9th Grade Biology Syllabus

9th Grade Biology Syllabus 2009-10
Southwest Junior High School
Mr. Kennard
Room 710
School phone: 832-5550
e-mail: pkennard@USD497.org
My website: http://teachers.USD497.org/pkennard
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I had the pleasure of welcoming your student into my Biology class today. I hope
that he/she will find this class both interesting and enjoyable. The following information
has been written so that you and your student may better understand the routines of this
class. Please review this syllabus with your son/daughter, and have him/her return it to
school signed on the lines provided by Monday, August 16th. Students will keep this
copy of the syllabus in their Biology notebook (bio-log). If you would like an additional
copy for your future reference, I can easily provide you with one.
Course Description: Biology is a course designed to develop an understanding of living things. Our class
will have multiple lab activities and explorations. The scientific method is emphasized throughout the year.
Biological Science Unit Themes:
* biodiversity/classification
* cells & cellular processes
* biochemistry
* genetics
* ecology & evolution
* microbiology
Required Materials:
* Students should come to class with their textbook, planner, Biology Notebook, loose-leaf paper,
and a pencil each day.
* Students should bring completed homework when assigned.
* Students should keep all their science papers in a 3-ring notebook with dividers which they
will need to have in class every day.
* Students will need a jump/flash drive/memory stick for computer work.
Requested Materials:
* Package of loose leaf paper and #2 pencils for your student to keep at home or in his/her locker
to use as needed.
* Package of color pencils/markers, small school scissors, ruler, glue, red checking pencil/pen etc.
to be brought to class when requested.
* A box of tissues to share with the class.
* Additional materials may be useful for specific projects: book cover, poster boards, folder/photo
album, insect pins, etc.
Daily Work, Homework, Exams:
* Daily work is very important. If a student comes to class regularly, and honestly attempts to
complete all assigned work, he/she will not fail this class.
* Bio-Log: Notes, activity sheets, observations of experiments and demonstrations, homework
assignments, quiz and test papers, etc. are to be kept organized into the student's biology notebook. All
pages should be titled and dated and the Biology notebook is to be kept organized at all times.
Students will be asked to turn their log in periodically for a grade.
* Homework will be assigned frequently, but not every night. You may read from your book/online text, or listen to the reading at the website. Note-taking is STRONGLY encouraged!
* Projects: Students will be given ample notice and sufficient time to complete larger assignments
such as the insect biodiversity collection, research projects, or other larger projects, as well as the quarterly
Biology Current Event Reports and E.O. Wilson Projects.
* Tests: Quizzes will be given periodically and an exam will be given at the end of each unit.
Should your student do poorly on an exam, he/she may correct it for additional credit. See Q & A sheet for
A student with an excused absence will be allowed to make up missed assignments without
penalty. However, he/she will only be granted time to complete make-up work equal to the number of days
absent, and it is the student's responsibility to request and complete make-up work. If you miss
Biology due to a school related activity, but are at school for part of the day, work will be assigned/due
with the rest of the class. Please see me before/after school to turn in work/ pick up assignments.
Those students with UN-excused absences are not eligible to receive credit for make-up work.
Late Work:
All assignments must be completed and turned in on time. If a student fails to turn in an
assignment on time, he/she is still required to complete the work in order to be eligible for any extra-credit
points, but limited or no credit will be given for late work. Progress reports will be sent home 3 or more
times each quarter and any incomplete assignments on a given progress report not completed and
submitted with an excuse form with-in one week will be recorded as a zero.
Labs and Group Activities:
Science labs and activities can be very exciting, and so everyone will want to participate. Safety is
a top priority in a science classroom, and for this reason participation will be based on proper behavior
(following directions, exercising caution and good judgment, etc.). If classroom behavior is not
satisfactory during an activity a student may be given a Time-out. The time-out form must be completed
correctly and returned to receive a passing grade of a ‘D’; otherwise the student will receive an ‘F’ for that
activity. If inappropriate behavior continues, the student will be assigned a before or after-school
detention, or in extreme cases, they will be referred to the principal.
For safety reasons, all student materials and belongings must fit on or under their desks not in the aisles.
Grading Procedure:
Students will be graded on a total points system.
following scale:
59% or less
Letter grades will be assigned according to the
Final grades will be determined by the total number of points earned by the student divided by the
total number of points possible. Again daily work will count heavily in your student's final grade.
Students are expected to do their own work. Copying or plagiarizing someone else’s work, or letting
someone copy yours, will result in a zero on that assignment and could lead to further disciplinary
The theme of this class is RESPECT. You are to behave in a way that demonstrates respect
for yourselves, others, your environment, and your teacher.
I look forward to meeting you on parents’ night (Aug. 24th), and encourage you to
call or stop by the school any time you may have a concern about your child's progress in
my class. My personal plan is 8th hour. My school e-mail is: pkennard@USD497.org.
Please also refer to my website for this class at http://staff.usd497.org/~pkennard or from
the SWJH School site http://schools.usd497.org/swjhs.
I have read and understand the Biology Syllabus that has been provided to me:
Parent phone #
Mr. Kennard
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature