2.5 The relationship between exercise participation and quality of life

National Cheng Kung University. Taiwan
Kun Shan University, Taiwan
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Student: Oliver Pham
ID: 10105013
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of personality on individual exercise
motivation and exercise participation, which then influences quality of life.
Individuals with a positive personality tend to have higher levels of exercise motivation and
exercise participation, personality and exercise participation then impacted on quality of life.
Based on literature review, and empirically tested, a comprehensive model was developed.
The study results offer valuable suggestions for both marketing managers of fitness centers
and government officers to promote health and quality of life.
The theory of planned behavior has considered the personality traits as critical factors for
exercise motivation, participation, and quality of life.
 There are 5 personality factors (emotional stability, extroversion, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, and openness to experience) have a positive influence on
exercise motivation and participation.
 Personality traits are associated with the quality of life and subjective well-being.
.There are three basic psychological needs (Deci & Ryan, 2000):
 Needs for competence
 Relatedness,
 Autonomy
The objectives of this study were:
 To develop a broader perspective of research model which encompasses both
antecedents and consequences of exercise participation behavior,
 And to empirically test the fitness of the research model
2.1 The relationship between personality and exercise motivation.
Emotional stability and extroversion are positively related to weight control, sexual
attractiveness, general appearance, health, and enjoyment. (Davis et al, 1995)
It contends that all 5-personality factors are positively associated with six exercise
participation motivations (health, appearance, weight control, social, stress
management, and enjoyment). Coumeya and Hellsten( 1998)
They found the positive relation between:
 Extraversion and conscientiousness to health,
 Openness and agreeableness to stress management,
 Extraversion and openness to enjoyment
H1: The factors of personality of exercisers are associated with their exercise
2.2 The relationship between personality and exercise participation behavior
Personality has also been linked to exercise participation behavior.
 Exercise participation is related with higher levels of extraversion, emotional
stability, and conscientiousness.
 Conscientiousness is most strongly related to participation in exercise
 Extraversion is associated with positive affect toward exercise (Diener, et al,
H2: The factors of personality of exercisers affect the level of exercise
2.3 The relationship between exercise motivation and exercise participation.
The influences of both physical and psychological motivation on the level of
exercise participation can be explained by the TPB.
Some studies showed the different motivation between the different ages of
Other studies have focused on the psychological aspects:
 The exereise can effect in lowering the depression scores of mental health
 Habitual exercise can add physiological reserves by slowing down the
progress of disability.
H3: The degrees of exercise motivations affect the level of exercise participation.
2.4 The relationship between personality and quality of life.
Quality of life in this study is defined as the evaluation of physical health
improvement, psychological health improvement, and sexual satisfaction.
Individual's personality determines the way in which circumstances are confronted,
thus influencing quality of life. (Day and Jankey, 1996).
Personality factors, including emotional stability, mastery, and self-efficacy, can be
considered as major factors within the process of chronic disease. (Kempen et al,
H4: The factors of personality of exercisers affect the quality of life.
2.5 The relationship between exercise participation and quality of life
Many studies confirmed that physical health can be improved by exercise
Other studies emphasized that exercise participation improves personality
functioning and reduces depression and anxiety.
Furthermore, the improvement of both physical and psychological health can result
in better sexuality and sexual satisfaction.
H5: The level of an individual's exercise participation affects the quality of life.
2.6 The research model
The research model of this study is illustrated in Figure 1:
3.1 Sampling plan
A quota sampling method was used. Respondents were selected from the fitness
centers in Taiwan, Europe, and America. Participants read the questionnaire and
finished the test in the fitness center.
3.2 Construct measurement
3.2.1 Personality
Personality was assessed from NEO Personality Inventory. It contains 25
items that measure 5-personality dimensions: emotional stability, extraversion,
openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
Each item was rated on a seven-point scale from (1) strongly disagree to (7)
strongly agree.
3.2.2 Exercise Motivation
Items were selected from Markland and Ingledew's (1997), physical health
motivation (6 items) and psychological health motivation (6 items).
7-point rating scale was used, from (1) not at all true for me to (7) very true
for me.
3.2.3 Exercise Participation
Two items measure subjects' frequency of participation:
 The number of hours of exercise participation per week,
 The number of days per week.
3.3.4 Quality of Life
Quality of life was measured by 3 factors: physical health improvement (6
items), psychological health improvement ( 6 items) were adopted from
Markland and Ingledew (1997), were rated by ranging from (1) not at all
improved to (7) significantly, and sexual satisfaction (3 items) was developed
by Kreuter et at, and respondents rate their sexual behavior over the past week
on a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from (1) extremely disagree to (7) extremely
4.1 Data collection
A total of 250 sets were mailed, 200 questionnaires were returned (58 sets with
missing data, and 142 were usable)
 50% were female.
 Approximately 51% were single.
 More than 54% were between 31 and 40 years olds.
 More than 35% possessed a college degree.
 About 28% were part-time students and were currently working in the
business sector.
4.2 Factor analysis and reliability test
Following Hair et al (2006), the factor loadings for each retained item should be
greater than 0.6; Cronbach's alpha should be greater than 0.6; and all item-to-total
correlations should be greater than 0.5.
For the construct of:
 Personality: there are 5 factors, all 25 questionnaire items have higher factor
loadings and 5 items belong to each factor.
 Exercise motivation: a two-factor solution psychological motivation (6
items) and physical motivation(6 items) was concluded.
 Quality of life: a 3-factor solution was concluded: psychological health
improvement (6 items), physical health improvement (6 items), and sexual
satisfaction (3 items).
All factor loadings (all > 0.694), item-to-total correlation coefficients (all > 0,537)
and Cronbach's alpha coefficients (all > 0.806) suggest that all factors, as derived in
this study to represent the research constructs, are reliable
4.3 Comparisons of opinions among American, European, and Taiwanese
ANOVA was conducted to test for differences among American, European, and
Taiwanese respondents.
European respondents tend to have significantly lower scores on agreeableness (M=
4.8410; p < 0.005) and conscientiousness (M = 4.2403; p < 0.001) than others;
however, there are no differences among these three groups on emotional stability,
extraversion, and openness to experience ( M=4.4781-5.0909; p = 0.478-0.881).
European respondents have significantly lower levels of physical, and psychological
motivation (M = 4.0558- 4.9163; p = 0.043-0.000).
American respondents report the greatest number of exercise sessions per week (M =
3.0566; p < 0.027), but the fewest hours of exercise per session (M = 1.1069; p =
American and European respondents report greater physical and psychological
health improvement, and sexual satisfaction than Taiwanese respondents (M =
4.3333-5.8481; p = 0.012-0.001).
4.4 Overall hypotheses testing
Multiple suggestion models were developed to test the hypotheses.
Personality have significant impacts on physical motivation (R2= 0.439, F = 71.211,
p < 0.000; β = 0.203-0.448, p < 0.001); on psychological motivationt (R2= 0.401, F
= 65.224, p < 0.000; β = 0.200-0.355, p < 0.05). Hypothesis 1 is fully supported.
Individuals with higher scores on the five personality factors tend to have higher
levels of exercise participation (R2= 0.524, F = 93.162, p < 0.000; β = 0.276-0.465,
p < 0.01). Hypothesis 2 is supported.
Individuals with higher levels of exercise motivation tend to have higher levels of
exercise participation (R2 = 0.378, F = 53.142, p < 0.000; β = 0.367-0.381, p <
0.001). Thus, Hypothesis 3 is supported.
Personality have significant impacts on physical health improvement (R2= 0.511, F
= 87.651, p < 0.000; β = 0.255-0.426, p < 0.05); on psychological health
improvement (R2 = 0.463, F = 76.524, p < 0.000; β = 0.216-0.404, p < 0.05); on
sexual satisfaction (R2= 0.387, F = 49.862, p < 0.000; β = 0.202-0.391, p < 0.01).
Hypothesis 4 is supported.
Individuals' exercise participation has a significant influence on their physical health
improvement (R2 = 0.482, F = 83.841, p < 0.001; β = 0.501, p < 0.001); on their
psychological health improvement (R2 = 0.429, F = 69.981, p < 0.000; β - 0.426, p
<, 0.001); on their sexual satisfaction (R2= 0.358, F = 43.621, p < 0.000; β = 0.379,
p < 0.001). Thus, Hypothesis 5 is supported.
5.1 Research conclusions
Firstly, there are significant relationships between the personality and motivations.
In addition, there are significant influences of personality and exercise motivation on
exercise participation behavior.
Moreover, 5 personality factors have a significant impact on quality of life.
Finally, there are significant relationships between exercise participation behavior
and quality of life
5.2 Managerial implications
First, exercise participation is linked with personality and exercise motivation. This
information can be used to focus the advertising and marketing efforts.
Second, the levels of exercise participation have a significant impact on the quality
of life. Sexual appeal can be adopted to attract customers.
Third, quality of life can be improved through regular exercise. Thus, fitness centers
should establish programming that is goal-oriented towards improving the quality of
First, only individuals who exercise in fitness centers were sampled.
Second, the sample size may be too small to represent all fitness centers. Future study
should collect the data from more representative samples.
Third, there are many reasons for participating in physical activity. Other motivations
should be considered in future studies.
Fourth, objective activity monitors or attendance at fitness programs might be used to
verify levels of exercise behavior in future research.
Finally, these results from Taiwanese respondents seem to break the hypotheses in this
study, because of the differences in: Income level; Cultural background; Facilities and
infrastructure, Fitness and exercise expenses.
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY. 2007.35 (9), 1189-1210 0 Society for
Personality Research (Inc.)