Sample Syllabus Quiz/Contract

1. What is your instructor’s full name?
2. What name should you use when calling your instructor by name? ___________________
3. What are the 3 ways to contact your instructor?
a. Email _________________________________________________________________
b. Phone_________________________________________________________________
c. Office location __________________________________________________________
4. What are the 4 possible grades for this course?_____________________________________
5. What are the 4 requirements you must complete to Pass this course?
a. ____________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
6. More than ________ absences WILL cause you to receive an FX grade.
7. You cannot receive a PASS grade if you miss more than _________ classes.
8. How many absences are recorded for each of the following?
a. Not attending a class________________
b. Being late for class (how many times = 1 absence?) ________________
c. Leaving class early (how many times = 1 absence?) ________________
d. Being asked to leave class ________________
9. How many late assignments can you turn in if you are not absent from a class? __________
10. At what time during the class are homework assignments due? _____________________________
11. If you are absent, when can you make up a quiz? _____________________________________
12. How many grades will the instructor drop when averaging your final grade? ___________________
13. What should you do if you decide to stop attending this class? ______________________________
14. What are the minimum Computer Lab requirements for a P or an R in this course?
15. What 3 things are you required to buy for this course?
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________
16. What is the last date to drop this class? _______________________________________________
17. What is the policy regarding cell phones/head phones/laptops in class?______________________
What grade do you hope to receive in this class?
Initial here that you understand if you accumulate more than SIX absences (including enough late arrivals or
early departures to equal an absence) the instructor will assign you a grade of FX. The FX grade is given at
the instructor’s discretion at any time during the quarter once more than 6 absences have occurred.
Do you understand the grading policies for this class?
N Sign below if you circled yes.
If no, write any questions you have below:
I am keeping a copy of this quiz in case there are any questions about whether or not you understand
the class policies and consequences.