Unit One Study Guide - Logan County Schools

Seventh Grade Unit One Summative Assessment Study Guide - Early Humans and Rise of Civilizations
40 Multiple Choice (40 total points).
Test Date: ______________________________
Using your workbook, composition notebook, handouts, formative quizzes and textbook answer the following questions on notebook paper to prepare for the test.
Explain the roles of an archaeologist, historian, and geographer.
Explain what questions an archaeologist would be able to answer when finding artifacts.
Explain the capabilities that the first humans (Australopithecus afarensis – Lucy) had that gorillas did not have.
What conclusion can be made about finding numerous bones of early hominids together?
What conclusion can be made about early hominids having bones structures that were tall, thin, strong, stood straight up, and walked and
Explain what the invention of the spear thrower enabled early humans to do that earlier hominids could not do.
What conclusion can be drawn from finding Neanderthal bones that appear to have been broken but then healed?
List the five groups of early hominids in order from the earliest existence to most recent.
Explain what caused the shift from Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) to Neolithic (New Stone Age).
10. Explain what the greatest benefit of the creation of farming was.
11. Explain why people lived in larger communities during the Neolithic Age.
12. Explain the main role of humans during the Paleolithic Age.
13. Explain the effects of trading during the Neolithic Age.
14. Explain the results of people developing specialized skills during the Neolithic Age.
15. What is the meaning of the word “Mesopotamia?”
16. Explain why Sumerian cities build strong walls and moats surrounding their cities?
17. Explain what caused people living in northern Mesopotamia to move south along the river valleys.
18. Explain what an irrigation system consists of AND why Sumerians used it.
19. Explain what happened when people from many villages used Sumerian irrigation systems.
20. Explain why Sumerian settlements were called city-states.
21. Explain why Sumerians did not continue living in small villages like their ancestors did.
22. Explain the effects of the inventions of the plow and irrigation system on ancient Sumerians.
23. Explain what types of people would have been considered “upper class” in ancient Sumer AND describe their living conditions.
24. Explain how Sumerian religion and government were connected.
25. Explain what Sumerian invention made the use of chariots (horse-drawn carriages) in the army possible.
26. Explain what Sumerians did that proves they were not prehistoric.
27. Explain the roles and duties of the kings in Sumer.
28. Explain the problem the city-states of Sumer faced by remaining independent.
29. List the order of the 4 major ancient Mesopotamian empires in the order that they held power.
30. Explain how Akkadians conquered Sumer.
31. Explain what Hammurabi is best known for.
32. Explain the rights and limitations of women and slaves in the Babylonian Empire.
33. Explain what problem all four Mesopotamian empires had after the fall of Sumer.
34. Explain why Assyrians built palaces on tall mounds.
35. Explain why the city of Babylon built an inner and outer wall surrounding the city for archers to stand on.
36. Be prepared to analyze paintings, pictures, artifacts and reading passages to determine answers to archaeological, historic, and geographic
questions. (e.g. If a sword has a carving of an animal on it, what does this say about that person?)
Seventh Grade Unit One Summative Assessment Study Guide - Early Humans and Rise of Civilizations
1. Archaeologists – examine objects, Historians – write conclusions based on findings, Geographers – relate findings to
where artifacts were found and study human-made and natural features
2. How someone did something, what they used to do it with, and what they actually did
3. could carry items, such as babies
4. lived together in groups
5. they traveled and probably lived on more than one continent
6. hunt animals from a greater distance, equaling safety
7. Neanderthals cared for their sick and had a sense of community
8. Australopithecus afarensis, Handy Man, Upright Man, Neanderthals, early modern humans
9. farming
10. created a stable food supply
11. they were able to provide enough food for more people and could stay in one place
12. finding enough food to live
13. found out how other groups lived and shared ideas and culture
14. improved the quality of goods made, improved the beauty of goods, increased trade with other groups
15. land between the rivers (Tigris and Euphrates)
16. protection from outsiders
17. population increased resulting in not enough fertile land to grow food
18. levees, canals, and dams which control the amount of water in an area
19. people in villages had to work together to take care of and maintain the irrigation system
20. they were run like independent countries with their own ruler, government, farmland, culture, and set of beliefs
21. they had to live and work together to maintain the irrigation systems
22. provided a steady food supply
23. priests and government officials who lived in two-story homes, with amenities like gold, mirrors and art-work
24. Sumerians believed the kings got power from the gods
25. the wheel
26. wrote down laws (prehistoric means before written records)
27. built temples, maintain the irrigation system, led the army, enforced the laws
28. could not defend themselves against stronger groups
29. Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Neo-Babylonians
30. militarily – used fear and ruthless techniques like the battering ram, siege towers, horses, and iron weapons to
31. Hammurabi’s Code of Laws
32. Women could own property but could not choose their husbands; Slaves could buy their freedom but were still
owned by their masters until that point
33. it was very difficult to control such large areas of land
34. to honor and look-up to leaders
35. protect the city from attacks