Mathematics * Team 2 - Geary County Schools USD 475


Team 5: Mathematics

Mrs. Seifert


- Pencils - Erasers - One 5-subject spiral notebook - Highlighter (optional)


Entering the classroom

Students will enter quietly and proceed to their seat. Students need to bring ALL of their materials with them when they come to class.

When class begins

Check the SMARTBoard for special instructions. Complete the PrESS activities (Pr-Prepared, E-Enter, S-Sit, S-

Start). Students will record their daily tasks in their agendas, record the essential question into their notebooks, and review their notes and classwork from the previous day. Pencils must be sharpened during this time. These

“jobs” are to be completed within the first 3-5 minutes of class. The teacher will submit the class attendance and check for the completion of homework during this time.


PrESS assignments are given as soon as students walk into class each day. These assignments will be used as an assessment of the concepts taught the previous day. Students will be responsible for answering questions relating to the previous day’s lesson. Students may use their class notes to help them complete the assignment. These will be graded, worth up to 10 points. When students finish, they will hand in their assignment in the appropriate tray on the counter, and then read their RC book.

Grading PrESS

The following rubric will be used to grade each PrESS question:

2 Points 1 Point 0 Points

Correct answer and work is provided to show thinking process

Correct answer but no work is provided to show thinking process

Incorrect answer but provided work to show thinking process

Incorrect answer and no work is provided to show thinking process

No answer provided (left blank, ?, or IDK)

(Rubric subject to change)

Homework and Classwork

Homework will be assigned occasionally. Students will be responsible for completing a series of problems relating to current or past concepts. Each homework assignment will be worth 10 points. Students will complete classwork every day in class. Occasionally they will be asked to hand in their classwork. Any classwork that is handed in will be worth 5 points.

Headings on Assignments

Everything students hand in to Mrs. Seifert should include an appropriate heading. This helps Mrs. Seifert identify what assignment the student should receive the credit for. An appropriate heading should be written on the top right-hand side of the paper, and should include the following:

Full Name



Assignment (page number & problems)

Finding Assignments

The daily agenda and assignments are written on the left-hand side of the board at the front of the classroom.

Previous assignments will be recorded on a calendar on the front bulletin board.

Collected Assignments

PrESS—daily (up to 10 points)

Homework—at teacher’s discretion (10 points) 40% of Grade

Class Work—at teacher’s discretion (5 points)

Unit Quizzes

Unit Tests 60% of Grade

Unit Projects

Completed Assignments

Students will place their completed assignments into the appropriate class trays on the front table. Students will need to make sure their work has the correct heading and is neatly completed in pencil before turning anything in.


Students will be informed of their current grades weekly in CAT Time. Detailed grade reports will also be posted on Mrs. Seifert’s grades board every Monday, so students can monitor their grades themselves. Students will need to know their student ID number in order to find their grade.

When you finish early

Students will check with the teacher to make sure all of his/her previous assignments are turned in. If and when all coursework is complete, students will read their library books. Also, there may be challenging projects and interesting activities available to work on relating to the unit. The teacher will share these opportunities with the students.

Absent from class

Students are responsible for finding out what they missed during class and making up all of their work,

including PrESS. They are encouraged to talk with their group members (at an appropriate time) and catch up on any class notes and work that they need. Students can find any assignments that they missed in the Folders in the at the front of the room. If a student leaves early from school and knows in advance (due to a school event or appointment) their work must be turned in BEFORE they leave to receive full credit. Students should let Mrs.

Seifert know about these planned absences ahead of time (before or after school), NOT during passing period, or by interrupting class.


If a student is tardy, they should enter the room quietly and begin working on their PRESS activities. All tardies will be recorded and monitored in the Infinite Campus gradebook.

Dismissal time

The teacher will dismiss class when everyone is seated and the classroom is clean. There may be a special prompt for the students to complete as their “ticket” out of class.

Getting teacher’s attention

Students will raise their hand and sit quietly until the teacher can respond. If the teacher is unavailable at the moment, ask a group member for help or proceed to another question while waiting.

Getting students’ attention

The teacher will ask for attention. Students have up to five seconds to stop talking and stop doing. They should be quiet and ready for instruction by this time.

Restroom breaks

Students will raise their hand and sit quietly until they have the teacher’s attention. Their agendas should be opened to the current date. After asking and receiving permission, the teacher must write a pass in their agendas.

Students will sign out of the classroom and take the hall pass with them. A set time is allowed to be out of the classroom, students should manage their time. Additional policies may be implemented if restroom privileges become abused.

Leaving the classroom (Office, Counselor, Library, etc.)

Any passes to leave the classroom must be approved and written by the teacher in the student agendas. Students will sign out of the classroom and take their agendas with them.

Pencils breaking during class

Students should have additional pencils on “reserve” in case the one they are using breaks. Students may also ask a group member for a pencil. If and when the teacher is not talking and there is no class discussion taking place, students may sharpen pencils. Pencils should be sharpened before class begins.

Throwing papers away

All papers need to be thrown away before or after class, or during student work time when all instruction is complete.

Needing a tissue

Students may get a tissue as they need one.

Working cooperatively

Students will listen to each other, coach each other, and encourage one another in the classroom. The same expectations apply in small groups and class discussions. Students will be working in small groups for each unit.

Groups will be rearranged most likely at the completion of a unit or the end of a six week period. Cooperative learning builds internal conversations with practice of external conversations

Using proper language and manners

Students will use appropriate language in the classroom. They are expected to treat others with respect and kindness. Put-downs and name calling are not acceptable behavior. Remember to say “please” and “thank you.”

School-wide announcement

Students will immediately stop talking and listen to the announcement. If action is required, they will respond appropriately. If no action is required, they will return to work after the announcement is made.

Visitor or principal in classroom

Students will carry-out their daily routines and follow the classroom procedures and expectations as usual.

If you are suddenly ill

Get up and GO! It is best to get as far away as possible from the teacher and other students. If you do not think you can make it to the restroom, locate the nearest trashcan.

Additional HELP

Students are encouraged to come in before and after school (AM/PM Academy) to get additional help. Do not hesitate to come in! I would be glad to help!!  NOTE: 5 minutes before class is NOT the time to receive help.

Mrs. Seifert’s Website

Mrs. Seifert’s JCMS website is a helpful place to find out what has been going on in class, when there will be upcoming tests or quizzes, and important due dates. You will also find some links to helpful math websites with games and other math related activities. The web address is:

Teacher Contact Information

Phone: (785) 717–5860

(Do not cut)

Please fill in the information below if you have read and understand Mr. Seifert’s classroom procedures and expectations. Return the packet to class to be used to help with tomorrow’s PrESS! The information will be returned for your future reference.

Student’s Full Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________

Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________________
