Children*s and Adolescent Literature

COURSE SYLLABUS______________________________________________________________
Instructor: Mr. Eliezer Semedo
Work/Daytime Phone: 501 3296872 Ext 181
Cell Phone: 501 329-6872 (Call or Text)
Office Location: Cooper Building, Room PB 101 or NA
Skype: eliezer.brito.semedo (9:00-4:00pm)
A. CBC1300 PACE Orientation
B. Course Description
A course designed to orient all students entering the PACE program for the first time to its unique nature
and its policies and procedures; it will also assist in acclimating students to the world of adult learning.
Prerequisite: None
C. Required Text
Simon, Linda. New Beginnings: A Reference Guide for Adult Learners (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-13-715230-8
D. Additional Learning Materials
Computer with basic audio/video output equipment
Internet access (broadband recommended)
Microsoft Word and Power Point
E. Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to aid students in being successful as they seek to complete their degree through
the PACE Program. This will be accomplished by:
 Learning about the PACE Program’s policies, services, and resources
 Learn to utilize the functions of the college’s student course management system
 Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses
 Becoming knowledgeable about the uniqueness of PACE and adult learning
F. Course Requirements and Assignments
Assignments (8)
There will be a total of eight assignments during the course. As you complete each of these
assignments, be sure to click “submit” on the assignment in the course management system
(WebStudy). Assignments should be submitted by the weekly due date posted. For each day late,
five points will be deducted from the grade. Four assignments will be worth 25 points and four will be
worth 50 points.
Discussion Forum (4)
In Weeks 1-4, you will participate in a Discussion Board Forum. First, you must post a 50-word
thread answering all of the questions in the forum based on that week's textbook readings and/or
presentations. Each thread is due by Friday at 11:59 p.m. (CST) of the relevant week. Then you
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must reply in 25 words or more to at least one classmate's thread. Your reply must demonstrate the
analysis of a classmate's thread and extend meaningful discussion by building on the thread. Each
reply is due by Monday at 11:59 p.m. (CST) of the relevant week. You are expected to post welldeveloped threads and replies. Forum 1 (initial post+reply) is worth 50 points. Forums 2-4 are worth
100 points each.
Quiz (2)
There will be two open-book online quizzes that can be taken twice if necessary. The quiz will cover
the material in the CBC information packet, PACE handbook, reading assignments and presentations.
The main purpose of the quiz is to ensure that the student has learned the information as well as
where to find the information for future reference. Each quiz is worth 50 points.
Final Essay
In week 5, the student will submit a 1-2 page Final Essay. In this essay, the student will identify his or
her personal learning style. They will also describe methods of study used in the past and the new
methods they plan on using. See ‘Assignment Instructions’ for more details. This Final Essay is worth
100 points.
Final Exam
There will be a 45 minutes CLOSED BOOK exam at the end of the course. This exam will cover all
the material from the quiz as well as the material covered on study skills and learning styles. A study
guide is provided in WebStudy. The Final Exam is worth 150 points.
G. Course Evaluation
Grades will be based on scores from assignments, quizzes, exams, assignments, clinical experiences, and
Final Essay
Final Exam
Total Points Possible
Grading Scale:
A = 90%-100%
B = 80%-89%
C = 70%-79%
D = 60%-69%
F = 59% & below
H. Policies
Attendance: Students are expected to attend class regularly and arrive on time. The instructor will take
attendance at the beginning of each class meeting. If you arrive late, please speak with the instructor
immediately after class so that your attendance will be properly recorded. It is the student’s responsibility
to contact the instructor if it is necessary to miss a class meeting and to complete the work he/she missed.
Students are allowed no more than one absence per Professional Adult College Education (PACE)
course. Any student who misses more than one class meeting will be administratively withdrawn from
the course and a grade of “WP” or “WF” will be assigned by the instructor. NOTE: This is CBC
policy; please do not ask for an exception.
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Late submissions: Late assignments are not accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the
instructor in writing. The instructor will answer student emails within 24-48 hours.
Forums: The instructor will read the Discussion Board threads and replies and also reply to some but not
all posts.
Academic Dishonesty: All acts of academic dishonesty, which includes but is not limited to cheating,
falsifying, and plagiarism, are serious violations and carry severe penalties including failure on the
assignment or in the course. Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s work, ideas, or
expressions as one’s own, whether one does so intentionally or as a result of careless documentation.
Individual Support: CBC adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is the
policy of CBC to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Any student
with a disability who needs accommodation (for example, special arrangements for seating, exams, notetaking, etc.) should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. The chair of the department
offering this course is also available to assist with accommodations. Students with disabilities are
encouraged to contact the Registrar’s office, which is located in the administration building.
Harassment Policy: It is CBC’s policy that all personnel have the right to work and/or study in an
environment free from illegal discrimination including all types of harassment. Please familiarize
yourself with Harassment Policy on pages 13-15 of the Student Handbook.
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