Ecosystem Habitat Box Assignment: Middle School Science

Ecosystem / Habitat Box Assignment
Your final assessment for our study of ecosystems, habitats, and animals is to create a habitat or
ecosystem box. A habitat is the home inside an ecosystem. Your job will be to create a home within
one of the following ecosystems: desert, evergreen / coniferous forest, deciduous forest, grassland /
savanna, jungle, wetlands, swamp, lake, river or stream, ocean coastline, coral reef, ocean, or tundra.
Your box will be the equivalent of a test worth one hundred points. What a fun test! Isn’t science
awesome? 
Diorama Directions
You will create a scene using a shoe box that will showcase your ecosystem. Three dimensional objects
will help make your scene real. For animals and plants, students may use a plastic or vinyl toys, mold
things from clay or Play-Do, or cut-out pictures from magazines or the internet. Material such as
magazines (for photos), silk or plastic plants, Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, glue, construction paper, and
other craft items may be used. Creativity is encouraged!
You’ll need to make sure that your box does the following.....
- showcases your chosen habitat / ecosystem.
- a 3-D picture or small model of four invertebrates and four vertebrates that could call your box home.
Think of all of the animals that we’ve studied in science.
- 3-D pictures or objects to show plants.
- showcases non-living elements such as water, sunlight, soil, sand, etc.
-must include the name and location(s) of the habitat somewhere on the outside of the shoebox. If you
print a map of the world, you can highlight the areas where you could find your box.
- include side views and a background inside your box. Create a whole scene!
Due Date: Friday, December 19