2015-2016 Irving High School Biology Instructor: Mrs. Fedorko Room: 418 Phone: 972-600-6300 Email: afedorko@irvingisd.net Conference Period: 3rd Course Description: Biology is a year-long course studying life. Our studies will be split into the 6 6-week grading periods as follows: 1st 6 Weeks: Safety, Biochemistry, Cell Structure & Transport 2nd 6 Weeks: Cell Energy, Cell Cycle, DNA & Protein Synthesis 3rd 6 Weeks: Protein Synthesis, Genetics 4th 6 Weeks: Evolution, Classification, Virus/Bacteria 5th 6 Weeks: Plants, Ecology, Ecosystems & STAAR Prep 6th 6 Weeks: Body Systems, Making Connections, & STAAR Prep Textbook: This course will utilize Texas Glencoe Biology 2015. Electronic access is possible through Engrade, which can be accessed on the ‘Students’ tab on irvingisd.net Materials: The following are required for this course: 1 notebook (spiral or composition)/semester Pencils Journaling: Students will create and use an interactive science journal, and must bring a spiral or composition notebook for biology coursework the first week of school. The second semester will require another notebook. Students are expected to keep up with their journals, as coursework will be going into it. Tutoring: Tutoring will be available every Tuesday before (8:00-8:40am) and after school (4:15-5:00), as well as every Thursday after school (4:15-5:00). Students are expected to attend tutoring if they are struggling with a concept, have questions, or need to remediate an exam. Students who have difficulty scheduling tutorials may attend with any biology teacher throughout the week. Grading Policy: Formative Assessments: 30% Summative Assessments: 70% Includes homework, practice, and general class assignments Includes exams, major projects, final drafts of papers Absent Work: Students are responsible for obtaining and completing makeup work when absent, including school-related absences. There is a bin in class with extra copies of assignments/notes, and students may also access materials on Google Classroom. Students will have an amount of time equal to the number of classes missed plus one day. If an assignment was due the day the student missed, it is due upon their return. An “M” for missing will be recorded for any missing grades until the assignment is turned in. Students must schedule a time with the instructor to make up an exam or laboratory exercise before or after school upon return. Retesting Policy: Students are strongly encouraged to retake any exams that s/he has earned a failing grade on (<70) within 5 school days of the exam for a maximum grade of an 85. Retesting takes place before or after school during tutorials after completing exam corrections over the failed exam (using their journal). Extra Credit Policy: In order to receive extra credit, students must have no missing assignments (“M” in the gradebook). Late assignments must be turned in, even if it is beyond the 5 day period, in order to participate. Late Assignment Policy: Students are expected to keep up with homework and turn in assignments on time. Students have the opportunity to turn in late work within 5 days of the due date at a penalty (-10 pts/day). If students struggle with deadlines, parents will be notified and a plan will be created to help the student keep up with class work. Electronics Policy: Class only lasts 45 minutes, and we cover a lot of material – students are expected to keep their phones put away and turned off during class. Success in this course is dependent on being present and mindful of the material we are learning, and phone use is not acceptable at any time. Per district policy, phones that are seen or heard during class will be taken up and left with the cashier, to be picked up after paying a $15 fee. Chromebooks will be available for students to use in class. We will utilize Google Classroom for assignments, notes, presentations, etc. If internet access is not available, paper copies are always available in class. Classroom Rules: Be respectful Kindness is expected toward all others in class. Offensive language, interrupting class, unauthorized use of electronic devices, sleeping, or being uncooperative is not acceptable. Be responsible Be on time, ready to work, and complete assignments to the best of your ability for your success. Be safe Follow all safety guidelines, be careful in the lab, and report any accidents immediately. No food/drink in the science classroom This is a science classroom, and so food and drinks are not allowed (including gum). Only water with a sealed lid is accepted, when not performing labs. Any food/drinks out during class will be disposed of. Please know, that at any time during the year, I may invite (require) that your parent join our class if for some reason you cannot adhere to the rules and policies described above. Consequences: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Student-Teacher Conference 3. Teacher Detention 4. Parent Contact/Sit-In Request 5. Referral *Serious infractions may result in an immediate referral. Classroom Procedures: Students are expected to be working when the bell rings. This means to turn in homework, obtain materials needed, take your seat, have out your journal, and begin the opening assignment. Once the bell rings, you have 5 minutes to complete the opening assignment while I take attendance. Three restroom passes will be given to each student each six-week period. It is expected for students to use their passing period to take care of these issues. Raise your hand to participate, ask a question, and ask to use the restroom. Restroom passes will not be awarded during the lunch period, or during the first or last 10 minutes of class. Parents/Students: Please detach this last page and return it to your instructor after reviewing. Parents, please indicate your preferred method of contact, as well as a number and email address to reach you at. I look forward to working with your student, and know that as a team, we can support him/her to be as successful as possible. Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns at the contact information listed at the top of this syllabus. Parents I, _________________________________, parent/guardian of ____________________, have read and understand the information shared with me in this syllabus. I understand that if my child follows these guidelines and I support him/her, success is inevitable. I prefer to be contacted by: Email or Phone ____________________________________________ Parent’s Signature ____________________________________________ Contact Number ____________________________________________ Parent’s Name (printed) ____________________________________________ Email Students I, _________________________________, in ____________________ period biology, have read and understand the information shared with me in this syllabus. I understand that I am responsible for my learning, and will do my best to be successful. I will reach out to my teacher if I need help or am confused about something. ____________________________________________ Student’s Signature