Assembly Notes

The following speaking notes are for use at the first assembly of the school year and
to give students and staff an introduction to the Recycle @ School Program.
We know you are very excited to be back for another great year. And Recycle @
School is back too! Our school did a great job recycling last year, but we can always
aim to do more to help the earth.
Once again, we will continue to recycle beverage containers, mixed containers and
paper. But you will notice a few changes.
Beverage Containers now go in the GREEN bins since they are off to the Green Depot
to help fundraise for our school! These bins are for Refundable beverage containers
such as water bottles, juice boxes and pop cans. (NOT MILK CARTONS).
The BLUE bin is still used for MIXED CONTAINERS such as yogurt cups and milk
containers - MILK CARTONS MUST go in the BLUE Mixed Container bin, NOT in with
the beverage containers. Repeat after me: MILK CARTONS GO IN THE BLUE
And, the GREY bin is for still used for PAPER such as loose-leaf, computer paper,
boxboard and cardboard.
The recycling stations can be found [read out the locations].
Remember some waste cannot be recycled such as plastic cutlery, paper towels,
snack wrappers and anything made with Styrofoam – MAKE SURE THEY GO IN THE
In your classroom, you will also find a small GREY desktop recycling bin for paper.
This will be emptied into the larger bins when full [hold the bin up so the students
recognize them when they return to their classroom].
You will soon see new posters in your classroom that will also help you put things
into the right bin.
In your classroom, you will also find a BLUE basket bin for MIXED CONTAINERS and a
GREEN basket bin for beverage containers. These will be emptied into the larger bins
each day or when full [hold these up so the students recognize them when they
return to their classroom].
If you are not sure of where an item belongs – first check with a teacher, or check the
WASTE SORTING POSTER in your classroom. If you are still not sure – put the item in
the garbage. It’s very important not to put garbage in the recycling bins.
Now, I know we can continue to recycle more, so we are asking you to STOP [pause
in front of the recycling station with container or paper in hand] – and think “is this
recyclable?” Then put [place the item in the bin] – your waste in the right bin. It’s
that simple!
By taking part in the RECYCLE @ SCHOOL program again this year, our school will
continue to help other schools across the province learn more about recycling.
Let’s work together again this year to make this program a huge success story for our
school. Let’s send the least amount of garbage to the landfill and keep the most
recyclables out of the landfill than any other school!