Web Appendices / Supporting Information Table S1. Predator and prey fish identification and day and night depth ranges from referenced fish tagging and midwater trawling studies. Also included are general feeding guilds from best available referenced diet studies in the region of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Day and night (core) depth ranges from tagging studies are where fish species spend on average, >90% of their time during daylight and night hours (tagging studies) or where >90% of species captures occurred (trawl studies). To represent overall habitat depth we have provided the median of the overall depth range of each species (day and night). Median depths of occurrence are the median depth values of the day-time and night-time core depth ranges for each species. Depth references were not available for Cyema atrum and Serrivomer sector so capture depth ranges were used. Species Alepisaurus ferox Anoplogaster cornuta Bolinichthys longipes Bolinichthys distofax Chauliodus Common name Day-time (Core) Depth Range (m) Longnosed Unknown; lancetfish 50-420 Fangtooth 750-1150 Night-time Median (Core) Depth of Depth Occurrence Range (m) (m) Unknown; 235 50-420 275-980 712.5 Depth Reference(s) Feeding Guild Diet Reference(s) Boggs 1992* micronektonivore 387.5 Clarke & Wagner 1976 Clarke 1973 piscivore? (also crustaceans?) zooplanktivore Moteki et al. 1993; Choy et al. 2013 Hopkins et al. 1996 Lanternfish 525-725 50-150 Lanternfish 490-690 490-690 590 Clarke 1973 zooplanktivore Clarke 1973 Sloane’s 450-825 45-225 435 Clarke 1974 piscivore (and Clarke 1982 Clarke 1973; Clarke 1978 sloani viperfish Coryphaena hippurus euphausiids, <120mm) micronektonivore Common dolphinfish or Mahi-mahi Cyclothone alba Bristlemouth Cyclothone Bristlemouth pallida Cyema atrum Bobtail eel 0-100 (SML)? 0-100 (SML)? 50 425-465 600-1000 425-465 600-1000 445 800 1000-1500 (caught) Exocoetus volitans Flying fish neustonic 1000-1500 1250 (caught) 10-m2 zooplanktivore (caught) MOCNESS data* neustonic 0 Gorelova 1980; zooplanktivore Lipskaya 1987 Gempylus serpens Hygophum proximum Idiacanthus fasciola Katsuwonus pelamis Lampris guttatus Snake mackerel Unknown; 44-219 Lanternfish 500-700 Unknown; 131.5 44-219 25-150 362.5 Hawn & Seki 2005 Clarke 1973 micronektonivore Gorelova 1980; Lipskaya 1987; Van Noord et al. 2013 Choy et al. 2013 zooplanktivore Clarke 1973 Dragonfish 550-800 0-300 400f Clarke 1974 piscivore Clarke 1982 Skipjack tuna 50-300 0-50 150 micronektonivore Moonfish or 100-400 Opah Smith’s escolar 250-1000 50-150 225 0-250 500 micronektonivore Alverson 1963; Bernard et al. 1985 Jackson et al. 2000; Choy et al. 2013 Choy et al. 2013 Blue marlin 0-100 0-30 50 nektonivore Brock 1984 Lanternfish 600-800 0-15 400 Schaefer & Fuller 2007 Polovina et al. 2008 Kerstetter et al. 2008 Holland et al. 1990; Block et al. 1992 Clarke 1973 zooplanktivore Clarke 1973 Lepidocybium flavobrunneum Makaira nigricans Myctophum Palko 1982; Lasso & Zapata 1999 Maynard 1978 zooplanktivore Maynard 1978 zooplanktivore micronektonivore Palko 1982; Olson & Galván-Magaña 2002 Kobayashi 1973 Kobayashi 1973 not available lynchnobium Serrivomer sector Thunnus albcares (J) Yellowfin tuna (juvenile) 600-1000 (caught) 0-100 (SML)? 600-1000 (caught) 0-100 (SML)? Yellowfin tuna 0-100 0-100 Thunnus obesus Bigeye tuna 300-500 0-100 Xiphias gladius Broadbill swordfish 200-750 0-100 Thunnus albacares Sawtooth eel 800 (caught) 10-m2 MOCNESS data 50 Depth/catch information not available 50 Block et al. 1997; Brill et al. 1999 250 Musyl et al. 2003; Howell et al. 2010 375 Abascal et al. 2010 ; Abecassis et al. 2012 zooplanktivore, micronektonivore zooplanktivore Clarke 1984; Geidner 2009 Maldeniya 1996 micronektonivore King & Ikehara 1956 micronektonivore King & Ikehara 1956 nektonivore Watanabe et al. 2009 Abascal FJ, Mejuto J, Quintans M, Ramos-Cartelle A (2010) Horizontal and vertical movements of swordfish in the Southeast Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science 67:466-474. Abecassis M, Dewar H, Hawn D, Polovina J (2012) Modeling swordfish daytime vertical habitat in the North Pacific Ocean from popup archival tags. Marine Ecology Progress Series 452:219-236. Alverson FG (1963) The food of yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Bulletin 7:295-396. Bernard HJ, Hedgepeth JB, Reilly SB (1985) Stomach contents of albacore, skipjack, and bonito caught off southern California during summer 1983. CalCOFI Reports 26:175-182. Block BA, Booth DT, Carey FG (1992) Depth and temperature of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, observed by acoustic telemetry. Marine Biology 114:175-183. Block BA, Keen JE, Castillo B, Dewar H, Freund EV, Marcinek DJ, Brill RW, Farwell C (1997) Environmental preferences of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) at the northern extent of its range. Marine Biology 130:119-132. Boggs CH (1992) Depth, capture time, and hooked longevity of longline-caught pelagic fish: timing bites of fish with chips. Fishery Bulletin 90:642-658. Brill RW, Block BA, Boggs CH, Bigelow KA, Freund EV, Marcinek DJ (1999) Horizontal movements and depth distribution of large adult yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) near the Hawaiian Islands, recorded using ultrasonic telemetry: implications for the physiological ecology of pelagic fishes. Marine Biology 133:395-408. Brock RE (1984) A contribution to the trophic biology of the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans Lacepede, 1802) in Hawaii. Pacific Science 38:141-149. Choy CA, Portner E, Iwane M, Drazen JC (2013) Diets of five important mid-trophic mesopelagic fishes of the central North Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 492:169-184. Clarke T (1973) Some aspects of the ecology of lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Fishery Bulletin 71:401-433. Clarke T (1974) Some aspects of ecology of stomiatoid fishes in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Fishery Bulletin 72(2):337-351. Clarke T (1982) Feeding habits of stomiatoid fishes from Hawaiian waters. Fishery Bulletin 80(2):287-304. Clarke T (1984) Ecology and sexual dimorphism of the pelagic eel, Stemonidium hypomelas (Serrivomeridae). Copeia 1984(1):249252. Clarke T, Wagner P (1976) Vertical distributions and other aspects of the ecology of certain mesopelagic fishes taken near Hawaii. Fishery Bulletin 74(3):635-645. Geidner ME (2009) Spatial and trophic ecology of the sawtooth eel, Serrivomer beanii, a biomass-dominant bathypelagic fish over the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. M.S. Thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 59 pages. Gorelova TA (1980) The feeding of young flyingfishes of the family Exocoetidae and of the smallwing flyingfish, Oxyporhamphus micropterus, of the family Hemirhamphidae. Journal of Ichthyology 20:60-71. Hawn D, Seki M (2005) End of the line: using instrumented longline to study vertical habitat of pelagic fishes. PFRP Newsletter 10(3)1:2. Holland K, Brill R, Chang RKC (1990) Horizontal and vertical movements of Pacific blue marlin captured and released using sportfishing gear. Fishery Bulletin 88:397-402. Hopkins TL, Sutton TT, Lancraft TM (1996) The trophic structure and predation impact of a low latitude midwater fish assemblage. Progress in Oceanography 38:205-239. Howell EA, Hawn DR, Polovina JJ (2010) Spatio-temporal variability in bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) dive behavior in the central north Pacific Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 86:81−93. Jackson GD, Buxton NG, George MJA (2000b) Diet of the southern opah Lampris immaculatus on the Patagonian Shelf; the significance of the squid Moroteuthis ingens and anthropogenic plastic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 206:261-271. Kerstetter DW, Rice PH, Snodgrass D, Prince ED (2008) Behavior of an escolar Lepidocybium flavobrunneum in the Windward Passage as determined by popup satellite archival tagging. Gulf and Caribbean Research 20:97-102. King JE, Ikehara II (1956) Comparative study of food of bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the central Pacific. Fishery Bulletin 57:61-87. Kobayashi BN (1973) Systematics, zoogeography, and aspects of the biology of the bathypelagic fish genus Cyclothone in the Pacific Ocean. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at San Diego, 487 pages. Lasso J, Zapata L (1999) Fisheries and biology of Coryphaena hippurus (Pisces: Coryphaenidae) in the Pacific coast of Columbia and Panama. Scientia Marina 63:387-399. Lipskaya NY (1987) Feeding of flyingfish (Exocoetidae) larvae and fingerlings in the region of the Peruvian upwelling. Journal of Ichthyology 27:108-116. Maldeniya R (1996) Food consumption of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in Sri Lankan waters. Environmental Biology of Fishes 47:101-107. Maynard SD (1982) Aspects of the biology of mesopelagic fishes of the genus Cyclothone (Pisces: Gonostomatidae) in Hawaiian waters. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Hawaii, 257 pages. Moteki M, Fujita K, Kohno H (1993) Stomach contents of the longnose lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox, in Hawaiian and central equatorial Pacific waters. Journal of Tokyo University Fisheries 80:121-137. Musyl M, Brill R, Boggs C, Curran D, Kazama T, Seki M (2003) Vertical movements of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) associated with islands, buoys, and seamounts near the main Hawaiian islands from archival tagging data. Fisheries Oceanography 12:152−169. Olson RJ, Galván-Magaña F (2002) Food habits and consumption rates of common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Fishery Bulletin 100:279-298. Palko BJ, Beardsley GL, Richards WJ (1982) Synopsis of the biological data on dolphin-fishes, Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus and Coryphaena equiselis Linnaeus. FAO Fisheries Synopsis, 130. Rome, 28 pp. Polovina JJ, Hawn D, Abecassis M (2008) Vertical movement and habitat of opah (Lampris guttatus) in the central North Pacific recorded with pop-up archival tags. Marine Biology153:257-267. Schaefer KM, Fuller DW (2007) Vertical movement patterns of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, as revealed with archival tags. Fishery Bulletin105:379-389. Van Noord JE, Lewallen EA, Pitman RL (2013) Flyingfish feeding ecology in the eastern Pacific: prey partitioning within a speciose epipelagic community. Journal of Fish Biology 83: 326-342. Watanabe H, Kubodera T, Yokawa K (2009) Feeding ecology of the swordfish Xiphias gladius in the subtropical region and transition zone of the western North Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 396:111-122. Table S2. Median capture depths per 10m2 MOCNESS depth intervals for 13 species of micronekton fishes. Median capture depths are defined as the median of the minimum and maximum depth recorded for an individual per known depth sampling horizon. Multiple depths are given when individuals within a species were captured within discrete depth horizons. Species Anoplogaster cornuta Bolinichthys longipes Bolinichthys distofax Chauliodus sloani Cyclothone alba Cyclothone pallida Cyema atrum Exocoetus volitans Hygophum proximum Idiacanthus fasciola Myctophum lynchnobium Serrivomer sector Thunnus albcares (J) Median Capture Depth(s) (m) 750 550, 650 75, 400, 475 375, 400, 500 500 700, 1250 550, 1250 0 625, 650 400 125, 700 700, 875, 900 25