the morning.
7.) She ate like a pig at lunch.
8.) The flowers danced in the wind.
9.) She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
10.) Mike told me to stick a sock in it!
Figurative Language
10/14/2009 5:20:00 PM
Write the definition to the following words using your OWN WORDS!
Personification- giving human characteristics to other things. Figure of
speech. Gives human qualities to animals, things or ideas.
Simile- a comparison using the words ‘like or as.’ Figure of speech
comparing two different things.
Metaphor- comparison not using like or as. Figure of speech comparing
two unlike things.
Cliché- phrase or expression that has been overused and lost its umph!
Idiom- Non literal statement. Meaning is different from an ordinary
Onomatopoeia- the use of words to mimic sounds.
Hyperbole- over exaggeration used to heighten effect. Emphasize
Alliteration- repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of
words or within words.
Figurative Language
10/14/2009 5:20:00 PM
Identify the different forms of figurative language in the following paragraph
by underlining the figurative language used. Recopy the paragraph below.
I went to school on Monday and I was like a shower spout, I was sweating
so badly. Simile
I tried to wipe my face in the restroom but the crank on the paper towel
machine came screaming to a halt. Personification
It was empty.
So I told myself “don’t cry over spilled milk” and I went on with my day.
At lunchtime, I sat next to my friend Barry and he ate like a pig. Simile
He ate big mouthfuls and made chomp and crunch sounds with his teeth.
It was so loud I wished he’d stuff a sock in it! Idiom
I must have told him a million times to chew with his mouth closed.
I tried to ignore him so I looked out the window and saw a tree dancing and
swaying in the wind. Personification
The girl I have a crush on saw me staring off into space and my face was
instantly a bright red apple. Metaphor
10/14/2009 5:20:00 PM
10/14/2009 5:20:00 PM