CableLabs Engineering Change (EC) Form Project EC TRACKING INFORMATION (Blue fields to be completed by CableLabs only) PacketCable N Identifier MM-N-13.0697-1 Status Version 1 PKT-SP-MM-I06-110629 4/1/2013 4/15/2013 Comment Period End Date SEVERITY 4/15/2013 Comment Period End Date 4/29/2013 Non-Critical Minor 4/29/2013 Cert Wave No N/A Critical Major Overall Type of Spec Change (Tech/Edit/Both) Technical Affected Specification ECR Date ECO Date ECN Date TO SUBMIT EC, EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: TO OBTAIN LATEST ISSUED VERSION #, CLICK HERE: SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT DETAILS Document EC is written against: PKT-SP-MM Issued Version # I06 AUTHOR INFORMATION Primary Author Email Company Additional Contributors First Jeff Last Riddel Cisco Systems Jason Combs, Comcast Country USA 919-392-7911 Phone Title of EC Date sent to CableLabs IPv4/IPv6 Classsifiers and Gates 4/1/2013 ENGINEERING CHANGE DOCUMENT DETAILS EC REVISION HISTORY Date of revised EC Brief description of revision DETAILED PROPOSED CHANGES Sections Affected PICs Affected 6.1.5;; Unknown Verified By Test Plans Affected No Verified By OTHER RELATED ENGINEERING CHANGES (List all ECs that apply) The following Engineering Change(s) are recommended to be processed in conjunction with this document: EC# Title of EC Affected Document NOTE TO AUTHORS - INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE SECTIONS BELOW: For ease in reviewing and editing, minor changes can be indicated under the “new text section” by using blue underline for new inserted text, and red strikethrough for deleted text. Use the attached customized toolbar named ECR-ChangeFormats for applying these character styles. (Note: “Track Change” feature is not available in this Word form.) For major text changes or large new sections, separate Word or FrameMaker files may be submitted with this form. PLEASE ALWAYS INCLUDE THE SECTION NUMBER, TITLE, AND PARAGRAPH THAT EACH CHANGE AFFECTS. Detailed instructions to the document editor are always welcome. ECFORM_10-07 1 of 5 In submitting the Engineering Change Request ("ECR"), the Author(s) [primary author, additional authors, and contributors], individually and as an authorized representative of the company of which he/she is employed, agrees that if CableLabs incorporates this ECR in whole or in part into the relevant Specification, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the Author shall be licensed under the terms of the "Contribution and License Agreement for Intellectual Property" (IPR Agreement) for the applicable project if the Author or the company of which he/she is employed has signed such IPR agreement; otherwise, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the author shall be licensed royalty free to CableLabs with rights to modify and/or sublicense freely. CableLabs may disclose the content of this ECR to CableLabs' members and such others as is necessary for the development of CableLabs' specifications. Questions about the Authors' licensing of intellectual property in this ECR submission may be directed to Document1 DETAILED PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Currently in the PCMM specification a single gate is restricted from using multiple classifier types; thus an individual gate cannot be setup to handle both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. This complicates the ability to dynamically setup QoS for dual-stack devices as well for situations where the eventual IP stack used by an application cannot be predicted. This ECR removes this restriction enabling PCMM gates to support both IPv4 and IPv6 classification simultaneously. PROPOSED SPECIFICATION CHANGES (Please include section number, title, and paragraph) Please note Engineering Changes may only address one technical issue in one specification, although it may require changes to multiple sections in the specification. Please itemize each change as follows. If you have multiple changes and some are technical and some are editorial (but all address the same issue), please indicate which is which in addition to selecting “both” under the type of change above. Note: Technical changes may require a vendor to change the design of the product. Editorial changes are points of clarification or clean-up but would not generally require a change to the product. SPEC CHANGE #1 TYPE OF CHANGE SECTION # 6.1.5 TECHNICAL: X TITLE EDITORIAL: BOTH: PARAGRAPH / TABLE # / GRAPHIC # Classifier ORIGINAL SPEC TEXT: 6.1.5 Classifier … A PS MUST support all three types of classifiers specified here. A CMTS MUST support both legacy and Extended Classifiers. A CMTS that supports DOCSIS 3.0 MUST support the IPv6 Classifier. An Application Manager MUST use only one classifier type per Gate-Set, and MUST continue to use that type for all subsequent Gate-Sets for that Gate. NEW SPEC TEXT: … A PS MUST support all three types of classifiers specified here. A CMTS MUST support both legacy and Extended Classifiers. A CMTS that supports DOCSIS 3.0 MUST support the IPv6 Classifier. For IPv4 classification Aan Application Manager MUST use either the legacy or the Extended only one classifier type per Gate-Set, and MUST continue to use that type for all subsequent Gate-Sets for that Gate. If both IPv4 and IPv6 based classification are required in a GateSet an Application Manager MUST use the Extended Classifier for the IPv4 classification and logically the IPv6 Classifier for the IPv6 classification. SPEC CHANGE #2 TYPE OF CHANGE SECTION # TITLE TECHNICAL: X EDITORIAL: BOTH: PARAGRAPH / TABLE # / GRAPHIC # Classifiers 2 of 5 In submitting the Engineering Change Request ("ECR"), the Author(s) [primary author, additional authors, and contributors], individually and as an authorized representative of the company of which he/she is employed, agrees that if CableLabs incorporates this ECR in whole or in part into the relevant Specification, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the Author shall be licensed under the terms of the "Contribution and License Agreement for Intellectual Property" (IPR Agreement) for the applicable project if the Author or the company of which he/she is employed has signed such IPR agreement; otherwise, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the author shall be licensed royalty free to CableLabs with rights to modify and/or sublicense freely. CableLabs may disclose the content of this ECR to CableLabs' members and such others as is necessary for the development of CableLabs' specifications. Questions about the Authors' licensing of intellectual property in this ECR submission may be directed to Document1 ORIGINAL SPEC TEXT: Classifiers There are three types of classifiers supported in this specification. An Application Manager MUST use either the Classifier, Extended Classifier, or IPv6 Classifier objects in accordance with Section 6.1.5. NEW SPEC TEXT: Classifiers There are three types of classifiers supported in this specification. An Application Manager MUST use either the Classifier, Extended Classifier, orand IPv6 Classifier objects in accordance with Section 6.1.5. SPEC CHANGE #3 TYPE OF CHANGE SECTION # TECHNICAL: X TITLE EDITORIAL: BOTH: PARAGRAPH / TABLE # / GRAPHIC # DOCSIS Upstream Packet Classification Requests ORIGINAL SPEC TEXT: DOCSIS Upstream Packet Classification Requests NEW SPEC TEXT: DOCSIS Upstream Packet Classification Requests (New text perhaps at the end of this section) In the case of the IPv6 Classifier object, the CMTS SHOULD validate the corresponding cable modem referenced by the Gate-Set supports IPv6 as indicated by the modem capabilities TLV 5.39 “IPv6 Support”. If only IPv6 classifiers are present in the Gate-Set and the modem does NOT indicate IPv6 support a Gate-Set-Err SHOULD be returned. If both IPv6 and Extended classifiers are present in the Gate-Set and the modem does NOT indicate IPv6 support the CMTS MAY proceed with the IPv4 classifier mapping and gate establishment/modification while silently discarding the IPv6 classifier mapping aspect. 3 of 5 In submitting the Engineering Change Request ("ECR"), the Author(s) [primary author, additional authors, and contributors], individually and as an authorized representative of the company of which he/she is employed, agrees that if CableLabs incorporates this ECR in whole or in part into the relevant Specification, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the Author shall be licensed under the terms of the "Contribution and License Agreement for Intellectual Property" (IPR Agreement) for the applicable project if the Author or the company of which he/she is employed has signed such IPR agreement; otherwise, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the author shall be licensed royalty free to CableLabs with rights to modify and/or sublicense freely. CableLabs may disclose the content of this ECR to CableLabs' members and such others as is necessary for the development of CableLabs' specifications. Questions about the Authors' licensing of intellectual property in this ECR submission may be directed to Document1 SPEC CHANGE #4 TYPE OF CHANGE SECTION # TECHNICAL: X EDITORIAL: TITLE BOTH: PARAGRAPH / TABLE # / GRAPHIC # DOCSIS Downstream Packet Classification Requests ORIGINAL SPEC TEXT: DOCSIS Downstream Packet Classification Requests NEW SPEC TEXT: DOCSIS Downstream Packet Classification Requests (New text perhaps at the end of this section) In the case of the IPv6 Classifier object, the CMTS SHOULD validate the corresponding cable modem referenced by the Gate-Set supports IPv6 as indicated by the modem capabilities TLV 5.39 “IPv6 Support”. If only IPv6 classifiers are present in the Gate-Set and the modem does NOT indicate IPv6 support a Gate-Set-Err SHOULD be returned. If both IPv6 and Extended classifiers are present in the Gate-Set and the modem does NOT indicate IPv6 support the CMTS MAY proceed with the IPv4 classifier mapping and gate establishment/modification while silently discarding the IPv6 classifier mapping aspect. TEST CHANGE DETAILS (REQUIRED for advancing to ECO) Test Case(s) affected CTPs or ATPs affected Device(s) affected (select all that apply) NONE CMS CMTS KDC Policy Server MG MGC SG Provisioning Server MTA E-MTA S-MTA Delivery Function RKS MP MPC Application Manager PROPOSED TEST CHANGES CHANGE #1 ORIGINAL TEST CASE TEXT: NEW TEST CASE TEXT: CHANGE #2 4 of 5 In submitting the Engineering Change Request ("ECR"), the Author(s) [primary author, additional authors, and contributors], individually and as an authorized representative of the company of which he/she is employed, agrees that if CableLabs incorporates this ECR in whole or in part into the relevant Specification, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the Author shall be licensed under the terms of the "Contribution and License Agreement for Intellectual Property" (IPR Agreement) for the applicable project if the Author or the company of which he/she is employed has signed such IPR agreement; otherwise, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the author shall be licensed royalty free to CableLabs with rights to modify and/or sublicense freely. CableLabs may disclose the content of this ECR to CableLabs' members and such others as is necessary for the development of CableLabs' specifications. Questions about the Authors' licensing of intellectual property in this ECR submission may be directed to Document1 ORIGINAL TEST CASE TEXT: NEW TEST CASE TEXT: End of Request 5 of 5 In submitting the Engineering Change Request ("ECR"), the Author(s) [primary author, additional authors, and contributors], individually and as an authorized representative of the company of which he/she is employed, agrees that if CableLabs incorporates this ECR in whole or in part into the relevant Specification, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the Author shall be licensed under the terms of the "Contribution and License Agreement for Intellectual Property" (IPR Agreement) for the applicable project if the Author or the company of which he/she is employed has signed such IPR agreement; otherwise, all intellectual property in the ECR and owned by the company and/or the author shall be licensed royalty free to CableLabs with rights to modify and/or sublicense freely. CableLabs may disclose the content of this ECR to CableLabs' members and such others as is necessary for the development of CableLabs' specifications. Questions about the Authors' licensing of intellectual property in this ECR submission may be directed to