speaking notes

The following speaking notes are for use at the first assembly of the school year to
give students and staff an introduction to the Recycle @ School Pilot Program.
Welcome back – we know it’s going to be a great year! We have some exciting news
to tell you. Our school has been picked to be part of a new recycling program called
Now, we know that you are all excellent recyclers and that you did a great job of
recycling all of the beverage containers at school last year. Well now, we can recycle
Our school is one of only six schools that will have this new recycling program.
Together, we are testing a new Recycle @ School Program so that we can learn what
works best and how other schools can participate in the future. So I’m asking all of
you to do your best job to sort your recyclables!
Have you seen the new recycling stations in the hallways? You can find these
stations: [read out the locations].
Each station has FOUR BINS [your school has one set of bins on a trolley – roll this
station into the gymnasium to help demonstrate how they should be used. Ask for a
volunteer to help sort prop items as you explain the bin system].
The first bin is for the BEVERAGE CONTAINERS we’ve always recycled such as water
bottles and juice boxes.
The second bin is for OTHER CONTAINERS such as yogurt cups and milk containers –
it’s important to remember to put milk cartons in the Other Container bin NOT in
with the beverage containers.
The third bin is for PAPER such as loose-leaf, computer paper and cardboard.
There is also a bin for GARBAGE. Some waste cannot be recycled so it belongs in the
garbage bin such as plastic forks and spoons, paper towels, snack wrappers and
anything made with Styrofoam.
In your classroom, you will also find a small blue recycling bin for containers and a
small grey recycling bin for paper. These will be sorted into the larger bins each day
or when full [hold these up so the students recognize them when they return to their
If you are not sure of where an item belongs – ask your teacher or check the WASTE
SORTING GUIDE that has been placed in each classroom for a complete list of what
should go in each bin.
Soon, we will have a team of students who will help teach everyone how to RECYCLE
@ SCHOOL. The Recycle @ School Team will be visiting your classroom to teach you
how to recycle and answer any questions. You may also see the team set up in the
cafeteria at lunchtime to help you find the right bins for your garbage.
If you are still not sure which bin to put something – put the item in the garbage. It’s
very important we don’t put garbage in the recycling bins.
By taking part in the RECYCLE @ SCHOOL program, our school will cut down on the
amount of garbage we send to the landfill and help keep the earth clean and healthy.
We will be helping schools across Newfoundland and Labrador learn to recycle too.
MMSB will be counting and measuring the garbage we make and how much we
recycle – we will need your help to make it a success.
Will you help us? Do you think we can Recycle More?
Let’s pledge to do our best to recycle. REPEAT AFTER ME:
I promise… to recycle more...
I will sort my recyclables… into our cool new recycling bins…
If I’m not sure where to put something… I will ask for help…
I will do my best… to help others Recycle @ School…
I will help keep… our garbage out of the landfill…
Because it is good for the earth… good for our school… and good for me!
GREAT JOB! Let’s be the best recyclers we can be!