World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific

Meeting Objectives
The Ninth Technical Advisory Group and National TB
Programme Managers Meeting
Manila Philippines, 9-12 December 2014
Dr Nobuyuki Nishikiori, Coordinator
Stop TB and Leprosy Elimination
World Health Organization
Regional Office for the Western Pacific
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Technical Advisory Group Meeting
on Tuberculosis Control
• Established in 2000
– initially annual, later every 2 years
• Tradition with all NTP Managers from HBCs
• Has been an instrumental venue for accelerating
TB control in the Region
– Advocacy: raising donor attention and
strengthening national commitment
– Set technical policy direction
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
TORs of Technical Advisory Group
on TB in the Western Pacific Region
1. Review the epidemiological and programmatic status of
TB control in the Member States of WPR;
2. Provide advice to WPRO on the adaptation and
adoption of the WHO End TB Strategy;
3. Make recommendations to strengthen national and
regional efforts to implement policies and strategies for
TB control;
4. In coordination with WPRO’s expert groups, make
recommendations on specific technical areas;
5. Provide support for raising TB control high on the
health and development agenda.
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
TAG Members (2014-2016)
• Dr Jaap Broekmans
(The Netherlands)
• Dr Vicki Krause
• Dr Wang Li Xia
• Mr Richard Lumb
(Not Available for TAG meeting)
• Dr Nobukatsu Ishikawa
• Dr Hajime Inoue
• Dr Jaime Lagahid
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Widening the scope of TAG discussion
Technical Advisory Group on TB
7 Members (2014-2016)
Green Light
Childhood TB
Task Force
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
The Objectives of the TAG 2014
1. To review the progress of TB control and identify the
challenges in further strengthening the TB control in the
Western Pacific Region;
2. To discuss the ways to adapt the policy directions of the
WHO End TB Strategy and identify a set of priority
activities to operationalize the strategy;
3. To discuss and identify a set of priority activities for
scaling up programmatic management of drug resistant
TB and laboratory capacity.
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Regional Framework for Action
to implement the End TB Strategy (proposal)
• Facilitate the adaptation and
implementation of the End TB Strategy
Methods / scope
• Elaborate policy options:
– Considering region-specific context
– Covers whole spectrum of TB epidemiology
(all countries and areas)
• Regional experience and case studies
• Target and indicators fully in line with
the End TB Strategy (i.e. no new targets)
Regional Framework
for Action
to implement
the End TB Strategy
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific
World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific