PA Announcements

Use these sample PA announcements to inform students, teachers and staff
about the Recycle @ School pilot and motive them to continue their recycling
efforts throughout the school year.
Our school is participating in the Recycle @ School Pilot Program again this year! Let’s
continue to work together to make this another successful year of recycling!
Don’t forget about our RECYCLE @ SCHOOL program. You can now recycle PAPER and
MIXED CONTAINERS at school, just like at home. Look for the Classroom Sorting Poster to
learn what can be recycled!
NEW this year, BEVERAGE CONTAINER bins are now GREEN! These are for ready to drink
beverage containers – But NO milk cartons!
Again this year, we can recycle PAPER and MIXED CONTAINERS at school, along with the
beverage containers we’ve always been recycling. Look for the bins in [list locations].
Our school did a great job recycling last year with the RECYCLE @ SCHOOL program. Help us
recycle again this year! Together, we can keep garbage out of our landfills and help protect
the environment.
Our school has always been great at recycling BEVERAGE CONTAINERS. Let’s keep up the
great work and remember to do just as good a job with PAPER and MIXED CONTAINERS.
Remember the GREEN BEVERAGE CONTAINERS bin is only for drink containers – the ones
that we’ve always recycled such as juice boxes and water bottles BUT NOT MILK. These go
We can now recycle PAPER! Paper goes in the GREY BINS in your classroom or hallway.
You can recycle loose-leaf, computer paper, construction paper, just to name a few! Check
with your teacher if you are not sure if something can be recycled.
Do you know what goes in the BLUE MIXED CONTAINER bin? Yogurt cups, lunchable
containers and milk containers – it’s important to remember to put milk cartons in the
Mixed Container bin NOT in the beverage container bin.
Some things still go in the GARBAGE. It’s very important not to put them in a recycling bin.
Plastic bags, forks and spoons, paper towels, snack wrappers and anything made with
Styrofoam must go in the GARBAGE bin!
Is that Garbage? If you are not sure, ask your teacher to check the classroom sorting poster.
Having a fruit cup or yogurt for recess? Don’t forget, those containers can now be recycled
at school. Look for the BLUE recycle bin marked CONTAINERS to be sure they get recycled.
Eating your lunch outside today? Bring any recyclable CONTAINERS back inside and put
them in the proper recycling bin.
Teachers, just a reminder to hang your classroom sorting posters in your classroom near
the recycling bins. Additional posters and signs can be downloaded from the School
Resources Page on MMSB’s website:
Teachers, your classrooms now have a grey recycling bin for PAPER. Please help students
properly sort and make the Recycle @ School program a great success story for our school!
For schools whose students eat lunch in the classrooms:
 Teachers, your classrooms now have a grey recycling bin for PAPER, a green recycling bin
for BEVERAGE CONTAINERS and a blue recycling bin for other MIXED CONTAINERS. Please
help students properly sort recyclables and make the Recycle @ School program a great
success story for our school!
Milk cartons are being placed in the beverage container bin:
Milk cartons can now be recycled at school! BUT remember, milk cartons must go in the
MIXED CONTAINERS bin and NOT the beverage containers bin.
Students are putting garbage in the recycling bins:
Chip bags, granola bar wrappers and plastic bags? They still need to go in the GARBAGE.
Just a reminder, even though we recycle paper - paper towels and paper plates have to go
Bins are becoming messy:
To keep our recycling bins clean, make sure you empty your CONTAINERS before putting
them in the recycling bin! Scrape leftover food into the garbage bin and find a sink or sop
bucket to empty any leftover liquid.
Today’s Recycling Reminder: It’s important to remove caps, straws and empty all liquids
from beverage containers before placing them in the recycling bins.