Vocabulary: Week 23 oxymoron- a phrase in which two words of

Vocabulary: Week 23
oxymoron- a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special
effect, e.g. "jumbo shrimp"
alliteration- use of similar consonants
cliché- a phrase or word that has lost its original effectiveness or power from overuse
idiom- a fixed distinctive expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the combined meanings
of its actual words
onomatopoeia- the formation or use of words that imitate the sound associated with something, e.g.
"hiss" and "buzz"
simile- figurative language that uses like or as
metaphor- figurative language that compares one thing to another general says one thing is another
hyperbole; extreme exaggeration
personification: giving human qualities to non-human things
Vocabulary: Week 23
oxymoron- a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special
effect, e.g. "jumbo shrimp"
alliteration- use of similar consonants
cliché- a phrase or word that has lost its original effectiveness or power from overuse
idiom- a fixed distinctive expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the combined meanings
of its actual words
onomatopoeia- the formation or use of words that imitate the sound associated with something, e.g.
"hiss" and "buzz"
simile- figurative language that uses like or as
metaphor- figurative language that compares one thing to another general says one thing is another
hyperbole; extreme exaggeration
personification: giving human qualities to non-human things
Vocabulary: Week 23
oxymoron- a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special
effect, e.g. "jumbo shrimp"
alliteration- use of similar consonants
cliché- a phrase or word that has lost its original effectiveness or power from overuse
idiom- a fixed distinctive expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the combined meanings
of its actual words
onomatopoeia- the formation or use of words that imitate the sound associated with something, e.g.
"hiss" and "buzz"
simile- figurative language that uses like or as
metaphor- figurative language that compares one thing to another general says one thing is another
hyperbole; extreme exaggeration
personification: giving human qualities to non-human things