Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) Project Initial Minimum Data Set (MDS) - Tier 1 & Aboriginal, Homeless, Perinatal and Suicide/ Self-Harm You must complete all fields and mail to IWSML with your invoice for the initial session Your Name: ATAPS Approval Number: Date referred by GP: Date you received referral: Has this patient ever received ATAPS services in the past? ☐ Yes Postcode of Patient: Postcode of GP’s Practice: ☐ Yes Diagnosis and Treatment Patient Information Have you received a copy of the GP Mental Health Care Plan? Main language spoken at home How well do they speak English? ☐ No ☐ English ☐ Other (Please specify): ☐ Very Well ☐ Well ☐ Not Well Is the patient: ☐ Torres Strait Islander Education Level ☐ Primary or below Do they live alone: ☐Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown Low income earner? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown Prior mental health care? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Unknown ☐ Aboriginal ☐ Not At All ☐ Neither ☐ Year 7, 8, 9 or 10 ☐ Child ☐ Year 11 ☐ Risk of homelessness ☐ Year 12 ☐ Tertiary ICD – Diagnostic Categories Referred for which Strategies Receiving Psychotropic Medication ☐ Alcohol/Drug Use Disorder ☐ Psychotic Disorders ☐ Depression ☐ Anxiety Disorders ☐ Unexplained Somatic ☐ Unknown ☐ Other diagnosis: ☐ Diagnostic Assessment ☐ Psycho-education ☐ Interpersonal Therapy ☐ Narrative Therapy ☐ Other Strategies: ☐ None ☐ Benzodiazepines & Anxiolotics ☐ Antidepressants ☐ Phenothiazines &Tranquilisers ☐ Mood Stabilisers Date of session: First Session Details ☐ No Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) ☐ Behavioural Intervention ☐Cognitive Intervention ☐ Relaxation Strategies ☐ Skills Training ☐ Other CBT Interventions: Duration of Session: Strategies Provided ☐ Diagnostic Assessment ☐ Psycho-education ☐ Interpersonal Therapy ☐ Narrative Therapy ☐ Other: _______________________ ATAPS Stream ☐ Dep Anx St (use DASS 21) DASS 21 Pre Scores Stress: Attended: ☐ Yes ☐No Client Signature: Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) ☐ Behavioural Interventions ☐ Cognitive Interventions ☐ Skills Training ☐ Other CBT Interventions: _______________________ ☐ Self Harm (use MSSI) ☐ Perinatal (use EPDS) Depression: Anxiety: Modified Scale for Suicidal Ideation Pre Score (MSSI): Edinburgh Pre Scores (EPDS): Is this patient continuing with you for sessions 2-6 (session 2-12 for Self Harm)? ☐ Yes ☐ No The information I have provided on this form is a true and accurate record of services provided by me Signed: ________________________________________ Date: IWSML March 2014 This document is no longer controlled once printed