ultra car wash - s3.amazonaws.com

First Deliverable
Florida International University
October 1st, 2013
Professor: Tariq King
Team 6
Steven Sanabria
Pedro Montero
Ernesto Surribas
Christopher Choitz
Karina Harfouche
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Considering that the motor car has been the primary mean of transportation in the United States in the last
decades, people who wash their cars manually are not fully aware of the serious pollution and waste this
generates. With the number of road vehicles exponentially rising around the entire world, the amount of
wasted water spent on manual car washing is excessive in a society where cars have become a status
symbol. Manual car washing is a frequent routine that releases contaminated water contributing to
pollution in our rivers, lakes and streams. As opposed to washing a vehicle of any size at an automatic car
wash for only 11.1 gallons, the average hose running at 50 pounds per square inch uses 10 gallons of
water each minute according to engineering studies.
In this document the scope and purpose of our carwash system will be specified. It is a clear point that the
better experience the user has with the interaction of a car wash’s software interface and the many
features it offers, the more likely it is for the car owner to come back to wash the vehicle at an automatic
car wash, which results into saving time, money and the environment altogether. Taking this goal as our
primary purpose into context, this first deliverable will present the carwash system’s project planning,
team member roles, user requirements elicitation and the appropriate requirement analysis of the project.
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Executive Summary________________________________________________________ 1
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of System
1.2 Scope of System
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 Overview of Document
2. Current System
3. Project Plan
3.1 Project Organization
3.2 Hardware and Software Requirements
3.3 Work Breakdown
4. Proposed System
4.1 Requirements Elicitation
4.2 Requirements Analysis
5. Glossary
6. Appendix
6.1 Appendix A
6.2 Appendix B
6.3 Appendix C
6.4 Appendix D
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This chapter presents a general overview of the Ultra CarWash software. This section explains the
purpose and scope of the system as well as the prominent definitions, acronyms and abbreviations used in
this document. The conclusion will encapsulate the main points addressed about the system.
Purpose of system
A car wash is a service to clean the exterior of motor vehicles. This is an extremely popular
facility that is widely used over the world. Nowadays, people choose not to devote much time to
errands like getting their car washed. The ultimate goal of our system is to provide clean cars in
as short a time as possible. Ultra Car Wash offers our customers a user-friendly and efficient
interface that will allow them to select their desired type of carwash, as well as multiple payment
methods. The system will also inform customers about pricing, carwash machine status, and it
will provide help as needed in order to successfully complete transactions.
Scope of System
Ultra Car Wash will allow regular customers to choose from a variety of carwashes and payment
methods. The types of carwash available are Deluxe, Super, and Ultra. The main difference
among them is the type of elements used for each one and also their price. There are four ways of
paying for carwash: prepaid PIN purchase, credit card payment, debit card payment and cash
payment. The validation of credit or debit card payment will be made by the appropriate bank
database, which is outside the scope of our system. In the particular case of the manager and the
system operator, they will be allowed to obtain a prepaid PIN at no charge. Ultra Car Wash will
also allow the system operator to make the system available by turning it on or unavailable by
turning it off depending on the appropriate situation. The manager will be provided with a
specific screen after presenting valid means of authorization and authentication. The manager
screen will provide additional features like displaying and resetting logs as needed. Another actor
that will interact with our systems is the carwash sensor that will notify a current customer to wait
if there is another car currently using the system.
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Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
CW – Car Wash
PIN – Personal Identification Number
UI – User Interface
UML – Unified Modeling Language
Overview of document
The following content of this first deliverable contains all the details of the Ultra CarWash system
implementation. The document is structured in six main chapters detailing the current system, the outline,
general planning and tasks assigned as well as the specifics of the proposed system and all of its use
cases. Chapter 5 contains a glossary of general terms used to explain the components of the system and
chapter 6 has the appendices including visuals and diagrams for this document. Appendix A contains the
Gantt chart of the project schedule, Appendix B contains the use case diagrams, Appendix C contains the
user interfaces and Appendix D contains a diary of held meetings.
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The Ultra CarWash system aims to facilitate and effectively manage automated Car Washes securely for
the general user’s fastest convenience. For the well-being of our environment, our system will promote
automated carwash through its water saver features that are able to supply a profound cleaning of any
vehicle’s exterior at affordable prices.
Nowadays, every newly installed Car Wash has its own integrated software. All of them offer the main
functions of the common Car Wash which is to allow the user to input a pin obtained from the gas station
cashier and go. With our Ultra CarWash system, its location does not have to necessarily involve the
purchase of a pin from an outside supplier. The system presented on this deliverable enables the driver to
purchase a carwash directly from the system. With the same practicality, the manager will be able to
access logs, reports, transactions and the car wash machine’s status all from a Manager’s secure account,
which is a feature the common car wash feature does not offer. In addition, our Car Wash system allows
the manager to get free service from his account once a month.
In addition, different to any other car wash system ever implemented before, the Ultra CarWash will
promote an environmental friendly car wash service in hand with the satisfactory purchase of any wash.
Once the user has completed the payment for an automated wash, the system will announce to the
customer in its display the amount of water he or she has successfully saved for the day for choosing not
to manually wash the vehicle at home or at any other manual car wash service.
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This section introduces the schedules of the development plan. The hardware and software requirements
required to instrument and maintain the system are also stated. The roles and the tasks each member is
required to do are also described.
Project Organization
Project Manager
The project manager manages meetings with members; this involves the delegation of work,
checking on team members with certain assignment progress.
Time Keeper
Responsible for keeping track of time and notifying the facilitator if a discussion consumes more
time than is allocated. A vote might be required to continue discussion or move on to the next
Minute Taker
Minute taker is responsible for recording information that was presented at meetings. This also
includes keeping role of which members are present, what was said, and allowing access to
information to all members of the group.
Software Developer
The software developer is in charge of the implementation of the application; this includes
designing and writing the code for said program.
Software Tester
The software tester is in charge of testing the implementation of the application(s). This involves
using several test cases to see if there is any fault in the program.
Document Editor
The document editor is in charge of finalizing all documents based on the system specifications.
This includes documenting all phases of the software process.
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Team Member
Pedro Montero
Project Manager / Developer
Steven Sanabria
System Architect / Minute Taker
Ernesto Surribas
Team Leader / Time Keeper
Christopher Choitz
Karina Harfouche
Technical Writer
Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware needed:
Touch screen displays, with minimum 1024 x 768
Card scanner(s)
Cash scanner
Sensors for inside Carwash
Software needed:
Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft Word
Star UML v5.0
Notepad++ v6.3.3
Google Chrome
Net Framework 4.4
3.3 Work Breakdown
The necessary dates for the development, implementation, and operation for the Ultra carwash
system were broken into three unique milestones. The first milestone covers the basic software
requirement documentation; this includes elicitation and analysis for the proposed system. The
second milestone is the software design documentation; this includes the actual design and
implementation of the system. The final milestone covers the software requirements, design,
implementations, and testing of the Ultra carwash system. Below is a table consisting of tasks
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for each step in the development of the system; please see Appendix A for the actual project
schedule via a Gantt chart, and Appendix D for meeting minutes.
Phase 1
Project Description
Meet Team Members;
Share contact information
Share Project Ideas, Roles
Create Use Cases
Refine Use Cases
Design and Edit Software
Requirements Document
Present SRD
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4. Proposed System
The proposed project will be a carwash system that incorporates a user interface which allows users to
enter a pin for a prepaid car wash, or select a carwash type and purchase it. The system will have a
validation for whether the entered PIN was correct, and will also check if it’s a unique manager login
PIN. If the user is a manager, a password will be required for validation. Once logged in, the manager will
be allowed to change prices, view recent transaction logs, and run diagnostics on the system. The system
will have a sensor for checking and relaying a WAIT signal if a car wash is already in progress. The user
can request help at any time. In addition, Ultra CarWash has various internal security measures active to
prevent unauthorized access.
Requirements Elicitation
The Ultra CarWash will have two different types of users: The manager who administrates the
components and options of the system and the regular CarWash user who wishes to wash a
vehicle. The carwash customers will be able to quickly submit their pin or payment form in order
to receive a deep car wash service. The many features, practicality and user-friendly the carwash
interface offers will be reflected on the use cases which seek high reliability and performance so
that the customer wishes to return. The types of Carwashes each have different prices in order to
accommodate the customer’s needs. The system allows the input of a prepaid pin or the option to
conveniently pay with a debit or credit card. Should the driver on site need any assistance, the
system also provides an option in order to request personal help from the manager. High security
will also be taken into high consideration when it comes to controlling the Manager’s user
account. The manager’s account will be able to view the status of the carwash, foam and water
levels as well as history of logs and the amount of carwashes done throughout the month.
Security cases such as log out of Manager’s account will be implemented to prevent the general
carwash user to access the control options of the Car Wash system.
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USE CASE ID: CW001 – Team 6 – Enter Password
Level: High Level
Actors -
Manager, Maintenance Operator
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager or Maintenance Operator has successfully entered a PIN
3. The system requests a password
1. The use case begins when the manager enters and submits the password. (Trigger)
2. The system responds by validating the password.
3. The use ends when the manager screen is displayed.
1. The manager gets access to the manager’s page.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Carwash user mistakenly enters a valid manager PIN, and then cancels password prompt.
2. When the maintenance operator is the actor the use case ends by displaying the
maintenance operator screen.
System is offline, or car wash is being used
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the manager will log into the system once a week
Critically – High, allows the manager to log into the system.
Risk – Medium, display could be lost by power outage.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
On average, the manager should be able to login to the system in less than 30 seconds.
System should deliver clear request for the second check point.
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Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW002 – Team 6 – Enter PIN
Level: High Level
Actors: Carwash User
1. System is on and available.
1. The use case begins when user clicks the “Enter PIN” button (Trigger).
2. The system responds by showing the “Enter PIN” screen.
3. The user proceeds to enter the PIN.
4. The system responds by validating PIN, and prompting user if correct carwash type was
1. The systems recognizes the PIN and prepares the type of carwash.
2. The system prompts user if they want to upgrade the carwash type.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. The PIN was for the deluxe, system won’t prompt for an upgrade.
2. The PIN was for a manager, system prompts for a password.
3. The PIN was for a maintenance operator, system prompts for a password.
System is offline, or car wash is being used.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average six carwash users per hour.
Critically – High, allows the user to receive carwash validation.
Risk – Medium, information could be lost by power outage.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
On average, the user should be able to enter PIN and select carwash in less than 5.
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System should deliver clear request for the second check point.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW003 – Team 6 – Request Carwash
Level: High Level
Actors: Carwash User
1. System is on and available.
1. The use case begins when the user presses the Deluxe Carwash.(Trigger)
2. The system responds by showing the selection in the Selected Service screen.
3. The use case ends with the user when the Process Selection button gets enabled.
1. The system prompts the user for a payment type.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. User cancels before selecting carwash.
2. The selected service was a prepaid carwash.
3. The selected service was a Super Wash
4. The selected service was an Ultra Wash
System is offline, or car wash is being used.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average 3 users per any given hour.
Critically – Medium, allows the user to select a carwash type.
Risk – Low.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
On average, the user should be able to select a carwash type in less than a minute.
System should be able to handle carwash request onsite.
Modification History:
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Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW004 – Team 6 – Cancel Order
Level: High Level
Actors: Carwash User
1. User has selected a prepaid carwash.
1. The use case begins when the user clicks the “cancel my order” button. (Trigger)
2. The system responds by cancelling the selection and cancelling the order and clearing the
selected service section, disabling the Process Selection button and enabling the Carwash
Type selection buttons.
3. The use case ends when the user is asked to make a new selection.
1. The user has not yet selected a carwash type and the main screen appears.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the manager will log out of the system once a week
Critically – High, allows the manager to log out of the system.
Risk – High, users might be able to access manager screen.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 0% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is
1. On average, the manager should be able to logout of the system in less than 10
System should deliver clear confirmation for logout.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
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Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW005 – Team 6 – Pay carwash with a Credit Card
Level: High Level
Actors: Carwash User
System is on and available
User already selected carwash type
The system displays the payment screen.
1. The use case begins when the user selects the credit card payment method. (Trigger)
2. The user clicks the credit card button.
3. The system requests a credit card number.
4. The user enters the credit card number (swipes card).
5. The system requests a zipcode.
6. The system validates the information.
7. The use case ends when payment is processed.
1. Payment is accepted and the user is urged to drive forward.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Carwash machine is being used, user is asked to wait.
2. User pays for the carwash with a debit card; and enters debit card PIN.
3. Payment gets declined by the bank.
System is offline, or credit card/debit card system is offline.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the user will be able to pay in less than 3 minutes
Critically – High, allows the user to pay using a Credit Card.
Risk – High, user information might be compromised.
No previous training time required
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Mean time to failure – 6% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is
On average, credit card should be validated in less than 10 seconds.
The card reader should be compatible with all major credit cards.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW006 – Team 6 – User Asks For Help
Level: Low Level
Actors: Carwash User
1. System is on and available.
2. User is on home screen.
1. The use case begins when the User presses the “Help” button.
2. The System displays a message with a number to call the help line.
3. The use case ends when the User presses “Ok” on the message.
1. The help message has been displayed to the User.
System is offline.
Decision Support:
Frequency – For every User there is a possibility they will press help button.
Critically – Low, allows Users to be assisted with carwash.
Risk – Low, other Users can see the Help Message.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
On average, the help message should be displayed in 1 second.
The message should be clearly displayed to the User.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW007 – Team 6 –Pay Carwash with Cash
Level: High Level
Actors: Carwash User
1. User already selected carwash type and the system displays the payment screen.
1. The use case begins when the user selects the cash payment method. (Trigger)
2. The system responds by requesting cash, in 1, 5, and 10 dollar dividends.
3. The system validates the correct amount has been inserted.
4. If change is required, the system will display a message “ask clerk for change”
5. The use case ends when payment is processed.
1. Payment is accepted and the user is urged to drive forward.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Carwash machine is being used, user is asked to wait.
2. User cancels payment.
System is offline, cash storage box is full or cash is not recognized.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the user will be able to pay in less than 3 minutes
Critically – High, allows the system to charge for the carwash.
Risk – High, the system might go offline after payment and keep your money.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 6% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, cash should be accepted in less than 5 seconds.
The cash reader should be compatible with the national currency.
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Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW008 – Team 6 – Display Logs
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available, and manager is already logged in.
1. The use case begins when the manager presses the “SHOW LOGS” button.
2. The system responds by displaying the log of recent carwashes within the past 24 hours.
3. The use case ends when the manager exits the recent logs screen
1. The manager gets access to recent carwash logs.
System is offline.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the manager will check the logs once a day.
Critically – Medium, allows the manager to track transactions.
Risk – Medium, unauthorized user could clear logs.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
On average, the manager should be able to check the recent logs in about 5 seconds.
System should be able to clearly display recent transaction logs.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/19/2013
Date last modified: 9/19/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW009 – Team 6 – Reset Logs
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager is already in the LOGS screen.
1. The use case begins when the manager presses the “CLEAR” button.
2. The system responds by displaying a confirmation dialog
3. The user clicks the OK button
4. The system resets all data retrieved in the logs screen.
5. The use case ends when the recent logs screen is cleared.
1. The manager is returned to the LOGS screen, which has been cleared.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. The user cancels the clear log request
System is offline.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the manager will reset the logs daily.
Critically – Medium, allows the manager to reset transaction history.
Risk – Medium, unauthorized user could clear logs.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
On average, the manager should be able to clear the recent logs in about 5 seconds.
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System should be able to erase all history within the given time frame.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/19/2013
Date last modified: 9/19/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW010 – Team 6 – Logout
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager has successfully logged in.
1. The use case begins when the manager attempts to logout. (Trigger)
2. The system responds by sending a confirmation dialog.
3. The manager confirms logout.
4. The use case ends when the manager is logged out.
1. The manager logs out of manager’s screen and main screen appears.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Manager cancels the logout confirmation message.
System is offline.
Logout button is disabled
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the manager will log out of the system once a week
Critically – High, allows the manager to log out of the system.
Risk – High, users might be able to access manager screen.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 0% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the manager should be able to logout of the system in less than 10 seconds.
System should deliver clear confirmation for logout.
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Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW011 – Team 6 – Display Diagnostic screen
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager has successfully logged in.
1. The use case begins when the manager clicks on the show diagnostic button.
2. The system responds by retrieving the information from the carwash sensors.
3. The use case ends when the system displays the diagnostic screen.
1. The manager closes the screen or resets the sensors..
Alternative Courses of Action
1. When the sensors are offline, an error message is displayed
Sensors are offline
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the manager will access the diagnostic screen once a month.
Critically – Medium, allows the manager identify possible failures of the carwash.
Risk – Low, display could be lost by power outage.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the user should be able to enter PIN and select carwash in less than 5.
System should deliver clear information about each sensor.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/26/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW012 – Team 6 – Request Free Car Wash
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager has successfully logged in.
1. The use case begins when the manager clicks on the Free Carwash button.
2. The system responds by assigning a prepaid PIN to the manager.
3. The use case ends when the manager clicks the OK button.
1. The manager has obtained a prepaid PIN and the system displays the manager’s screen.
Sensors are offline
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the manager will access the diagnostic screen once a month
Critically – Medium, allows the manager identify possible failures of the carwash.
Risk – Low, display could be lost by power outage.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the user should be able to get the free pin in less than 5 seconds.
System should deliver a valid free pin.
Modification History:
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Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/26/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW013 – Team 6 – Lock out (Security)
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager, Maintenance operator
1. System is on and available.
2. The system has already validated a manager PIN and has entered 2 incorrect
1. The use case begins when the manager enters an invalid password for the third time.
2. The system displays a “Too many attempts” message and locks the system for 5 minutes.
3. The use case ends when the “Enter PIN” button gets disabled.
1. The prepaid PIN button is disabled.
System is offline
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the system will lock the prepaid PIN button once every three months
Critically – High, prevents unauthorized users from accessing the manager screen.
Risk – High, potential misusers can try to access the manager screen.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the system should be able to lock pin submission for 5 seconds.
System should lock pin submission for 5 minutes only when invalid password has been
entered 3 times in a row.
Modification History:
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Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/26/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW014 – Team 6 – Inactivity Time Out (Security)
Level: High Level
Actors: User, Manager, Maintenance operator
1. System is on and available.
1. The use case begins when the user has not interacted with the system for 1 minute
2. The system responds by displaying an “Inactivity Time Out” message with a countdown
3. The use case ends when the system returns to the home screen and the manager or regular
CW user has accepted to proceed with the selected carwash.
1. The system is displaying the home screen.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. User cancels the “Inactivity Time Out” message.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the system will execute an inactivity time out five times every day
Critically – High, unauthorized users may gain access to critical information.
Risk – High, potential misusers can try to access critical information.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the system should be able to go back to home screen in less than 5 seconds.
System should deliver a clear inactivity time out message.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW015 – Team 6 – Request Prepaid Upgrade
Level: High Level
Actors: User
1. System is on and available.
2. User has successfully entered a prepaid PIN
1. The use case begins when the user clicks the process selection button.
2. The system responds by displaying the available carwash upgrades.
3. The user selects the desired carwash upgrade.
4. The use case ends when the user is asked to pay for the upgrade.
1. The system is displaying the payment screen.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. The User has an Ultra Wash prepaid PIN, no upgrade is possible
2. The User declines carwash upgrade.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the system will offer an upgrade once every hour
Critically – Low.
Risk – Low. Misuser can try to upgrade for free
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the system should be able offer an upgrade in less than 5 seconds.
System should deliver a upgrade prompt.
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Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/24/2013
Date last modified: 9/24/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW016 – Team 6 – Turn On System
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager and Operator
1. System is off.
1. The use case begins when the Manager or Operator presses the “Power” button.
2. The system displays a screen to enter pin for Manager or Operator.
3. The system displays another pin for the password to login.
4. The use case ends when the system turns on.
1. The system is on and at home screen.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. If the incorrect pin is entered for either of the two screens the systems stays turned
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the Manager or Operator will turn on the system once a day.
Critically – High, allows Manager or Operator to startup up carwash system.
Risk – High, an unauthorized user could turn on carwash system.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
On average, the system should be able offer an upgrade in less than 5 seconds.
On average, the Manager or Operator should be able to turn on the system in about 5
minutes if correct pins have been entered
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/19/2013
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Date last modified: 9/24/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW017 – Team 6 – Turn Off System
Level: High Level
Actors: Operator
1. System is on and available, and operator already logged in.
1. The use case begins when the operator presses the “System Shutdown” button.
2. The system displays a confirmation and the operator presses “Ok” button.
3. The system then checks to see if the carwash is in use and then shuts down.
4. The use case ends when the system shuts down completely.
Relevant requirements
Car wash must not be in use to shut down.
1. The system shuts down.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. If the carwash is in use then the system will display a message stating “Carwash in Use
Please Wait” and the operator will have to wait to shut down the system.
2. If Manager presses “Cancel” on confirmation then the shutdown process stops.
System is offline
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the operator will shut down the system once a day.
Critically – High, allows operator to shut down entire system.
Risk – High, an unauthorized user could shut down system.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
Availability – Down time for login back-up 30 minutes in a twenty four hour period.
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On average, the manager should be able to shut down the system in about 10 minutes
that’s taking into account if there is a car already using the system
System should be able to shut down completely
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/19/2013
Date last modified: 9/24/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW018 – Team 6 – Request Receipt
Level: Low Level
Actors: User
1. System is on and available, and user has paid for the carwash type.
1. The use case begins when the User is prompted if they want a receipt.
2. The user presses “Yes”.
3. The System prints out the receipt.
4. The use case ends when the receipt has printed.
1. The receipt has been printed or User presses “No” when prompted.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. If User presses “No” on the prompt screen then the System will not print a receipt.
Decision Support:
Frequency – For every paying customer there will be a request for receipt.
Critically – Low, allows Users to have their receipt.
Risk – Low, other users can see others receipts.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the receipt should be printed in about 3 seconds.
The receipts should be readable to User.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/19/2013
Date last modified: 9/24/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW019 – Team 6 – Carwash in Use
Level: Medium Level
Actors: Manager and Regular CW user
System is on and available.
Sensor are working properly
1. The use case begins when the sensors send a signal to the carwash system that the
Car Wash is in use.
2. The system respond by adding the service to a queue.
3. The use case ends when the system displays the carwash is in use message to the
1. The system waits for the sensor signal for the carwash being ready for a car
Alternative Courses of Action
Sensor sand a signal that the carwash is ready for a car, and a message proceed to
car wash machine is shown on the screen
System is offline.
Sensors are not functioning
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average the sensors will check if the carwash is in use once a day.
Critically – Medium, allows sensors to determine if a car is in car wash.
Risk – Medium, a broken sensor could send a false message
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 0% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the sensors should be able to immediately determine if a car is in the car
wash which would take 5 seconds.
The sensors should always be working.
Modification History:
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Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/20/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW020 – Team 6 – Renew Password (Security)
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager has established necessary credentials to change password
1. The use case begins when the manager presses the change password button. (Trigger)
2. The system responds by requesting the old password and the entry of a new password as
well as a retype of password.
3. The use case ends when the user presses the “submit new password” button.
1. The system shows a confirmation page that notifies the password was successfully
changed and approved
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Manager cancels the change password option.
2. Manager presses the “forgot password” link for the old password request.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average Manager changes password once a month.
Critically – High, allows the Manager to change the password in case of a threat.
Risk – High
No previous training time required.
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the Manager should be able to use the new password in less than a minute
after change is submitted.
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System should be able to handle password changes any time from the manager account.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/20/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW021 – Team 6 – Secure Password Length (Security)
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager has established necessary credentials to enter change password page.
1. The use case begins when the Manager inputs the old and new password in the
password page.
2. The Manager enters a password that is less than eight characters long.
3. The use case ends when the Manager submits the request.
Relevant Requirements
The password should be at least eight characters long
1. The system re-instantiates the current submission page with a new message in red
displaying notifying the Manager to enter a password eight or more characters long
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Manager enters a valid password.
System is offline.
The user did not provide the correct old password.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On average Manager may fail to input the correct number of characters once every
five password changes.
Critically – High, allows the Manager to enter a secure password more difficult to hack.
– High
No previous training time required.
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Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the Manager should be able to get the notification page of an invalid
password in less than 5 seconds.
System should be able to recognize when a password is any less than eight characters
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/20/2013
Date last modified: 9/20/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW022 – Team 6 – Create new Manager/Operator Account
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager is logged in on the administrator account and is on the account main page.
1. The use case begins when the manager selects the create new account option
2. The system supplies a form and the manager fills in the appropriate information of the
new manager account.
3. The Manager clicks on the form submission button.
1. A new manager/administrator account is created on the system.
2. The new administrator or manager is able to start using the account immediately.
Alternative Courses of Action
2. Manager cancels the option to create an account.
The manager did not supply the complete or correct information in order to successfully create
an account
Decision Support:
Frequency – On Average the manager creates a new administrator account every 6 months
Critically – High, makes the system able to have multiple administrators in the case that one is
– High, if managers accounts may not be created the system can’t be accessed by all
the necessary personnel.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 1% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
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On average, the new administrator/manager should be able to log in 5 seconds after the
user has been successfully created.
System should store the new user’s account permanently until it is deleted.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW023 – Team 6 – Modify the Price of a CarWash Type
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is on and available.
2. Manager should be logged on the main administrator account where changing price
function is enabled.
1. The use case begins when the manager selects the change price of a car wash option.
2. The system displays the three types of carwash, manager must select the one he wishes to
3. The system displays the current price of the selected carwash and a field to enter the new
price is available to be filled in.
4. The manager inputs the new price in the format of US dollars and cents.
1. The system updates to the new price of the selected type of car wash.
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Manager cancels the option to modify the price of a carwash.
2. Manager clicks on the “back” button to select another carwash to modify.
The manager submits the new price in the wrong format.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On Average the CarWash prices are modified once yearly.
Critically – High, enables the manager to modify the cost of a carwash.
– High, manager might not be able to update the price of a car wash type and loss of
revenue is possible.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 0% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
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On average, the manager should see the new price incorporated in the system in 5
System should display the new price correctly and charge the new amount accordingly.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/14/2013
Date last modified: 9/14/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW024 – Team 6 – Multiple Pin Attempts Lockout (Security)
Level: High Level
Actors: Regular CW customer
1. System is on and available.
2. “Enter pin” screen is showing.
7 consecutive invalid input pin attempts
1. The use case begins when the CW customer enters an invalid pin number for the 8th
consecutive time.
2. The use case ends when the system responds by locking pin submissions for 5 minutes
1. The system unlocks pin submissions after 5 minutes.
System is offline.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On Average the system needs to lock pin submissions once a week.
Critically – High, regular CW users may try to get a free carwash.
– High, user may find a valid pin without paying for it if system does not lock pin
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 0% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the system should be able to successfully lock pin submissions one second
after the 8th consecutive invalid pin.
System should keep the right count of consecutive invalid pin submission in order to
Modification History:
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Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/24/2013
Date last modified: 9/24/2013
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USE CASE ID: CW025 – Team 6 – Delete Manager/Operator Account
Level: High Level
Actors: Manager
1. System is online.
2. Manager is logged in on the administrator account enabled to delete accounts.
1. The use case begins when the manager chooses the delete account option on the Accounts
2. The system displays all existing administrator accounts excluding the current
administrator account in use.
3. The use case ends when the manager selects the account(s) he wishes to delete and clicks
on the delete button.
1. System successfully deletes all traces of the selected account(s).
Alternative Courses of Action
1. Manager cancels the deletion option.
Manager does not select any account before pressing delete.
Decision Support:
Frequency – On Average the manager deletes an account 3 times a year.
Critically – High, manager needs to be able to delete the access to the system from each
existing account.
– High, manager may not be able to successfully delete an account and access from
that account remains possible.
No previous training time required
Mean time to failure – 0% failures for every twenty four hours of operation is acceptable.
On average, the system should be able to clear all information of the deleted account in
less than 5 seconds.
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 System should refresh and display the current existing accounts after deletion.
Modification History:
Owner: Team 6
Initiation Date: 9/24/2013
Date last modified: 9/24/2013
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Requirements Analysis
The Ultra CarWash system development follows the unified software development process
model, USDP. This type of system model is focused and guided by use cases. The use cases
include use cases involving the Manager, the general car wash user as well as pin input, login and
security cases. All use cases diagrams found in this paper were created using the freeware
StarUML. To view the general structure of the system in terms of use cases, please refer to
section 4.1.2 for the detailed description of use cases and Appendix B for visuals (diagrams).
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Actor – Anyone that can use, or misuse, the system.
Class Diagram – A model representing the different classes within a software system and how they
interact with each other.
Manager – person in charge of the administration of the CarWash system.
Milestone – End-point of a software process activity.
Model – An abstract representation of a system that enables us to answer questions about the system.
Post Condition – A status that must be true after an operation is invoked.
Precondition – A status that must be true before an operation is invoked.
Sequence Diagram – A model representing the different objects and/or subsystems of a software project
and how they relate to each other during different operations for a given use case.
System – Underlying reality.
UI – see User Interface
UML – See Unified Modeling Language
Unauthorized User – A user that uses the system in unintended ways, usually this user tries to access the
manager or administrator account with negative purposes.
Unified Modeling Language – A standard set of notations for representing models
User – A user is any person, Manager or Customer that interacts with the car wash interface.
Alternatively, a user may or not have a car wash pin number depending on user and payment method.
Use Case - A general sequence of events that defines all possible actions between one or many actors and
the system for a given piece of functionality.
User Interface – the way through which a user interacts with the computer system.
User Pin Number – The designated pass that enables a CarWash user to proof he or she has purchased
CarWash service
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Appendix A
Meet Team
Share Project
Ideas, Roles
Create Use
Refine Use
Design & Edit
Present SRD
Figure A1: Gantt Chart
Description: This table shows the time elapsed between requirements and document finalization.
Appendix B
Figure B1: General CarWash User Diagram
Description: This diagram portrays the different users involved in the Ultra CarWash system
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Figure B2: Use Case Diagram for Manager and Operator
Description: Manager and Operator functions and possible actions and interactions with the system.
Figure B3: Use Case Diagram for Car Wash User
Description: Car Wash User functions and all possible interactions with the system.
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Figure B4: Use Case CW001
Description: Use Case diagram, the Manager enters password.
Figure B5: Use Case CW002
Description: Use case diagram, the Manager enters a pin in order to validate credentials.
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Figure B6: Use Case CW004
Description: Use case diagram, the regular car wash user requests for help.
Figure B7: Use Case CW010
Description: Use case diagram, the Manager logs out from the account.
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Figure B8: Use Case CW012
Description: Use case diagram, the Manager selects the option to generate a car wash pin for free.
Figure B9: Use Case CW017
Description: Use case diagram, the operator or manager selects the option to shut down the system.
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Figure B10: Use Case CW024
Description: Use case diagram, any user submits an invalid pin for 8 consecutive times and the system gets locked and the
locked screen is displayed.
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Appendix C
Figure C1: Ultra CarWash Enter Pin Interface
Description: Enables any user to enter a pin for Manager verification or regular user prepaid carwash
Figure C2: Ultra CarWash Select type of CarWash Interface
Description: Enables a user requesting a CarWash selection to select the preffered wash in order to
purchase a pin or upgrade the current wash.
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Appendix D
This appendix covers information shared in meetings and minutes.
Meeting 1
Date: 8/29/2013
Location: FIU ECS JCC Lab
Start Time: 8:50 PM
End Time: 9:15 PM
In Attendance: ALL
Late: N/A
Agenda: Brainstorm Ideas / Projects
Summary of Discussion: Possible applications, Web/ Mobile, email each other more ideas.
Meeting 2
Date: 9/10/2013
Location: FIU ECS – In Class
Start Time: 8:50 PM
End Time: 9:15 PM
In Attendance: ALL
Late: N/A
Agenda: Discuss future roles, suggestions on use cases
Summary of Discussion: Assigned tasks, meeting again 9/14 to discuss use cases and
document creation.
Meeting 3
Date: 9/14/2013
Location: FIU ECS JCC Lab
Start Time: 2:50 PM
End Time: 6:00 PM
In Attendance: ALL
Late: N/A
Agenda: Assign roles, begin creating use cases
Summary of Discussion: Roles assigned, Pedro – PM/Developer, Ernesto – TL/Minute
Taker, Steven – System Arch/Time Keeper, Karina – Document Editor, Chris – Tester
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Meeting 4
Date: 9/19/2013
Location: FIU ECS JCC Lab
Start Time: 6:30 PM
End Time: 7:20 PM
In Attendance: ALL
Late: N/A
Agenda: Finish use cases
Summary of Discussion: Finished 25 use cases, split work for documentation.
Meeting 5
Date: 9/24/2013
Location: FIU ECS JCC Lab
Start Time: 6:30 PM
End Time: 7:20 PM
In Attendance: ALL
Late: N/A
Agenda: Begin UML Diagrams
Summary of Discussion: Assigned Diagram Work; Finished Packages
Meeting 6
Date: 9/26/2013
Location: FIU ECS JCC Lab
Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Time: 7:45 PM
In Attendance: ALL
Late: N/A
Agenda: Review Sequence Diagram; Study for Test
Summary of Discussion: Finished Diagram; prepared glossary; studied for exam
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