Name: Test date: Tues 3/23 Study guide due

Name:_____________________ Test date: Tues 3/23
Study guide due: Monday 3/2
Define the following:
1. A raised, flat land area is a(n) ____________________.
2. List the layers of the earth and their type of matter. (outer to center)
3. What is the ‘lithosphere’? ___________ + ______________________
4. The earth’s tectonic plates are __________ on the lower mantle.
5. _______________
_______________ move the earth’s tectonic plates.
6. The mantle has most of the Earth’s __________.
7. Where was the fossil’ Glossopteris’ found and what did it help prove for which
Where: ______________________ & ____________________
Help prove: _________________________________________
Scientist; _______________________________________
8. According to plate tectonics, how may mountains form?
9. About how far does the North American plate and the Eurasian move apart each
year? ________________
10. What is the major cause of earthquakes in California and & Alaska?
11. What US state has the most volcanoes (hint: island) Why?
12. What type of scientist studies earthquakes?_________________________
What type of equipment is used? __________________________
13. When 2 continental plates are rubbing against each other but going opposite
directions, what is most likely to happen? _____________ & ______________
Earth’s Layers
1. The layer of Earth with the highest temperatures is the ______________________
2. The outermost solid layer of Earth is called the
Theory of Continental Drift
3. The German scientist
is famous for
developing the theory of continental drift.
6. Scientists believe that Earth’s continents were once joined together as a giant landmass
7. List and describe three examples of evidence that support the theory of
continental drift:
3. ____________________________________________________________
8. List two reasons why scientists did not believe Alfred Wegener.
9. What is seafloor spreading?
10. Where does seafloor spreading occur?
11. Where would you find the oldest rocks on the ocean floor?
12. Forces in the mantle that cause Earth’s plates to move are known as
. These are created when a warm liquid
(rises or sinks) and a cold liquid
(rises or sinks)
Theory of Plate Tectonics
13. Two plates slide horizontally past one another in a
An example of this type of boundary is
14. Two plates move together in a
An example of this type of boundary is
15. Two plates move apart at a
An example of this type of boundary is
Earthquakes & Volcanoes
16. Most earthquakes and volcanoes occur at
18. Molten rock below ground is called
Earth’s surface it is known as
. When it reaches
Short answer: Complete sentence form
1. Alfred Wegener introduced the theory of continental drift in the early 1900’s.
His theory included Pangaea. Explain what Pangaea is and why it is part of
Wegener’s theory.
2. What is seafloor spreading and how does it support the theory of continental
drift? (Hint: South America/Africa: old stuff)
Open-ended (ASSI format)
1. Describe why most earthquakes and volcanoes occur near plate boundaries. What
specific areas are known for many volcanoes?
Label the layers of the earth. Use your test to find correct vocabulary term
inner core
outer core