Norwich Road Community Primary School

Norwich Road Community Primary School
Norwich Road, Thetford, IP24 2HT
Tel: 01842 753279
Headteacher: Miss Jo Ryder
Deputy Head: Mrs Karen Winter
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! We hope you have had an enjoyable Christmas holiday and your child is ready
to embark on another term of exciting activities! To inspire the pupils’ creativity and
thinking skills, we are going to study the topic ‘Books and Stories’ for the first half term.
We are basing our work around the book ‘Ma’at’s Feather’ by Juliet Desailly. This book is set
in Ancient Egypt and is about a boy who is of similar age to the pupils. We are fortunate to
be having a visit by the author herself later in the term! Pupils will also have the opportunity
to visit Norwich Castle Museum where they will be involved in Ancient Egyptian workshops.
This half term, the children will be:
 exploring recounts of famous archaeologists and explanation texts about mummies!
 searching for evidence to support facts, using reference material and note-taking.
 planning and writing their own stories set in Ancient Egypt.
 looking at myths from other cultures, such as Egypt and Africa.
 writing poetry based on the story of Ma’at’s Feather.
The children will be:
 revisiting ordering and partitioning numbers.
 focusing on written methods for addition, addition, multiplication and division.
 classifying and sorting shapes, symmetry, rotation and translation.
 using different kinds of measures and measuring equipment.
Pupils will be:
 learning about the different conditions necessary for seeds to germinate and plants
to grow.
 conducting experiments related to evaporation and condensation.
Art and Design:
Pupils will be:
 using their sketch books to draw museum artefacts linked to Ancient Egypt.
 creating Egyptian jewellery using wire, beads and other accessories.
 designing clay amulets and charms.
Design and Technology:
Pupils will:
 design and make their own Egyptian burial chamber with sarcophagus and burial wall
Norwich Road Community Primary School
Norwich Road, Thetford, IP24 2HT
Tel: 01842 753279
Headteacher: Miss Jo Ryder
Deputy Head: Mrs Karen Winter
Pupils will be:
 placing different key events from Ancient Egyptian times in chronological order.
 handling Museum artefacts linked with Ancient Egypt to discover more about the
daily lives of people in the past.
 learning about the Ancient Egyptian alphabet and numerals.
 researching gods and goddesses.
Pupils will imagine they are scribes. They will:
 draw and label maps of Ancient Egypt.
 plot routes taken by the characters in the story.
 make a model landscape of Ancient Egypt, showing physical features such as
mountains, deserts, the River Nile and human features such pyramids, temples, homes
Pupils will:
 use a simulation about building pyramids.
 research aspects of Ancient Egyptian life e.g clothing, entertainment, food, jobs,
religion etc
 use a roamer to trace the steps of the story character around Egypt.
Physical Education:
Year 5 Games and Gym is timetabled for Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your
child has a correct and complete PE kit with them in school. Water bottles are also
This half term, the children will focus on the beliefs that Muslims hold and looking at
‘belonging’ in the Islamic faith.
The pupils will be focusing on the theme ‘Relationships’. This will involve:
 exploring feelings such as embarrassment and ways of dealing with it.
 thinking about how and when we pay compliments to one another.
 recognising stereotyping and ways of challenging it.
 Homework will continue to be set each Friday.
 Reading books will be sent home daily.
Norwich Road Community Primary School
Norwich Road, Thetford, IP24 2HT
Tel: 01842 753279
Headteacher: Miss Jo Ryder
Deputy Head: Mrs Karen Winter
We do appreciate your support with reading and home learning, if you have any
problems with homework or any other school issue during the term please do not
hesitate to come and chat with us!
Yours Sincerely
Miss Laws
Mr King