YR9/10 HSIE ASSESSMENT TASK TOPIC: Australia in Vietnam War Era DATE GIVEN: 30/07/2014 WEIGHTING: 30% DATE DUE: 29/08/2014 (WK 7) TASK: Letter to grandfather OUTCOMES: A student: 5.1 explains social, political and cultural developments and events and evaluates their impact on Australian life 5.2 assesses the impact of international events and relationships on Australia’s history 5.5 identifies, comprehends and evaluates historical sources 5.6 uses sources appropriately in an historical inquiry 5.8 locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry 5.10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences DETAILS: Imagine you are a 20-year-old male, living in Australia in 1970. Your grandfather is a member of the Returned Services League and has written a letter to you, urging you to do your duty for your country. Write a reply letter to your grandfather, explaining and justifying your views as a conscientious objector, including references to anti-war groups and the Moratorium march. You should also make reference to the conditions being faced by soldiers in Vietnam. In the letter, you must demonstrate an understanding of the grandfather’s point of view and the reasons for Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. MARKING CRITERIA – Letter to grandfather Criteria Comprehensively researched and written with demonstrated quality of language use and conventions appropriate to this style of writing. Uses resources to develop an insightful picture of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War including descriptions of conditions experienced in the war. Displays a deep understanding of different viewpoints towards the war, with a focus on the conscientious objectors. Demonstrated empathy for a young Australian living during the time period and their experiences facing the draft. Includes correctly referenced information sources. Marks 16-20 Soundly researched and written with good use of language and most grammatical conventions correct. Demonstrated use of resources to describe Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War including descriptions of conditions experienced in the war. Displays a sound understanding of different viewpoints towards the war, with a focus on the conscientious objectors. Shows some understanding of conditions and experiences of a young Australian living during the time period and their experiences facing the draft. Includes references. 10 - 15 Demonstrated basic level of research and limited use of correct grammar and writing conventions. Basic description of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Limited evidence of use of varied sources of research. Limited display of empathy or understanding of experiences or conditions during the Vietnam War. No references given. 6-9 1-5 Little of no evidence of research, poorly written with little or no evidence of language or grammatical conventions. Simple description of some elements of individual or war involvement. No evidence of use of more than one source of information. No understanding of individual’s experiences displayed. No references given. Does not respond to task or does not meet required criteria COMMENT: 0 Letter from grandfather: