1920s Story Assignment - Fairfield Public Schools

1920s Story Assignment
Mr. Goodman
The 1920s was a decade of America changing while others resisted it changing.
America was also one of the first decades of the modern teenager.
Task: You are going to write a story taking place in the 1920s using the
information you learn in class. This is worth a test grade so don’t put off starting
 10 references to the changes or resistance to change in America that
occurred during the 1920s
 The story has a beginning, middle and an end
 The story is school appropriate
 The story should be at least a page double spaced long
 Just in case the references are too subtle, I want a list of the 10 references
listed in the story on a separate piece of paper
 Length should be 500-800 words or 1.5 pages, double spaced, size 14 font
Share it with me on Google Docs before handing it in. Email me at
pgoodman2@fairfieldschools.org to let me know you shared it.
Due Date: Next Friday (subject to change)
Your textbook
http://local.aaca.org/bntc/slang/slang.htm This website for 1920s slang