Classroom Expectations

Classroom Expectations
9 Grade Accelerated Humanities
Mr. Angle
Dear Students and Parents:
In an effort to lead students to a successful and productive year in world cultures, I believe it is essential
to lay out the policies and expectations that students will be asked to follow in my class.
Course Objective:
This course will cover the history of the world beginning in 1715 with the Enlightenment/Revolution
period and continuing through present day. In this class we will not only focus on the history of the world, but
also the many cultures and ways of life that exist. How does the history of the world affect the way we live
today? The following is a general outline of the topics that will be covered.
Course Outline:
Enlightenment and Revolution
a. American Revolution
b. French Revolution
c. Industrial Revolution
d. Latin America
Industrialism and a New Global Age
a. Life in the Industrial Age, 1800’s
b. Growth of Western Democracies
c. Imperialism
World Wars and Revolutions
a. World War I and its aftermath
b. Revolution in Russia
c. World War II and the Cold War
The World Today: 1945 till Present
a. Europe and North America
b. Asia and the Middle East
c. Latin America
d. Africa
In order to accomplish these goals, student responsibilities are:
1. Come to class prepared, by having a textbook, notebook, writing utensil, and any other material
essential for class.
2. Be punctual to class.
3. Check the homework board daily for the most current information about assignments.
4. Behave in a mannerly fashion as to create a positive and comfortable learning environment in which all
opinions are respected.
5. Follow all school rules.
6. Cell phones and other electronic devices will only be used at the teacher’s discretion. Unauthorized
usage will result in a device being confiscated and given to the principal.
7. Federal laws and the School Board policy governing plagiarism will be followed. Any instance of
plagiarism will result in a “zero” being given for an assignment and a disciplinary referral to the
principal’s office.
8. Maintain a notebook with worksheets, notes, and homework assignments from class.
Only leave the room with the permission of the teacher (the bell does not dismiss class)
Study and do all work assigned (SUCCESS = EFFORT)
Learn and master the required content.
Within each chapter, you will be responsible for one independent section, in which you will be quizzed
with minimal class discussion.
My responsibilities as your teacher are:
1. To treat you with respect and care as an individual.
2. To provide you an orderly classroom environment.
3. To provide the necessary discipline.
4. To provide the appropriate motivation.
5. To teach you the required content.
Grading Policy:
1. This course adheres to the following grade scale as set forth by DBSD policy:
A= 100-90
B= 89-80
C= 79-70
D= 69-60
F= Below 60.
2. A total point system will be used to calculate student grades.
a. Tests and projects will be worth 50-100 points
b. Quizzes will be an estimated 10-30 points
c. Homework assignments are worth 5 points each
3. Projects: One major project will be assigned per quarter.
4. A final exam will be given for this class. Earning an “A” average for the first four quarters will exempt
you from the final exam.
5. Extra Credit: No extra credit or bonus points will be given in this class.
Homework Policy:
1. Homework is considered to be any short term work assigned by the teacher to be completed outside of
2. Homework will be assigned on a regular basis (on average this will be three times a week).
3. Homework will be recorded as complete (5 points) or incomplete/not done (0 points).
4. All homework will be reviewed in class. Students are expected to change their answers as an
assignment is reviewed to ensure that they have the best answer possible.
5. All homework will be placed into a notebook and kept organized.
“I didn’t get it” or “I didn’t understand” are not legitimate excuses for missed or incomplete assignments.
Students need to ask questions in class, before the school day begins, or after school. Homework assignments
are not given and judged upon right and wrong answers. Students are expected to put forth their best effort and
make improvements in class.
Procedures for Make-Up or Late Work:
All late work will be accepted and there will be no reduction in grade or penalty given the following conditions:
1. If a deadline is missed a student must immediately discuss the situation with the teacher in order to make
arrangements regarding late work.
2. Late work must be submitted in a timely and appropriate manner. (For example, work submitted seven
weeks and two units past the deadline is not timely.) What defines timely and appropriate manner is
determined by the teacher and can be discussed individually if a deadline is missed.
3. No late work will be accepted during the last week of the marking period.
Redoing Assignments:
All assignments may be redone in order to demonstrate improved mastery of the content given the follow
1. All work is redone at the discretion of the teacher.
2. The format for all redone work and assessments may be changed at the discretion of the teacher.
3. Students must work with the teacher to create a timeline for when work will be redone.
4. The original assignment must be attached to the redone work when it is submitted.
5. No redone work may be submitted during the last week of the quarter.
6. Parents will be notified if a student requests to redo an assignment.
Students are expected to maintain a notebook.
Dividers are recommend (you may purchase or create your own).
Students will be issued a textbook that must always be brought to class unless instructed.
A pen or pencil is always needed.
Parent-Teacher Communication:
I welcome your calls and messages. Anytime you have something to discuss, I can be contacted by
phone, 610-582-6100, ext. 2224. I can also be reached through e-mail, I will respond as
quickly as possible.
Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. I look forward to working with your child and
you. I hope to have opportunity to meet you at the Open House.
Mr. J. Angle
------------------------------------------Please detach and return the section below------------------------------------------
Classroom Expectations
9 Grade Accelerated Humanities
Mr. Angle
Please sign below and return this form verifying that you have read the 9th Grade Accelerated Humanities
course expectations.
Student name: ________________________________________
Parent name: ________________________________________
Please indicate your preferred method of communication:
Phone: _________________________________
E-Mail: _________________________________
(Your e-mail address)