F 11/01/13 Day A -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – DNA Replication M 11/04/13 Day B T 11/05/13 Day A W 11/06/13 Day B R 11/07/13 Unit 3 Homework: Ch16 - (Self-Quiz/CQ 1&2) Ch17 - (Self-Quiz/CQ 1&2) Ch18 - (Self-Quiz/CQ 1) Ch20 - (Self-Quiz) F 11/08/13 -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – From Gene to Protein -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – From Gene to Protein -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – From Gene to Protein & Mutations Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:30-8pm Teacher In-service 8am-1pm M 11/11/13 Day A T 11/12/13 Day B W 11/13/13 Day A R 11/14/13 Day B F 11/15/13 Day A -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – Biotechnology (Genetic Engineering) -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – Biotechnology Notes – Biotechnology (Gel (Genetic Engineering & Gel Electrophoresis & Plasmids) Electrophoresis) M 11/18/13 Day B T 11/19/13 Day A -Review for Unit 3 exam. -Address issues with Unit 3 homework. Exam – Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Unit 3 Homework due W 11/20/13 Day B -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Meiosis Unit 4 Homework: Ch13 - (Self-Quiz/CQ 1&2) Ch14 - (Genetics Problems) Ch15 - (Genetics Problems) Ch19 - (Self-Quiz) -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – Biotechnology (Human Genome Project) R 11/21/13 Day A -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Meiosis & Genetics: The Work of Mendel -Unit 3: Molecular Genetics Notes – Control of Prokaryotic Genes F 11/22/13 Day B -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Meiosis & Genetics: The Work of Mendel M 11/25/13 Day A -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Beyond Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance T 11/26/13 Day B -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Beyond Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance Thanksgiving Break Homework: Unit 4 (chapters 13-15, 19) homework. M 12/09/13 Day B -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Human Genetic Diseases Homework: Unit 4 (chapters 13-15, 19) homework. Unit 3 Exam Corrections due M 12/02/13 W 11/27/13 Day A T 12/03/13 Day B -Discuss the agenda for tomorrow’s genetic conference. -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Chromosomal Abnormalities W 12/04/13 Day A Dr. Samuel Rhine Genetics Conference (Gateway High School) T 12/10/13 Day A W 12/11/13 Day B -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Control of Eukaryotic Genes -pass out Investigation 9:Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA (there is no lab report for this investigation) M 12/16/13 Day A -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Control of Eukaryotic Genes -pass out DNA Extraction Lab (follow instructions for lab report; lab report due after Winter Break) -Work on genetics problems from Unit 4 homework. T 12/17/13 Day B W 12/18/13 Day A -Investigation 9:Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA -discuss equipment, pour practice gels, practice loading wells, clean up lab station -Work on genetics problems -Investigation 9:Restriction from Unit 4 homework. Enzyme Analysis of DNA -prepare gels for DNA runs -run known & unknown DNA, stain gels, clean up station R 11/28/13 F 11/29/13 Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break Homework: Unit 4 (chapters 13-15, 19) homework. Homework: Unit 4 (chapters 13-15, 19) homework. R 12/05/13 Day B F 12/06/13 Day A -Review the genetics conference, paying particular attention to applications in futures, speed of lecture delivery, depth of knowledge. R 12/12/13 Day A -Unit 4: Heredity Notes – Chromosomal Abnormalities F12/13/13 Day B -Work on genetics problems from Unit 4 homework. -discuss Investigation 9:Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA (there is no lab report for this investigation) R 12/19/13 Day B -Work on genetics problems from Unit 4 homework. -discuss results from Investigation 9 -Work on genetics problems from Unit 4 homework. -DNA Extraction Lab (extract DNA from your own check cells) F 12/20/13 Day A Homework: 1.Genetics Practice Problems & Unit 4 homework. 2. DNA Extraction Lab Report Schedule after Winter Break: (This schedule is a rough draft and may change as needed.) -finish up Unit 4: Heredity *Fruit Fly Lab -Unit 5: Evolutionary Biology *Hardy-Weingberg Problems *Chi Square Statistical Analysis Problems -Midterm Exam -Unit 6: Animal Diversity & Development -Investigation 8: Bacterial Transformation -Unit 7: Cellular Energetics *Cell Respiration Lab *Pigments of Photosynthesis Lab -Unit 8: Animal Structure & Function *Fetal Pig Dissection (tentative) -Unit 9: Ecology -Final Exam