Devon Fish Passage Project

Project Name
Devon Fish Passage Project
Lead Organisation
Environment Agency
Contact details
Hugh Davey
Phone number
01392 354 177
Outline Project Description Please describe the activity that
you plan to undertake.
The project will use information held by the Environment Agency
and our partners to address barriers to fish and eel migration
across the county.
Delivery will be through capital works e.g. weir removal and habitat
improvements, and will include citizen science and education
Project delivery will also achieve multiple benefits in other
ecosystem services including recreation and tourism, in river
primary production, and provision of habitat.
The project can be scaled depending on available resources,
ranging from coverage for the whole of Devon to focussing on
specific outcomes e.g. watercourses that are significant for
seasonal tourism and recreation.
Further detail can be provided through our WFD outputs priority
structures list.
Geography – Where will activity
take place?
County wide
Timing – Over what time period
will activity take place?
Depending on scale this will range from one to several years
Partners – Who are the
potential partners?
Please indicate if partners have
been involved in the development
of the project to date, or if they
have yet to be approached.
The project will be developed and delivered through the Catchment
Partnerships that cover Devon as part of the Catchment Based
Approach (CABA) and build on projects undertaken under the
Catchment Restoration Fund (CRF).
Members of the Catchment Partnerships include Devon Wildlife
Trust, West Country Rivers Trust, FWAG, Natural England (CSF), the
AONBs, South West Water, landowners/ land managers, academia,
recreational interest groups, and many more.
All Catchment Partnerships are currently developing Catchment
Action Plans that look to address existing problems and deliver
improvements in the environment. These will include actions that
look to deliver improved fish passage. These actions identified by
the partnerships along with follow on work from CRF will form the
core of the project delivery.
Whilst the Catchment Partnerships are yet to be involved in the
development of this project the Catchment based Approach
enables an established route for partnership working.
Fit with Natural Devon’s aims
Fit with Natural Devon’s
priority themes - Please select
the primary theme(s) that your
project supports, as well as any
themes where the project makes
a secondary contribution. If your
project does not have a primary
theme, please select the
appropriate secondary themes.
More information can be found
To protect and improve Devon’s
natural environment
To grow Devon’s green
To reconnect Devon’s people
with nature
Naturally Healthy
Green Connections
Outdoor Learning
Farming with Nature
Wood for Good
Resilient Wetlands
Sustainable Seas
Fit with HOTSW LEP Strategic
Economic Plan Priorities.
Appendix 1 provides a summary
of the Priorities for Growth. More
information can be found:
Please describe how your project contributes to the Heart of the
SW LEP’s Priorities for Growth (see Appendix A). Please list the
priorities where your project could make a direct contribution and
explain how it will contribute.
Capitalising on our Distinctive Assets
The infrastructure and facilities needed to support higher value
 Maximising our environmental assets
 Specialist marine sites
What is the estimated total
project cost?
What proportion of total project
cost are capital costs?
Project can be scaled to suit,
resources, will range from £75kmultiple millions.
(accurate figures can be derived
from our WFD cost benefit
outputs and CRF reporting)
TBC depending on scale of the
Have you secured any funding
for the project yet? If so, list
amounts and sources.
In your view, what are the
potential sources of funding for
this project?
(Accurate figures can be derived
from our WFD cost benefit
outputs and CRF reporting)
Potential for match/ partnership
funding through members of
the catchment Partnerships
(multiple funds)
Outcomes - Please describe
Environmental Outcomes:
what you expect the project to
achieve in terms of
Environmental, Social and
Economic Outcomes
- Improvement in the fish and eel migrations across Devon.
Social Outcomes:
- An improved environment for communities in Devon.
- Improved environmental awareness across Devon.
Economic Outcomes:
- Improvements in recreational fishing and potential to strengthen
angling tourism.
Quantifiable outputs - Please
provide any information you have
about quantifiable benefits?
Please describe how these have
been estimated.
Consultation – What
consultation has already occurred
is more required?
Statutory Approvals – What
statutory approvals will be
required for the project? Are
these in place?
Risks – What are the main risks
associated with this project?
Quantifiable benefits information is captured as part of the WFD
River Basin Management Plan (these can be provided), this includes
an Ecosystem Services appraisal of the proposed WFD measures.
None to date but will form a key part of the project delivery.
TBC depending upon scale of project
Appendix 1: Heart of the SW LEP Priorities for Growth
Creating the Conditions for Growth Improving our infrastructure and services to
underpin growth
Maximising Productivity and Employment
Opportunities - stimulating jobs and
growth across the whole economy
Capitalising on our Distinctive Assets Utilising our distinctive assets to create
opportunities for business growth and better
The infrastructure and facilities needed to
support higher value growth:
 Specialist marine sites
 Science/Innovation infrastructure
 Maximising our environmental
Infrastructure for growth:
 Transport and accessibility
 Digital infrastructure
 Sustainable solutions for flood
 Energy Infrastructure
The infrastructure and facilities to create
more and better employment:
 Enterprise infrastructure
 Strategic employment sites
 Unlocking housing growth
Creating a favourable business environment
 A simpler, more accessible, business
support system, tailored to our
o Improving access to finance
o Stimulating enterprise and
Creating a responsive environment, where
businesses and individuals can reach their
 Skills infrastructure and facilities
 Accessibility to
education/employment (transport,
careers advice and digital inclusion)
 Employer engagement and
Achieving more sustainable and broadly
based business growth:
 Reaching new markets (on-line,
supply chains, public sector)
 Globalisation (exports and inward
Supporting higher value growth:
 Innovation through Smart
 Building our capacity for innovation
Increasing employment, progression and
workforce skills.
 Moving people into employment
 Supporting people to progress to
better jobs
 Improving workforce skills
Creating a world class workforce to support
higher value growth:
 Enterprise and business skills
 Technical and higher level skills
development and retention
 Maximising the skills and
employment opportunities aligned
to our transformational