HARTNELL COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Meeting: December 4, 2014, 2:00-4:30 PM Library Information Competency Room Minutes MEMBERS: Name Representing Present Carol Kimbrough, Chair Larry Adams James Beck Theresa Carbajal LaVerne Cook Mary Cousineau Mary Dominguez Jeanne Hori-Garcia Jason Hough Debra Kaczmar Stephanie Low Jeff McGrath Daniel Ortega Mercedes Quintero Deborah Stephens Joe Welch Ann Wright Faculty Faculty (SBS) Faculty (LA) Faculty (COU) Articulation Officer Faculty (Nursing/Allied Health) Administration (Student Affairs/Enrollment) Faculty (SBS) Faculty (FA) Administration (Nursing/Allied Health) Administration (FA/SBS) PT Faculty (FA) Faculty (PE/Athletics/HED) Faculty (COU) Faculty (Library) Faculty (MSE/CTE) Faculty (MSE) X Vacant (student) Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SUPPORT STAFF: Ruby Garcia, Belen Gonzales GUESTS: Shannon Bliss, Ann DeJesus-Riley, Christina Esparza-Luna, Marnie Glazier, Frank Henderson, Hortencia Jimenez, Kathy Mendelsohn, Sam Pacheco. I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: Carol Kimbrough welcomed all members and guests to the meeting. The agenda was adopted by unanimous vote. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: MSA (vote unanimous) to approve the minutes of 11/20/2014. III. CONSENT ITEMS: a. COURSE INACTIVATION 1. COU-35, Intercultural Communication 2. WLD-145, Special Projects b. REVISE CATALOG PAGES 1. Astronomy, AS Degree 2. General Studies with an Area of Emphasis, AA Degree c. RENUMBER THA COURSES: 1. THA12 will change to THA4 -Voice & Movement 2. THA13 change to THA5 - Acting for the Camera Hartnell College Mission Statement Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement, and success. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 12/4/2014 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. THA14 change to THA6 - Improvisational Acting THA15 change to THA7 - Devised Theatre and Performance Creation Workshop THA20 change to THA51 - Directing THA21 change to THA52 - Playwriting & Screenwriting THA32 change to THA31 - Puppetry & Mask MOTION: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve consent items a, b, c IV. TWO READING ITEMS – SECOND READING, ACTION a. NEW COURSES – History (Sam Pacheco and Ann De Jesus-Riley presented) 1. HIS-8A, Colonial History of Latin America, 3 units Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve HIS-8A as a new course and include in Hartnell’s GE for Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2. HIS-8B, Modern Latin American History, 3 units Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve HIS-8A as a new course and include in Hartnell’s GE for Social and Behavioral Sciences. 3. HIS-15, Indigenous History of the United States, 3 units Motion: consideration of approval for this course was TABLED. b. NEW COURSES – Theatre Arts (Marnie Glazier presented) 1. THA-4, Beginning Voice and Movement, 3 units Eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-4 as a new course. 2. THA-50, Video Production Lab – Single Camera, 3 units Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-50 as a new course. 3. THA-51, Directing, 3 units Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A; eligible for audit Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve THA-51 as a new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory. c. NEW PROGRAMS 1. AA-T, ECONOMICS (Christina Esparza-Luna presented) Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve. Ms. Esparza-Luna was congratulated on her work to bring this new degree forward. V. TWO READING ITEMS – FIRST READING, (ACTION)* a. NEW COURSES 1. SOC-15, Sociology of Immigration and Identity in the U.S. , 3 units (Hortencia Jimenez presented) Advisories: SOC-1, SOC-42, eligibility for ENG-1A *MSP (Low/Hough) to approve this course with one reading to meet catalog deadlines for 2015-16; vote requires 2/3 majority and decision was unanimous. Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve SOC-15 as a new course. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory courses. VI. ONE READING ITEMS - ACTION a. COURSE REVISIONS1. BIO-5, Human Anatomy, 4 units (Ann Wright) Modifications: prereq: ENG-1A; advisory: completion of any college-level biology course, description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs], MOI, (DE/Hybrid). Dr. Wright discussed the rationale and statistical data that supported the prerequisite and advisory changes. 2 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 12/4/2014 Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to BIO-5. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the prerequisite and advisory courses. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 2. ESL-101, Academic Writing and Reading II, 5 units (James Beck) Modifications: description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments Prereq: ESL-265 or ENG-253 Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ESL-101. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite courses. 3. ESL-225, Grammar and Writing 1, 6 units (James Beck) Modifications: units, contact hours (lab), grading, remove corequisite, description, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ESL-225. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve (non-course) advisory statement. 4. ESL-255, Grammar and Writing 4, 6 units (James Beck) Modifications: units, contact hours (lab), grading, prereq, coreq, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments [SLOs]. Prereq: ESL-243 Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to ESL-255. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite course. 5. GEG-10, Geography and World Affairs: A Regional Approach, 3 units (Carol Kimbrough) Modifications: advisory, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [add SLOs]; align with C-ID descriptor. Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to GEG-10. PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory statement. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 6. HIS-49B, Chicano History, 3 units (Sam Pacheco, Ann DeJesus-Riley) Modifications: content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs] Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to this course. 7. INS-250, Tutor Training, variable units: 0.5-1.0 (Frank Henderson) Modifications: contact hours, description, objectives, MOI (add DE), MOE, materials, assignments. Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to this course. DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum. 8. INS-301, Supervised Tutoring, 0 units (Frank Henderson) Modifications: description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to this course. 9. SCI-124, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Internship Preparation (Ann Wright) Modifications: description, objectives, content, MOI, materials, assignments [SLOs]. Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to this course. 3 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Minutes 12/4/2014 VII. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER a. Revised catalog template The committee received recommendations from counseling on two possible templates for use for AA and AS degrees in the catalog. The committee endorsed by majority vote forwarding the recommendations of the counseling department to the catalog committee and the academic senate for further action. b. Bachelor’s degree update Carol provided an update on the proposed intent to offer a bachelors’ degree in food safety. Drs. Ann Wright, Susan Pheasant and Steven Triano are working together to submit a proposal by December 19. The California State Academic Senate is working to define certain areas of ambiguity, for example a distinction between lower division and upper division coursework in a community college setting. The courses and program will eventually come to curriculum committee for approval. VIII. ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING DATE a. Next meeting date: 2/5/2015, 2:00-4:00PM ctk: 12/6/2014 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Strategic Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Student Success Student Access Employee Diversity and Development Effective Utilization of Resources Innovation and Relevance for Educational Programs and Services Partnerships with Industry, Business, Agencies, and Education 4 || *MOI (methods of instruction); MOE (methods of evaluation), tch (total contact hrs) wch (weekly contact hrs)