ASNAU SENATE MEETING #21 TWENTY FIFTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: April 11th, 2013 Number on council: 12 Date of Senate Meeting: April 11th, 2013 Number present: 12 Prepared by Shelby Burton Senator Woodhouse Acting Chairwoman called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order at 4:03 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: -All Present Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Reddig Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience Fossil Free NAU: They are from an organization called Fossil Free NAU. They wish to educate people about the effects of the burning of fossil fuels. Basically, they believe in divestment; NAU invests money in the same way and funds millions of dollars. These investments are made in fossil fuels. They are unaware of where the NAU investments are. They wish to take out the investments depending on the interest rate. They want to divest in fossil fuels; they have been successful in ending similar things. 300 campuses have joined the divestment movement including ivy leagues and the Arizona colleges have, as well. They are jumping on board. They want NAU to freeze all new fossil fuels investment and, in five years they wish to take it away completely. They wish for the investments to be re-distributed since we are trying to vie for a better climate. The investments are set up through a foundation. Regardless, their point is not to bankrupt the fossil fuel industry but to take a stance for a green school. Beyond that, they wishto gain the ASNAU support and collect signatures, in addition to going to the foundation to vote to divest. Senator Fox says that he supports this initiative, but wants to caution them in halting all new purchases; he also says that students should be educated to see how fossil fuels are affecting the climate. Currently, they are working with the student population; the main goal is to have them divest. Their back-up plan would be to ask other departments to do a trial run. Senator Lake asks if they want a resolution from ASNAU; they do. They will give all of the information to the senators and wish to have a vote in two weeks. Senator Woodhouse asks what they mean in investments; they explain that they mean investments in stocks. Chairman Lee asks President Smart if they wish to have a resolution; he suggests having a resolution done tomorrow by a senator. Senator Lake volunteers. Senator Woodhouse asks how they plan to take action to have the university divert; they wish to gain support, then they want to go to the foundation board. He can then sign a request for the meeting, then they will vote yes or no. Unfinished Business Item a, Bylaw Revisions, will stay tabled. Motion: Senator Lake move to bring back item b, Club Recognition: Yarn Crafting Club, to the table and to vote Second: Senator Fox Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, item b (Club Recognition: Yarn Crafting Club) has been brought back up to the table Discussion: The club wishes to be recognized because last semester she had a project to talk about a community that she connected with; however, she realized that crocheting was the positive community that she most associated with. Now, she wishes to make it an actual club. There is so much to do with yarn and it is a good opportunity to get away from the hustles of everyday to talk with peers about their problems, joys, etc. It will help people grow closer together; the club’s mission is to make stuff and give it to the community. They want to work with a club that makes blankets to donate for hospitals. They want to give back to the community in a simple way. Vote: Unanimous, item b (Club Recognition: Yarn Crafting Club) has been approved Motion: Senator Lake move to bring back item c, IA: Ralph Garcia, $235, and to vote Second: Senator Reddig Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, item c (IA: Ralph Garcia, $235) has been brought back to the table Discussion: Ralph Garcia will be going to the Theta Chi annual chapter conference; it happens in January and is one of the highest-rated events. It is for presidents only to build a stronger network; one should expect to improve their chapter, colony, or interest group. It is also an opportunity to talk with the international president. He is funding $600, and wishes to have $235. Senator Lake wants to know where the budget is; there is not one. In this situation, Chairman Lee suggests that because he is funding 60% of the trip there should not be a problem. It already happened. Vote: 9 in favor, 2 abstain, item c (IA: Ralph Garcia, $235) has been approved Motion: Senator Lake move to bring back items d and e, IA: Dana Krementz, $400 and SB 25-92: Dana Krementz, $100, to the table and to vote Second: Senator McDiarmid Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, items d and e (IA: Dana Krementz, $400 and SB 25-92: Dana Krementz, $100) have been brought back to the table Discussion: Dana Krementz wishes to have funding to present her research at a conference in which she is the first NAU student to be invited to. The conference will have many health professionals and experts about student disabilities. It will be in Florida this summer; she will be covering the registration fee and has gotten the hotel fee covered. She wishes for ASNAU to cover the flight. She wishes to integrate all that she learns and bring it back to NAU. Vote: Unanimous, item d and e (IA: Dana Krementz, $400 and SB 25-92: Dana Krementz, $100) have been approved New Action Business Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item a, Club Recognition: Epilepsy Association of Northern Arizona University Second: Senator Lopez Discussion: When mark valentine ceo of the epilepsy association of az contacted the president; being diagnosed at the age of 12, she thought it was a good idea. It affects education, employment, and social interaction. One out of every 100 people has epilepsy; it wishes to provide education and information to the NAU community and raise funds for treatment programs. They also want to help those with epilepsy have a supportive environment; they will do an epilepsy walk and provide information through the classroom with how to deal with epileptic situations. It will benefit the students and the community as a whole. Vote: Unanimous, item a (Club Recognition: Epilepsy Association of Northern Arizona University) has been approved Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item b, Club Recognition: Japanese Culture Club Second: Senator Creer Discussion: This club wishes to bring more awareness to the NAU society; one thing they wish to do is to show their culture to others. They want to help students interested in the culture and are not limiting people to any race, so anyone can join. If they are interested in joining, they can talk to any of the representatives. They want to come together weekly to talk about cultures and events in Arizona. Eventually, they would love to go to japan. Fundraising ideas include cook-offs and showing society what they are about. Generally, it is run off of NAU students. Vote: Unanimous, item b (Club Recognition: Japanese Culture Club) has been approved Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item c, Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Handball Team Second: Senator Lake Discussion: This club aims to bring back handball; there are about 20 students. When doing it in class, they always stay later. It promotes friendships, communication, and camaraderie. It will not be restricted to any race. In February, they competed and wish to keep promoting competitions. Senator Lake asks if they plan on competing; they do. Senator Smart asks if he can explain what handball is; it started in 2,000 BC when you hit a ball against a wall with your hand. It grew to multiple walls; it sounds simple but is more complex. They want to make the ball bounce twice before having it hit the wall. Racquetball is similar. Chairman Lee congratulates them and asks if they will join club sports; he says that Senator Lake and McDiarmid could help them with joining it. Senator Lake says that club sports are part of the council and they help with trainers, facility use, etc. Vote: Unanimous, item c (Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Handball Team) has been approved Motion: Senator Reddig move to vote on item d and e, IA: Jaselyn Moffett, $400 and SB 25101: Jaselyn Moffett, $1570 Second: Senator McDiarmid Discussion: Senator Lopez presents on behalf of her. It will help her go to CApetown, South Africa August 14-17th. She has done research on different tribes at NAU and is asking for help with flight and registration fees. She will be paying for hotel, transportation, and food. She will fly from Phoenix to D.C., then to Johannesburg, and then to Cape Town. Senator Lake says that she wrote to dentists for donations; if she is representing the health and human services department. The dean of the college already used up the scholarships for the India trip. The dentists have yet to get back to her. He asks how much she is putting towards it herself; Senator Fox says that, based on the total cost, she is contributing $600. Chairman Lopez says that she is not here because she has work. There is no issue with international trips. VP Niemann asks if the date was after the fiscal year. They can approve it before the fiscal year because she has all of the receipts. They cannot come for reimbursement until ater the event, but she will have to make a special exception. Vote: Unanimous, items d and e (IA: Jaselyn Moffett, $400 and SB 25-101: Jaselyn Moffett, $1570) have been approved Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item f and g, OA: NAU Relay for Life, $500 and SB 25-102: NAU Relay for Life $1650 Second: Senator Lopez Discussion: This club is asking for funding to feed the students that will attend the event to take place next Friday. Dining services has already given them as much as they can fund. They are expecting 1,000 people to attend. Chairman Lee says that there were issues last year so that they do not get shorted. Senator Lake says that there is a number in the budget line and they will need to make an amendment. Senator McDiarmid says that if Chairman Lee wishes to work with them on the bill, is he concerned with it? The representative does not know if they have an invoice; last year, there was a simple hiccup. Motion: Senator Fox move to strike all mention of “line 156” from the bill Second: Senator Tenney Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, the bill has been amended to strike all mention of “line 156” from the bill Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, items f and g (OA: NAU Relay for Life, $500 and SB 25-102: NAU Relay for Life $1650) have been approved Motion: Senator Creer move to vote on item h, SB 25-103: Franke College of Business Student Organization Council, $1530 Second: Senator Tenney Discussion: They are hosting a conference April 24th, run like a TED talk. There will be professionals talking about emerging trends in their businesses. It will be open to al FCB students and to the public. They need help with the room reservation, equipment rental, and staffing expenses. The FCB covered the cost of catering. Senator Lake asks why they picked the High Country Conference Center. They did not have time to get approval through student life for any other place. Senator Cross said that they are not a registered club and wishes to know how it got onto the agenda; they cannot receive an OA but they can get a senate bill for a group of individuals. It is simply up to the senate’s discretion. Vote: Unanimous, item h (SB 25-103: Franke College of Business Student Organization Council) has been approved Executive Report a. President- Sammy Smart -President Smart says that at faculty senate, Makenzie attended; the study rooms will soon have LCD TVs to use. They just hired someone to work with students that qualify for prestigious scholarships and does mock interviews, works with faculty and staff, etc. Ryan, Sammy, Adam, and Sally received a Gold Axe award, so congratulations! Blaise Caudill and Brianna Gomez also got the president prize recipients. They placed the banquet awards order, which was under $500. The LOUIE awards are due tomorrow at 5:00 PM. Staff applications are also due tomorrow at 5:00 PM. Hours are due this week! The banquet will be in the High Country Conference Center. She then hands out the floor seat tickets for the concert tomorrow. If you are not working the concert and are of the drinking age, please be responsible and do not wear ASNAU clothing. Do not embarrass this organization. b. Vice President of Student affairs- Annsley Niemann - VP Niemann reports that the Undie Run will be 7:30 to 10:30 on the 26th. This week they will be finalizing the event; pizza will be served at the end for a select group. Next Thursday, they need to give out shirts from 11:00 to 2:00. On Tuesday the 23rd, she also needs help. She has been working on her end-of-theyear report. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Ryan Lee -VP Lee reports that Senator Woodhouse led a great meeting tonight! Next week, he will chair the new action business and then Senator Woodhouse will chair the reports section. Next week, there will be a similar bill to the Ice Jacks bill. Thank you for signing up to work events. If you have not signed up for the Undie Run, please do so. It is imperative that you attend the concert tomorrow. Wear jeans and a polo if working the concert. They will be doing exit interviews and need four to do it tonight. Next Tuesday, they will do more interviews after appropriations. For the last two meetings, you can wear polos if you wish. d. Chief of Staff- Makenzie Mastrud -Chief of Staff Mastrud says that, for tomorrow, there are people who need to work tomorrow. You can bring something to do or you can talk to students. Please wear your polo and jeans and then you can change. When you meet, meet on the west side of the dome (closest to pine ridge). Senator Lake asks if they can arrive late to the concert; they can. Everything will be happening on the west side doors. Matt will also pass out the invitations and needs an RSVP. They were only able to give half of the students who applied for scholarships. She will also be going to ASU to meet with the other student body presidents. She also congratulates Sammy Smart on Chief of Staff! Staff Reports A. ASA- Jack, Danielle, Shayna - ASA says that HB 2169 was passed, but thanks all of the students who signed anything against it. The bill is catered toward ASA and the amendment in it says that any organization not directly seen by ABOR cannot collect funds. The USSA is working on ways to help them. They had their last board meeting last Wednesday; tuition was set at the meeting. All of their official ASA meetings are over with. Jack adds to the HB 2169 in saying that he thinks that it will eventually be challenged; the broadness of the bill may be a challenge to other organizations. B. Public Relations- Matt Villa -Matt says that he is finishing up the LOUIE awards and the banquet invitations. C. ITS-Joey Smoll -Joey reports that he is updating the website and uploading documents. D. Special events- Tony Buchta, Sara Martin -Tony and Sara report that there have been a few thousand tickets sold and are hoping to be at 5,000. She has been working on the LOUIE awards. The maximum to hold in the dome is 6,000 with the current stage set-up. Senator Smart asks if students can get tickets at the door; the opening act is Rockie Fresh, who is similar to Wiz Khalifa. E. NSG- Representatives -NSG says that they are working on their event to take place on Saturday from 6 to 10. They have been tabling for it this week. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Woodhouse says that Shannon will chair the appropriations committee meeting next week. B. Legislative: Senator Lake reports that this weekend will hopefully be the last meeting of the year. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Shannon Boruch-Senator Boruch reports that she is working on a bill and has been doing office work. b. Anthony Lake-He reports that the opera just recently finished; this is the first meeting that he did not have many bills on the agenda. He will also be writing a resolution tomorrow and is working the conference. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Samantha Cross-Senator Cross reports that the deans meeting entailed talk about making SBS better; they will also be having a survey for the advising center in the department. b. Jeremy Reddig- Senator Reddig reports that they suggested adding more questions to the survey about improvement. College of Health and Human Services a. Derek Lopez-Senator Lopez reports that they are encouraging surveys within the college. He also did office work and has had a busy schedule this semester. b. Dominique Creer-Senator Creer reports that they met with their dean and she mentioned that they will be starting their undergrad/grad program. She will also be bringing back a bill to send people to go to India. She went to the last task force committee meeting. College of Education a. Kelsey Smart-Senator Smart reports that there are two IAs for the same thing and wonders if she needs to write two separate bills; it can be on one. b. Adam Fox-Senator Fox says that the future teacher’s club had a successful bingo night and thanks ASNAU for their help. He apologizes if he needs to go home early. College of Business a. Jeremy Chan- Senator Chan reports that there has not been much contact with his dean. He worked on the video last week and did office work. b. Derrell Tenney- Senator Tenney reports that he was able to help Chairman Lee to help the Relay for Life funding get passed. He is glad that the business college was able to get funding. College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences a. Oregon McDiarmid-Senator McDiarmid reports that they have a deans meeting next week. He thanks everyone for passing the bill for the FCB; he is also working on another bill and the homecoming title resolution. b. Shayla Woodhouse-Senator Woodhouse reports that she had an interesting meeting; she hung up her posters and is excited to work the concert tomorrow. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— No Report Art Farmer— He reinforces a thank you for all those helping out tomorrow. He can help get in contact with the chain gang; in the next few weeks, they will be selecting a homecoming theme and dedicatee. Discussion Items Chairman Lee: If you have slow hours this week, you can work on your semester report. During the last week of the semester, you can write this in exchange for hours of pay. In talking about the agenda, he recognizes that the meetings have been long. There were over 100 bills this year; they like to go through the new action business before voting on it so that people can come up with questions. Senator Lake says that, in the order of the meeting, new action business and old business should just be for motions. Any presentations should be in call to the audience. It already parallels that, but is not technically in that format. They suggest doing the same format, but following the actual format (presentations in call to the audience). Senator Fox says that it should be up to the discretion of the next senate. However, he needs to leave a charge for Senator Woodhouse next year. Senator Cross says that he can leave the charge up to Senator Woodhouse to say to work on the agenda. Chairman Lee says that many of the people will be new. Senator Lake says that he likes that people are timed. He recommends doing it for executive reports and advisor reports. Maybe they could have bullet points for the executive reports so senators can formulate questions. Senator McDiarmid suggests that the meetings are great for the student body; maybe people can send their reports out and then the meetings can be focused on opinions and on the students. Chairman Lee says that that is a good suggestions, but he worries that people will not read them. Announcements The true blue star goes to Ryan Lee! Congratulations! Secondly, for the international bill, she will need to veto it because it does not happen during this fiscal year. There will be a special session after July 1st. In addition, she found an article about eating more bananas because they give you energy, help with PMS, brain power, hangovers, morning sickness, mosquito bites, ulcers, and nerves. Please eat more bananas. Adjournment Motion: Senator Fox Second: Senator Boruch Unanimous 5:24 PM