parking lot procedures

Most parents are courteous and careful when dropping off and picking up.
There is no way to avoid 10 minutes of congestion in the morning and the afternoon, drivers need
to plan for that.
We will not compromise our students' safety because someone is in a hurry.
First and foremost the speed limit in the parking lot is 5 MPH and 15 MPH on the street
Parking lot(s)
Students may not get dropped off in the parking lot - parents must park and then cross at the crosswalk.
The south parking lot is for buses and staff parking. "No Student Drop Off or Pick Up" signs are posted.
You may park in an open space and walk your child to the curb. Please look carefully when pulling out of
your parking space.
Drop off lane
Drivers need to continue to move as far up as possible to assist with traffic backup.
Drivers may slowly and safely go around cars still waiting and follow the instructions of the crosswalk
attendant to safely exit the parking lot.
It is not safe to cut someone off in the drop off lane.
Please look carefully when pulling out of the drop off lane.
Students and parents standing or waiting must be one to two feet away from the curb