Habitats of Georgia 3rd Grade Science Project—Due December 7th Task 1: Your Region 15pts (total of 100 for a test grade) 1. Define your region. Be Specific. 2. List Five Characteristics of your region. See region fact sheet* 3. Find a picture of your region. Include it with your fact sheet. Task 2: Animals in Your Region 10pts (total of 100 for a test grade) 1. Pick an animal that lives in your region. 2. Go to the animal fact sheet to answer questions about your animal. See animal fact sheet* 3. Find a picture of your animal and include it with your fact sheet. Task 3: Plants in Your Region 10pts (total of 100 for a test grade) 1. What plants live in your region? 2. How have the plants adapted to life in your region? See plant fact sheet* 3. Find a picture of a plant in your region. Include it in with your fact sheet. Task 4: Create Your Region 100pts (separate portfolio grade) Your region has many unique and interesting features. You will make a diorama of your region. See attached rubric* Task 5: You Decide Now 25pts (total of 100 for a test grade) Now you are an expert on your region, get ready to write about it! See attached sheet * Task 6: Comparison of Regions 15pts (total of 100 for a test grade) Fill in the chart comparing your region to the others in GA. See attached chart* Task 7: A New Animal 25pts (total of 100 for a test grade) Create an Animal for your region See attached instructions* Name_____________________________________ Region Factsheet 1. Name your region. 2. Define your region. 3. List five characteristics of your region. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. Find a picture of your region and glue it on the back of this sheet or cut and paste it from the internet. Animal Fact Sheet 1. What is the name of your animal? 2. On what continent can you find your animal? In what region of GA? Where else in the world 3. Describe your animal. Include its properties such as color, size, skin covering etc. 4. Describe its home? 5. What does it eat? 6. How does it reproduce? 7. List two characteristics or an adaptation that your animal has that allows it to survive in its region. 8. Find a picture of your animal and paste it on the back of this sheet. Name __________________________________ Plant Factsheet 1. Name two plants that live in your region. 1. 2. 2. How have they adapted to life in your region? 3. Find a picture of a plant in your region and glue it on the back of this sheet. Region Shoebox Diorama Instructions OBJECTIVE: To create a shoebox diorama that depicts a natural habitat using notes and research completed during the project and in LL. REQUIREMENT: 1. Students must include the name and location(s) of the habitat somewhere on the outside of the shoebox. Highlight locations on a GA map. 2. The inside of the shoebox must be decorated to match the natural habitat. 3. There must be at least 3 different types of animals in the diorama that are clearly labeled. 4. There must be at least 5 different types of plants in the diorama that are clearly labeled. 5. There must be a food and water supply in the diorama for the animal chosen for the animal fact sheet. 6. ONLY CRAFT SUPPLIES OR NATURAL ITEMS (paper, clay, paint, sand, twigs, etc.) ARE TO BE USED IN MAKING THE DIORAMA. NO STORE BOUGHT ANIMAL FIGURES OR PLASTIC PLANTS ARE TO BE INCLUDED IN THE DIORAMA. The Region/Habitat Shoebox Marking Rubric will be used to mark the project. DUE DATE: The Project is due on: December 7th! Requirement Shoebox decorated to match region Shoebox has the name and locations of the habitat on the outside Food and water supply are included Animals (at least 3 types of animals) Plants (at least 5 different plants) Exceptional Meets Requirement Needs Improvement Missing -Very detailed -Matches habitat -Inaccurate but -Doesn’t meet -3D -2D/3D attempted requirements/not -Accurate -Mostly accurate decorated -Easy to see and -Can see and read -Difficult to see and -Doesn’t meet read name the name read name requirements -GA map accurately -GA map included -GA Map not shows where the but not labeled included habitat is located accurately -Food web or water -Food web and -Food web and -Doesn’t meet supply easily water supply present water supply there requirement identified and but not easily but incorrect for -Missing correct to the animal identified for animal animal chosen on chosen on the fact chosen on the fact the fact sheet sheet sheet -All animals belong -Most animals -Few animals -Not included in this region belong in this region belong in this region -No animals belong -Accurate 3D -2D models -inaccurate 3D/2D in this region models -Shows some models -Shows animal behavior or -Adaptations or behavior or adaptations behavior are not adaptation -Labeled present -Labeled -Some labels -Extra animals -All plants belong in -Most plants belong -Few plants belong -Not included this region in this region in this region -No plants belong in -Accurate 3D model -2D models -Inaccurate 3D/2D this region -Clearly shows -Some show where models where the plant the plant grows -No indication of grows -Labeled where the plant -Labeled grows -Extra plants -Some labels You Decide Now! Now you are an expert on your region. Would it be possible for your animal to survive in a different region? What would be the problems that they would face? You must explain if you think your animal can survive or not survive and defend your decision with specific examples of why. Comparison Chart Coastal Plain Characteristics of Region Location Animal Characteristics and adaptations of that Animal Plant Characteristics and adaptations of the plant Mountains Piedmont Swamp Atlantic A New Animal Think about some of the features that some animals have that make them feel perfectly at home in one of Georgia’s habitats. Design or create brand new animal that has similar features so they could survive happily in your region. Describe the animal’s looks, adaptations, what they eat, how they reproduce, where they live in your region. Draw a picture as well! Please write at minimum one paragraph.