Project Name Provision of infrastructure to achieve high quality developments across Devon Lead Organisation LAs – led by DCC or relevant LPA?? Contact details Name Outline Project Description Please describe the activity that you plan to undertake. Jonny Miller (TDC GI Officer) in discussion with Fergus Pate / Alex Lessware (TDC planners) (with editing from Sarah J following discussion with Jonny & Fergus – all still headline / draft) Email Phone number 01626 215755 Overview – note that ideas below need further development and discussion Issue 1: We are failing to provide high quality infrastructure. - There is a well documented shortfall in the cost of infrastructure requirements compared to actual developer contributions - disparity in the timing of developer contributions compared to demand for infrastructure - a piecemeal approach is often taken (as large sites are broken up into smaller development plots) rather than the strategic approach needed. Possible solution: Enable LPAs / Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) / others to secure land for development (allocated or unallocated) and use the uplift in land value (when has planning permission) to provide infrastructure (examples in other countries e.g. Amsterdam). HCA has indicated that it has funding available to acquire land and enable early delivery of infrastructure. Role of LNP Board/ actions: Discuss the idea further especially with LPAs / LEP / HCA / developers etc and clarify ops for pilots / need for research etc to take this idea forward in Devon. Suggest that a more detailed paper could be produced to take this forward with Gov / possible partners. Issue 2 (overlaps with above): Grey infrastructure is prioritised over green. Possible solutions: a. Increased promotion as to how ‘green’ infrastructure can achieve traditional ‘grey’ infrastructure objectives e.g. Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme. b. Draw on grant funding or other commercial investment opportunities to bridge the funding gap (a short term solution compared to the solution for Issue 1) Role of LNP: Promotion, help to secure funding, work with partners and think tanks to identify alternative commercial solutions. Actions: Produce a consolidated list (GI Prospectus) of strategic GI projects across Devon (from Infrastructure Delivery Plans, GI Strategies etc) and package up to promote to possible funders (possible sources: European funds, Gov, LEP, Lottery, HCA, EA, HE etc etc) – also see Trails Project bid. Bring partners together to explore how funding can be better combined e.g. EA funds being combined with LPA developer compensation funds / CIL / s106 etc. Work to establish innovative models of commercial investment where investors wanting long term, secure, low returns such as pension funds could take on an enabling role in bridging masterplan / outline application and reserved matter stages of planning. LPA with partners funded by such an investment body at rates lower than traditional housebuilders can currently secure could forward fund necessary infrastructure across the whole site, absorb the risk of market fluctuations and achieve the added value of strategic high quality infrastructure. The return is generated by ‘enabling’ the residential development. See this link for a pension fund example that has been effective abroad e.g. Canada.. Establish a rolling Devon Green Infrastructure Fund to bring forward the innovative partnership-led GI projects Could include: - Biodiversity mitigation and compensation including SANGs and Habitat Banks; - Sustainable flood mitigation - Carbon sequestration and biomass feedstock for CHP plant - Public open spaces such as parks - Sports pitches Geography – Where will activity take place? Timing – Over what time period will activity take place? Partners – Who are the potential partners? Throughout Devon in areas of employment and housing growth. This is a long-term initiative. Limited involvement to date from the following: Local Planning Authorities in Devon RSPB DWT BCT NE NT TCCT EA HCA For additional approach: Remaining LPA and conservation charities Minerals companies Other landowners LEP Fit with Natural Devon’s aims To protect and improve Devon’s natural environment To grow Devon’s green economy To reconnect Devon’s people with nature Commentary: See below Fit with Natural Devon’s priority themes - Please select Naturally Healthy the primary theme(s) that your project supports, as well as any themes where the project makes a secondary contribution. If your project does not have a primary theme, please select the appropriate secondary themes. More information can be found at Green Connections Outdoor Learning Fit with HOTSW LEP Strategic Economic Plan Priorities. Appendix 1 provides a summary of the Priorities for Growth. More information can be found: Farming with Nature Wood for Good Resilient Wetlands Sustainable Seas Primary Primary Primary Primary – GI needed to allow communities to be NH Primary – all about GC Primary – provides access to the environment Secondary Primary – ops to link community woodlands to biomass boilers etc Primary – SUDS etc Secondary – WQ benefits Commentary: This is an innovative approach to achieving multiple objectives. The LNP aims and objectives will be written into the funding criteria alongside suitable requirements for strong economic, environmental and social data. Individual projects will be required to meet certain thresholds but may have different mixes of primary and secondary objectives. This project would be specifically allied to delivering the GI necessary to deliver growth in Devon. ‘Creating the conditions for growth’ and ‘Maximising productivity and employment opportunities’ – ‘Strategic employment sites’ and ‘Unlocking housing growth’: Devon will experience significant growth in the next 20 years requiring investment in strategic infrastructure. Green Infrastructure1 can facilitate this economic growth by helping to efficiently unlock land for regeneration and development: GI can drive GVA growth. A recent UK study2 demonstrated the local economic impact of investment in GI and also highlighted national economic benefits, in particular from environmental cost savings and health improvements. GI can unlock and enable development and regeneration. 1 2 definition Eftec 2013, Green Infrastructure’s Contribution to Economic Growth, Natural England and DEFRA Increasingly flooding, ecological and landscape constraints increase the complexity of development processes and in some instances lead to infrastructure and mitigation requirements that render development and regeneration projects unviable. Strategic green infrastructure investment is seen as a cost effective mechanism to address some of these planning barriers and make development and regeneration projects more viable. Large scale partnership-led investment in GI can be planned, funded and implemented using a range of emerging mechanisms, for example biodiversity offsetting. Across the County, major GI investment will be delivered over the coming years through development, regeneration and infrastructure investment projects, not to mention environmental projects, green space enhancements and public realm improvements. In many instances this GI investment will be substantial. For example of the land area taken by a typical large urban extension almost 40% will be undeveloped strategic green space of some form or another. It makes good business sense to get maximum value out of this investment. GI strategies and Infrastructure Delivery Plans exist across a number of planning areas to identify broad opportunities and key projects. Where these individual investments are linked and coordinated their full economic, social and environmental value can be captured. Because the individual projects are in themselves often small scale, they can prove difficult to fund and justify with regard to wider social, economic and environmental aims. ‘Increasing employment, progression and workforce skills’ – ‘Moving people into employment’ and ‘improving workforce skills’: This project also presents opportunities for education, training and direct job creation through innovate partnerships with education bodies, apprenticeship schemes and direct land management roles. Financials What is the estimated total project cost? This project is scalable depending on ambition of the governing body and funders. What proportion of total project cost are capital costs? Projects may have a range of capital and revenue costs depending on their scope and objectives. Have you secured any funding for the project yet? If so, list amounts and sources. Various S.106 agreements are already secured that could contribute to this central funding pot. For example c.£600k is secured in Teignbridge alone but yet to be recieved In your view, what are the potential sources of funding for this project? European Structural Investment Funds, Horizon 2020, the EU LIFE programme, the Local Growth Fund, and the LCR single investment pot. It could also be supported through the ‘top slicing’ of the Community Infrastructure Levy, New Homes Bonus and s106 obligations where green infrastructure investments have been made by the public sector to unlock and enable development or regeneration projects. Also EA, South West Water and Sustrans and a range of more locally focused groups including the National Trust. Through entrepreneurial investments in enabling GI a Devon Green Infrastructure Fund could be, to a limited extent, self-financing. Outcomes - Please describe what you expect the project to achieve in terms of Environmental, Social and Economic Outcomes Environmental Outcomes: Net gain for species and habitats from new development. Flood mitigation Carbon sequestration Social Outcomes: New and enhanced access to the natural environment for the health and wellbeing of the local community and visitors, including opportunities to learn, train and exercise. Economic Outcomes: Facilitate the delivery of employment and residential land and direct job creation and training opportunities. Quantifiable outputs - Please To be agreed as part of the appraisal criteria provide any information you have about quantifiable benefits? Please describe how these have been estimated. Consultation – What consultation has already occurred is more required? Consultation within the GI Officers group. The need for individual projects will have been consulted for through emerging and adopted local plans Statutory Approvals – Risks – What are the main risks associated with this project? Flood defence or land drainage consents, planning permission where required. Habitat Regulations Assessments may be needed.