MLA Assignment

Hui Dong Yao
English 1301 sec 283
October 10, 2010
Felicia Cain Dziadek
MLA Assignment
1. Book
Direct Quote:
As Steve Morgenstern has noted, “To the best of my knowledge, modern psychiatry has never
chronicled the compulsion which I suffer” (Steve Morgenstern 17).
According to Steve Morgenstern think, he has never felt hardship from modern psychiatry
(Steve Morgenstern 17).
Work Cited
Morgenstern, Steve. No -sweat Desktop Publishing: a Guide from Home Office
Computing Magazine. New York: American Management Association,
1992.17. Print .
2. Database
Direct Quote:
Liepert and Previdi note that “We expect that differences in the width of the HS distributions
between the twentieth and the twenty-first century arise partly as a result of differences in the
forcing and their climate feedbacks”(7).
According to Liepert and Previdi studies, in the width of the HS distributions between the
twentieth and the twenty-first century is different, because of global warning (7).
Work Cited:
Liepert, Beate G., and Michael Previdi. Do Models and Observations Disagree on the Rainfall
Response to Global Warming? University of Columbia, 2009. Science & Technology Collection.
Web. 10 Oct. 2010.
3. Newspaper
Direct Quote:
As Fellcity Barringer has noted, “This could mean more dry lawns, shorter showers and fallow
fields in those states, although conservation efforts might help them adjust to the cutbacks”
Barringer think that, because Water Use in Southwest, those states can get more dry lawns,
shorter showers and fallow fields, but it will reduce conservation efforts (A14)
Work Cited:
Barringer, Fellcity. "Water Use in Southwest Heads for a Day of Reckoning." The New Times
[Austin] 28 Sept. 2010: A14. Print.
4. Webpage
Direct Quote:
As Pelofsky has wrote, “Gay rights activists have argued that the legal battle is one for equal
rights while their opponents, including religious conservatives, have argued same-sex marriages
are a threat to the traditional family” (Reuters).
According to Pelofsky writes, same-sex think that they have equal rights to marriages, but
objector believe that destroy the traditional family (Reuters).
Work Cited:
Pelofsky, Jeremy. "Obama Administration Appeals Gay Marriage Ruling| Reuters." Business &
Financial News, Breaking US & International News | 12 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Oct.
5. Magazine
Direct Quote:
In the words of researcher Faluszczak, “It is difficult to find a common definition of the term
globalization, or even consensus about what constitutes globalization” ( Faluszczak 23).
Mary Faluszczak believes that globalization is difficult to define, and no an agreement idea of
globalization (23).
Work Cited:
Faluszczak, Mary. "The Big Screen and Globalization." Monthly Labor Review 1 July 2010: 2324. Print.
Works Cited
Barringer, Fellcity. "Water Use in Southwest Heads for a Day of Reckoning." The New Times
[Austin] 28 Sept. 2010: A14. Print.
Faluszczak, Mary. "The Big Screen and Globalization." Monthly Labor Review 1 July 2010: 2324. Print.
Liepert, Beate G., and Michael Previdi. Do Models and Observations Disagree on the Rainfall
Response to Global Warming? University of Columbia, 2009. Science & Technology Collection.
Web. 10 Oct. 2010.
Morgenstern, Steve. No -sweat Desktop Publishing: a Guide from Home Office
Computing Magazine. New York: American Management Ass ociation, 1992.17.
Pelofsky, Jeremy. "Obama Administration Appeals Gay Marriage Ruling| Reuters." Business &
Financial News, Breaking US & International News | 12 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Oct.