Template: Poster Abstract - USES 2014

University of Sheffield Engineering Symposium (USES)
Volume I, Issue I (XXXXX 2014), PP.
All font to be Calibri, where not mentioned, font size 10 to be used. single line spacing, justified texts.
Please attach category to which you’re applying in the preview page. This is a version of the extended abstract so please don’t
include too many details. The maximum size limit is single sided page, narrow margins (1.27 cm) single column, approx. 500
words. Can extend it but needs to fit in this page. Possibility to include graphs, pictures etc. as long as it is within the page.
Paper title (14 Bold)
First Author1, Second Author2 (12)
(Department, Faculty, University Name) (10 Italic)
(Department, Faculty, University Name) (10 Italic)
Abstract (10 Bold)
A summary of the work done describing in entirety what the project is all about. References and equations can be present in the
abstract. It is imperative that the margins and style described below be adhered to carefully. Possibility to include a graphical
abstract and some pictures of the same in the abstract Interactive graphs such as those made in Mathematica/ Matlab can be
made and sent across and shall be included in the online index. However the code shall need to be sent across as well.
Keywords (10Bold) About five key words, separated by semicolon , alphabetical order