مدیریت و علوم انسانی با رویکرد،اولین همایش ملی اقتصاد دانش کاربردی 1st National Conference of Economy, Management & Humanities With Applied Knowledge Approach Article title (14, Times New Roman_ Normal bold) First Name, Last Name 1; First Name, Last Name 2 (10, Normal bold) 1 Department of Physics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, (10 Italic) 2 Department of Physics, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran Corresponding Author’s E-mail (Times 10 pt., bold) Abstract (12, bold, Times New Roman) Each paper must be accompanied by a 100 to 200–word abstract, written as a single paragraph, having 40mm distance from left and 35mm from right sides. It should be a summary (not an introduction) and complete in itself, indicating the subjects, objectives, method of investigation, and distinct achievements. Abstract should be prepared by Times New Roman font size 11 pt. italic Keywords: Maximum 7 words separated by comma, Times 11 pt. italic