Continental Plates

Plate Boundary "Cheat Sheet"
Essential Question: What is the evidence of the location and
movement of tectonic plates?
To see animations of each of the plate boundaries (or to get more information), go HERE!
**Things to keep in mind:
● Continental plates are less dense than oceanic plates, so oceanic plates
ALWAYS subduct under continental in convergent boundaries.
● Ocean plates are equal density, but eventually one subducts under the other in a
convergent boundary (usually the older one).
Transform Boundary: (sliding)
No clear land features
Shallow earthquakes, fairly scattered
Few volcanoes
Divergent Boundaries: (2 types)—(Dividing)
Oceanic Plates:
Ridge forming along divergent boundary that falls off in elevation to either
Earthquakes in a line on the boundary, volcanoes
Continental Plates:
Earthquakes and volcanoes along the boundary
May form a rift valley
Sea formation
Convergent Boundaries: (3 types)—(Colliding)
Mountains at collision boundary
Scattered earthquakes that are shallow to intermediate in depth
Few, if any, volcanoes
One plate subducts (gets pushed under) other.
Island arcs (in an arc shape) form on overriding plate
Subduction plate forms a trench on overriding plate
Ocean plate subducts (gets pushed under) continental plate.
Volcanoes and mountains in a line on continental side, trench off-shore on
oceanic side.