Minutes of Meeting Held on 16th March 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Present: Councillors Hughes, Dockrey, Sharp, Shepherd and Ultsch. Parish Clerk Helen Metcalfe. Residents: Lucy Barlow, Rachael Clark, Rosemary Dockrey, Robin England, Colin Smith, Gill Simmonds, Claire Walder, Tony Zinopoulos, Anthea Unsworth, Pauline Tobin, Polly Foster, Hope Price, Glynis Lowdon, Nicki Lewis (Representing Ardleywith-Fewcott PC) 1. Apologies: District Councillor Kerford-Byrnes, Ross Hand 2. Declarations of Interest: Councillor Dockrey for Item 12. 3. Public Participation: Pauline Tobin / Robin England/Colin Smith/Claire Walder for Item 7: The Local Plan. Rachel Clark for saplings at Kings Head 4. Minutes of Meeting Held on 12th January 2015: Approved and signed as a true record. 5. Matters Arising from the Minutes Community Speedwatch: 3 volunteers have now come forward; 2 are needed for each shift. Resolved: Clerk to contact Ardley-with-Fewcott PC with a request to share their speed gun if available or to share a purchase if necessary. Action: Clerk War Memorial: CDC has awarded a grant of £884.00 towards repairs. Fritwell PCC have expressed concern over the weight of the stone and potential damage if it is removed. Therefore the contractor has agreed to repair in situ, without taking it down, thus reducing the risk of damage. Local Heritage Sites: Cllr Hughes and the Parish Clerk have submitted the relevant forms to CDC and are awaiting a response. The assets identified are the reading Room and the water pump. Office Equipment for Clerk: A laptop, Microsoft Office package and printer laminator and various sundries have been purchased on behalf of the PC by Gill Simmonds. Resolved: A new email address has also been set up solely for PC business. This will be in use from 1st April: clerkfritwellparishcouncil@gmail.com Verges in North Street: Councillors were advised that the installation of kerb stones world require road closures which are extremely costly. Bollards are being considered but concern was expressed that these could be damaged by HGVs or tractors. Councillors would like to view the proposed items before making a decision. It was also agreed that reinstatement of the verges with topsoil and grass seed should be undertaken simultaneously. Resolved: A further estimate should be requested from Millers (Fencing contactors) and discussion over reinstatement of verges be initiated with OCC Highways Department. Action: Clerk Tree on Green: Permission has been granted by CDC for the agreed work to go ahead. Resolved: Clerk to contact Appreciate Landscapes to request work to be undertaken. Action: Clerk. 6. Community Footpath: Nicki Lewis from Ardley-with-Fewcott PC explained progress to date. The construction costs can now be met through grants, including those from Viridor Credits and A-w-F PC. The next steps are a Feasibility Study and agreement over the position of the end point in Fritwell. Recycled materials will be used wherever possible. It was explained that Fritwell PC cannot commit funds towards maintenance at the present time. A request was made for a named contact from Fritwell PC. Resolved: Clerk to email councillors to ask for a volunteer and relay this information to Nicki. Action: Clerk. 7. Financial Matters Balances Balances Carried Forward Add Receipts Less Payments £ 8190.08 12586.06 20776.14 7724.35 13051.79 £ 1358.75 Current Account Business Saver Account 11693.04 13051.79 Business Saver Account includes £1924.06 Transactions Since Last Meeting Receipts Headstone Fee Grant for War Memorial £ 60.00 884.00 944.00 Payments Mower Parts Mower Service Salt Bin Dog Waste Bins Office Equipment £ 22.76 105.00 300.00 261.52 430.84 1120.12 Future Payments Clerk's Quarter Salary OALC Subscription approx Village Hall 277.00 133.00 105.00 The above payments were approved. Request for Grant from Forget Me Not Club: A detailed letter has been received from the Club requesting a grant to help with the rising cost of transport for the wide range of outings planned for members. The physical and emotional benefits of these trips for elderly residents were clearly identified. Resolved: To award £600 as a grant. Action: Clerk to arrange payment. Report of Remuneration Panel: This was discussed and accepted. It was noted that no councillors have current plans to claim expenses. 7. Planning Matters Goose Farm: Approval has been granted by CDC for barn renovation. 7 Town Well End: Approval has been granted for an extension. 72 East Street: Approval received for felling an apple tree. Tree on the Green: Approval given for identified work. Cherwell Local Plan: Ian Corkin of A-w-F is taking a lead role. Concern was expressed by Robin England that if the Neighbourhood Plan is agreed by CDC, then all local objections will be disregarded. The safeguards inherent in the NP were explained by councillors and it was suggested that Robin contact Ian Corkin for further information. Mr England also drew to councillors’ attention the omission of the CDC deadline of 6.12.14 from the consultation letter to residents of October 2014, leading to a lack of awareness of the urgency of any potential queries. It was also noted that there is a Section 106 protection zone beyond the village boundary, adjacent to Hodgson Close. Colin Smith expressed concern that possible future development may compromise this safeguard. Councillors advised him that further clarification may need to be sought from CDC should the need arise. 8. Pond The appearance of the pond site has been much improved by the temporary work done on the fencing. OCC can carry out a permanent repair sometime in 2019. Removal of Silt: Councillor Hughes is in discussion with the contractor used by OCC Highways to clear the silt but delays are being experienced. Resolved: that Cllr Hughes contact Peter Surman regarding the use of a sludge pump to remove the accumulated silt. The County Council should be informed that this is to happen Action Councillor Hughes. 9. Cemetery Fencing: Miller’s have agreed to carry out the work sometime in March 2015. Noticeboard: This work is being undertaken by Ben Shorey. 10. Emergency Plan: Volunteers have all been contacted. Clerk will shortly be collating all the relevant documents. 11. Spring Clean: Date agreed for Saturday 18th April 2015, starting at 10.30am. Councillor Ultsch kindly agreed to cook food for volunteers attending and requested funding to purchase provisions. This was agreed. It was also noted that old tyres need removing from the Brackley Road and there is an unsightly accumulation of litter along the B4100. Action: Clerk to return forms to CDC to arrange for necessary equipment and to prepare notices for village. Also to notify CDC of the litter beyond the village boundary. 12.Church Drive: The stone wall along the side of Church Drive is in need of repair but the owner has advised that due to cost considerations, this may be replaced with post and rail. It has been suggested by the Clerk that the owner research the possibility of available grants in view of the Conservation Area designation of that part of the village. The Church is keen that the paddock behind the wall continues to be available as additional parking for church services on occasions. Lucy Barlow commented that in her experience, grants were available for reconstruction of stone walls in some settings. 13. Saplings at The King’s Head: Rachel Clark advised Councillors that the newly planted saplings are likely to occlude the views of motorists approaching the bend in the road, close to the site, as they grow. This was duly noted. 14.Co-option of Councillor and Elections: Thanks were expressed by Councillor Ultsch on behalf of the whole PC to the retiring Clerk for all her dedication over the last twelve years. Thanks were also expressed on behalf of the residents by Anthea Unsworth. Helen Metcalfe has kindly agreed to be co-opted onto the PC until the forthcoming election, to replace Councillor Fisher. The role of Clerk will be undertaken by Gill Simmonds from 1.4.15. Councillors were advised that their period of service ends at the forthcoming election and if they wish to stand for re-election, the Clerk has the necessary application packs. The deadline for receipt of applications at CDC is strictly 4.00pm on Thursday 9th April 2015. Applications must be delivered to Bodicote House BY HAND. Cllr Dockrey told the meeting that he would not be standing for re-election. Cllr Ultsch thanked him on behalf of the Council for all the work he has done as a Councillor, particularly relating to financial matters and also on behalf of the community. Residents were also encouraged to consider submitting applications. 15. Correspondence: A request has been received from Chipping Norton Theatre for additional funding for their community project ‘A Good Night Out’ which facilitates local productions in the community. A decision was deferred until after the forthcoming election. 16. Next Meeting: AGM and APM Monday 18th May 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall