DEMAREST MIDDLE SCHOOL MR. DEMAIO Grade Level: 7th Grade Subject: Health Time: Student will have 1 class period to complete. All other work will have to be done outside of class time. • Body Systems Poster Project: • Students must create a poster that that covers one of the following options… - (Circulatory) The pathway of blood and the role of the different organs/tissues involved. - (Respiratory) The pathway of air and the role of the different organs/ tissues involved. - (Nervous System) The pathway of information (Reaction time) and the role of each organ/ tissue involved. - (Endocrine) The pathway of hormones in creation of homeostasis. What happens each step along the way. - (All Inclusive) Describe and create a diagram showing and explaining a sport or an activity of your choosing that involves all the body systems we discussed in class. - How is each involved (What is the role of each). - What is the importance of each system being involved. • Due 1 week from start date. • My Project is due on : ____________________________________ • 5 points will be taken off for each day past the due date.