HARTNELL COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Meeting: November 6, 2014, 2:00-4:30 PM Library Information Competency Room Minutes MEMBERS: Name Representing Present Carol Kimbrough, Chair Larry Adams James Beck Theresa Carbajal LaVerne Cook Mary Cousineau Mary Dominguez Jeanne Hori-Garcia Jason Hough Debra Kaczmar Stephanie Low Jeff McGrath Daniel Ortega Mercedes Quintero Deborah Stephens Joe Welch Ann Wright Faculty Faculty (SBS) Faculty (LA) Faculty (COU) Articulation Officer Faculty (Nursing/Allied Health) Administration (Student Affairs/Enrollment) Faculty (SBS) Faculty (FA) Administration (Nursing/Allied Health) Administration (FA/SBS) PT Faculty (FA) Faculty (PE/Athletics/HED) Faculty (COU) Faculty (Library) Faculty (MSE/CTE) Faculty (MSE) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Vacant (student) Absent X X SUPPORT STAFF: Ruby Garcia, Belen Gonzales GUESTS: Shannon Bliss, Leti Contreras, Parviz Entekhabi, Christina Esparza-Luna, Steve Ettinger, Marnie Glazier, Hortencia Jimenez, Cheryl O’Donnell, Meagan Plumb, Nina Vazquez I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Carol Kimbrough welcomed all members and guests to the meeting. The agenda was adopted by unanimous vote. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: MSA (vote unanimous) to approve the minutes of 10/16/2014 III. CONSENT ITEMS: a. COURSE INACTIVATION 1. ECE-18, Communication Skills in ECE b. COURSE REVISIONS (minor changes, updates in text or materials) 1. ECE-1, Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children, 3 units Modifications: description, materials 2. ECE-2, Home, School & Community Relations, 3 units Modifications: MOE, materials 3. ECE-4, Introduction to Curriculum, 3 units Modifications: materials 4. ECE-21, Infant/Toddler Group Care, 1 unit Modifications: objectives, materials, assignments Hartnell College Mission Statement Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement, and success. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/6/2014 5. ECE-22, Infant/Toddler: Family Relations of Diverse Backgrounds, 1 unit Modifications: objectives, materials 6. ECE-23, Infant/Toddler Education: Cognitive and Language Learning, 2 units Modifications: objectives, materials 7. ECE-53, Teaching in a Diverse Society, 3 units Modifications: materials, assignments 8. ECE-54, Language and Early Literacy Curriculum, 3 units Modifications: materials, assignments 9. ECE-195A, Topics in ECE: Curriculum, 0.5 units Modifications: units, description, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] 10. ECE-198A, Topics in ECE: Program and Curriculum Options, 0.5 Modifications: title, units, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] 11. JAJ-001, Dispatch field Training Program (course reactivation), 2-24 units Modifications: prereq: POST dispatch certificate or equivalent; description, content 12. JAJ-15, Radar Training, 0.5 units Modifications: prereq: POST Basic certificate or equivalent; description, objectives, content, assignments c. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. FCS-14, Child Development SLO only MOTION: MSA (vote unanimous) to approve items a, b, and c IV. TWO READING ITEMS – SECOND READING, ACTION a. NEW COURSE, COMUPTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1. CSS-120B, Routing and Switching Essentials, 4 units Motion: TABLED 2. CSS-120C, Scaling Networks , 4 units Motion: TABLED b. NEW COURSE, THEATRE ARTS (Marnie Glazier) 1. THA-2, Script Analysis, 3 units Motion: MSA (vote: unanimous) to approve this new course. V. TWO READING ITEMS – FIRST READING, NO ACTION a. NEW PROGRAMS 1. AA-T, MUSIC (Steve Ettinger) Steve presented the AA-T degree and the committee provided comments and suggestions. b. NEW COURSES 1. ECO-10, Introduction to Economics, 3 units DE/Hybrid modalities; advisory: eligibility for ENG-1A Christina Esparza-Luna discussed the rationale for this new course. 2. SOC-40, Sociology of Gender and Society, 3 units Advisory: SOC-1, Eligibility for ENG-1A; Hortencia Jimenez discussed her new course proposal. 3. THA-12, Beginning Voice and Movement, 3 units Eligible for audit Marnie Glazier presented a 3-year plan for Theatre Arts to support many of her new course proposals. 2 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/6/2014 4. THA-13, Acting for the Camera, 3 units Eligible for audit 5. THA-14, Improvisational Acting Techniques I, 3 units Eligible for audit 6. THA-20, Directing, 3 units Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A; Eligible for audit 7. THA-21, Playwriting and Screenwriting, 3 units Eligible for audit 8. THA-30, Fundamentals of Theatre Design, 3 units Will align with C-ID 172 for AA-T; eligible for audit 9. THA-31, Stagecraft Practicum, 3 units [C-ID THTR-171, Stagecraft]; eligible for audit 10. THA-32, Puppetry and Mask, 3 units The committee provided comments and feedback to Marnie. VI. ONE READING ITEMS - ACTION a. COURSE REVISIONS1. BUS-43, Business Information Systems and Information Literacy, 4 units (Cheryl O’Donnell presented) This is a revision of CSS-43 and will align with C-ID BUS-140. Modifications: title, prereq, advisory, description, “not open to students who have completed CSS43 with a grade of ‘C’ or better”; objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs], TOP Code: change from 0701 to 0514.00 MOTION: MSP (vote unanimous) to approve revisions to BUS-43 PCA: MSP (vote unanimous) to approve the advisory; DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum 2. CSS-124, Systems and Network Administration (course reactivation), 4 units Modifications: number, title, grading, advisory, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs], add DE/Hybrid, advisory: CSS-44 MOTION: TABLED 3. CSS-125, Storage Management and Virtualization, 4 units Modifications: Course no. and title, Advisory: CSS-120A, description, objectives, content, materials, assignment examples, [SLOs], DE/Hybrid (revised) MOTION: TABLED 4. DRA-52, Introduction to AutoCAD, 3 units (Parviz Entekhabi) Modifications: grading, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs], revisions to DE/Hybrid; Advisory: DRA 50 MOTION: TABLED 5. DRA-53, Advanced AutoCAD, 3 units Modifications: grading, change prereq to advisory (DRA-52), course, lab content, materials, assignments, [SLOs]. DE/Hybrid, Advisory: DRA-52 MOTION: TABLED 6. DRA-54, AutoCAD 3D Modeling, 3 units Modifications: course, lab content, MOI, (DE/Hybrid), materials, assignments, [SLOs]; Prereq: DRA-52, advisory: DRA-53 MOTION: TABLED 3 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/6/2014 7. ECE-10, Observation and Assessment, 3 units (Jeanne Hori-Garcia presented revisions to all ECE courses) Modifications: prereq, objectives, content, MOE, assignments MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ECE-10 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve ENG-1A and FCS-14 as prerequisites 8. ECE-12A, Preschool Theory and Practicum, 4 units Modifications: materials, requisite analysis, MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ECE-12A PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve FCS-14, ECE-1, -4 and -10 as prerequisites and ENG-1A as an advisory 9. ECE-12B, Advanced Theory and Practicum in ECE, 4 units Modifications: add lab content, materials, assignments; MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ECE-12B PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve ECE-12A as a prerequisite 10. ECE-20, Infant and Toddler Development, 3 units, Modifications: add advisory (FCS-14), objectives, materials, [SLOs] MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ECE-20 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve FCS-14 as an advisory 11. ECE-24, Infant/Toddler: Special Needs, 3 units Modifications: materials; MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ECE-24 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve ECE-20 and -26 as advisories 12. ECE-71, Supervision of Adults in ECE Settings, 2 units (Jeanne HC) Modifications: prereq, objectives, materials, MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ECE-71 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve eligibility for ENG-1A and possession of a teacher permit as prerequisites 13. ENG-1A, College Composition and Reading, 3 units (Meagan Plumb) Modifications: materials, assignments MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ENG-1A PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve ENG-101 or ESL-101 or placement by Hartnell’s assessment as prerequisites and the online advisory. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the DE addendum 14. ESL-228, Reading and Vocabulary 1, 4 units (James Beck) Modifications: objectives, content, materials, assignments; MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ESL-228 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the advisory statement. 15. ESL-246, Listening and Speaking 3, 3 units Modifications: content, MOI, materials, assignments MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ESL-246 16. FCS-14, Child Development, 3 units (Jeanne Hori-Garcia) Modifications: materials, MOE, assignments; MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to FCS-14 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve eligibility for ENG-1A as an advisory 4 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 11/6/2014 17. MAT-121 L1, Elementary Algebra, Level 1, 1.25 units (Nina Vazquez and Leti Contreras). Modifications: content, materials, eligible for audit [SLOs] MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to MAT-121 L1 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve MAT-201L3, MAT-201 or BUS-151 or placement by Hartnell’s assessment as prerequisites DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum 18. MAT-121 L2, Elementary Algebra, Level 2, 1.25 units Modifications: objectives, materials, [SLOs] eligible for audit, DE/Hybrid MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to MAT-121 L2 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve MAT-121 L1 as a prerequisite DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum 19. MAT-121 L3, Elementary Algebra, Level 3, 1.25 units Modifications: objectives, assignments [SLOs], DE/Hybrid, eligible for audit MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to MAT-121 L3 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve MAT-121 L2 as a prerequisite DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum 20. MAT-121 L4, Elementary Algebra, Level 4, 1.25 units Modifications: objectives, materials, assignments, eligible for audit, [SLOs] MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to MAT-1221 L4 PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve MAT-121 L3 as a prerequisite DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum 21. THA-1, Introduction to Theatre, 3 units (Marnie Glazier) Modifications: add DE, MOI, MOE, assignments MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to THA-1 DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the DE addendum VII. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER a. December 4th is the deadline for approval for the 2015-16 catalog VIII. ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING DATE a. Carol thanked the members for all their work in reviewing the numerous courses on the agenda. Our next meeting date will be 11/20/2014 from 2:00-4:30 PM; adjournment 4:30 PM. ctk: 11/8/2014 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Student Success Student Access Employee Diversity and Development Effective Utilization of Resources Innovation and Relevance for Educational Programs and Services Partnerships with Industry, Business, Agencies, and Education 5 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs)