科目名 Course title Physico-chemical Properties of High Temperature Materials [耐熱材料学 E] 講義題目 Subtitle 責任教員 Instructor-in-charge 黒川 一哉 (工学研究院材料科学部門) Email: kurokawa@eng.hokudai.ac.jp Kazuya KUROKAWA [Division of Materials Science and Engineering] 担当教員 Other instructors 科目種別 Class specification 工学院専門科目 Engineering 開講年度 Academic year 授業形態 Class type 対象学科・クラス Eligible department/class 2011 開講学期 Semester 講義 単位数 Credits 補足事項 Other information Lecture Winter 2 学期 時間割番号 e3 Course No. 3609 2 対象年次 Expected students MC1 ~ DC3 キーワード Keywords: High Temperature Materials, Point Defect in Oxide, Transport Property of Oxide, Oxidation Mechanism 授業の目標 Objectives: The development of alloys is usually aimed at improving oxidation resistance, as well as improving mechanical properties. In this course, to acquire basic knowledge of thermodynamics and kinetics in the reactions of metals and alloys with gaseous environments at high temperatures is aimed. In particular, oxidation mechanism of metals and alloys is discussed on the basis of fundamental parameters of oxides such as point defect structures and transport properties of oxide scales. The final goal of this course is to acquire basic skills which can be utilized to analyze oxidation mechanism of metals and alloys and design new oxidation-resistant materials. 授業計画 Outline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Outline of High Temperature Materials 1-1. Mechanical and physical properties 1-2. Chemical properties 1-3. Recent and future high temperature materials Reaction Path 2-1. Metal-oxygen phase diagrams 2-2. Reaction path in oxidation Defect Structures of Oxides 3-1. Point defects in oxides 3-2. Negative and positive semiconductors 3-3. Formation of point defects 3-4. Oxide doping Transport mechanism in Oxide Scales 4-1. Diffusion of cations and anions in oxide scales 4-2. Marker measurement Oxidation of Metals and Alloys 5-1. Basic thermodynamics 5-2. Oxidation kinetics 5-3. Wagner theory of oxidation 5-4. Actual oxidation process Recent Topics Reading of papers dealing with recent topics on high temperature materials 成績評価の基準と方法 Grading: based on the results of reports and final examination テキスト・教科書 Textbooks: handouts are provided at each lecture. 講義指定図書 References: 参照ホームページ Website: 受講条件 Pre-requisite: basic thermodynamics