Earthquakes TASKS 2011

TASK 1: Take on the role of emergency management consultants to the school.
 Research emergency management plans for earthquakes. How do these areas prepare, plan and
train for the worst case scenario?
 Review the schools current emergency management plan for its ability to successfully cope with a
worst case scenario earthquake.
 Create a simulation that trains students how to behave if an earthquake occurred. Make the
simulation realistic with a descriptive script that sets the scene, sound affects to provide
atmosphere, images that show what it may look like and procedures that could be followed to
protect the class and school community.
To submit:
1. A commentary on the current suitability of our schools emergency management plan to cope with
a worst case scenario earthquake.
2. A new management plan for the College to protect students and staff if an earthquake occurred.
3. A simulation script.
1. Completion of the task; Running an Earthquake simulation for the class.
2. Group oral presentation, 90 seconds per person minimum.
3. Refer to the attached rubrics for oral presentation, research and collaborative work skills.
4. Peer assessment of oral presentation
5. Question Matrix, Research Grids, Lotus Diagrams
TASK 3: Take on the role of an engineer to design a bridge that could replace the
Greensborough bypass and successfully withstand an 8.2 Magnitude earthquake.
Research how earthquakes cause structures to move and what factors affect stability eg. Substrate
Design your bridge using the web link above. Produce a detailed poster presentation outlining the
type of bridge, its Safety features, how it responded in testing. A well drawn and labelled diagram
that articulates how this is applied to the Greensborough situation (including a map).
To submit:
1. Question Matrix, Research Grids
2. Lotus Diagram as a summary of notes of your research including resources and references used.
3. A Poster showing the types of structures that engineers can use for bridge design in earthquake
prone areas and the ways they reduce damage.
4. A poster / diagram that explains in detail the bridge design.
Extension: A model that demonstrates the bridge design.
1. Completion of the bridge design task.
2. Group oral presentation, 90 seconds per person minimum.
3. Refer to the attached rubrics for oral presentation, research and collaborative work skills.
4. Peer assessment of oral presentation
5. Question Matrix, Research Grids, Lotus Diagrams
TASK 4: Take on the role of a member of the Victorian Government Emergency
Management Team.
 Research 2 earthquakes and their effects on the individual and communities that were affected.
Select one Western country and one developing world country for your research.
 Research the types of emergency support that would be implemented in the immediate and long
term after an earthquake.
 Create an Emergency Management Plan response for the local community (Eltham, Diamond
Valley, Greensborough) for immediately and longer term. How would the response to major
damage be organised? Consider medical, electricity, water, gas, roads, schools
To submit:
1. Question Matrix, Research Grid, Lotus diagram
2.Two detailed case studies (1 Western and 1 Developing World) of an earthquake, effects on
individuals and communities and an explanation of the emergency response that occurred.
3. A map of the local Greensborough / Eltham area identifying areas of possible damage and the
effects of this on the community.
4. An emergency management plan for the local community to respond to a major earthquake
Completion of the task
Group oral presentation, 90 seconds per person minimum.
Refer to the attached rubrics for oral presentation, research and collaborative work skills.
Peer assessment of oral presentation
Question Matrix, Research Grids, Lotus Diagrams
Task 2. Take on the role of a Seismologist and explain how likely it is for an earthquake to
occur in or around Melbourne and the ability of scientists to predict earthquakes.
Produce a poster, leaflet, drama presentation, film or song that explains to secondary school
students in Victoria the likelihood and magnitude of an earthquake in or around Melbourne,
how damaging this could be. Explain the ability of seismologists to predict when and where
an earthquake will occur. Your product must be informative, contain relevant diagrams or
maps, and refer to earthquakes both in Australia and around the world.
To submit:
1. Question Matrix
2. Research Grid
3. Lotus diagram of research information.
4. Product for secondary school students.
1. Completion of the task
2. Group oral presentation, 90 seconds per person minimum.
3. Refer to the attached rubrics for oral presentation, research and collaborative work skills.
4. Peer assessment of oral presentation
5. Question Matrix, Research Grids, Lotus Diagrams