Funding Guidance - South Thames Foundation School

2014/15 Guidance relating to the funding of placements within the
South Thames Foundation School (STFS)
Following the introduction of the National Tariff in April 214 for training posts, and
discussions with stakeholders, HEKSS and HESL have produced this guidance to clarify
expectations in relation to the arrangements for foundation training.
National Tariff applies to all Foundation trainee posts unless the post is in a hospice, GP
practice or 100% Trust funded. The new tariff model (effective from April 2014) now
sees all funded posts moving to 50% base salary funding, with an educational
placement fee provided in addition. It is recognised that trusts will be modest losers in
relation to F1 posts but will gain overall with regard to F2 posts.
Where a post is based at a hospice or GP practice, National Tariff does not apply.
Instead Local Tariff rates apply and this consists of full salary (including on-costs) +
study leave + other agreed costs (if appropriate).
Where a post is 100% Trust funded, National or Local Tariffs do not apply.
National Tariff consists of 50% basic Salary (including London weighting) + (placement
fee x market forces factor).
The educational placement fee is not applicable if a training post has been vacant for
over one year.
As outlined in the Broadening the Foundation Programme policy document, community
placements are defined as being, ‘…a four- to six-month placement with a named
clinical supervisor, which is primarily based in a community setting such as general
practice, community paediatrics, palliative care, public health or community psychiatry.’
As acute trusts act as the host employer for foundation trainees, they will continue to
receive payment of the full national tariff (salary + placement fee), where applicable,
from Health Education England. It is not expected that they will recharge for the basic
salary relating to community or psychiatry placements.
Host employers can recharge placement providers for any banding supplements over
and above the basic salary whilst trainees are occupying community or psychiatry
Peter Holt
Head of Finance
Health Education London and South East
October 2014