Sandymoor Parish Council Minutes – June Meeting Version 1


Sandymoor Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held at

Sandymoor School

Thursday 18


June commencing 7:30pm.


Cllr David Felix (Chair)

Cllr Simon Hurst

Cllr Adam Irvine

Michelle Cotgreave (Clerk)


Cllr Jackie Watkins

Cllr Richard Eastburn

Cllr Andrew Lockyer

Cllr Jo Wakefield

Cllr Steve Parry

HBC Cllr John Bradshaw and HBC Cllr Marjorie Bradshaw

371 Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Council’s Code of

Conduct (and Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992)

None where declared.

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meetings held on:

21 st May 2015. A number of amendments were made, agreed and the minutes where signed off via the Chair.

372 Code of Conduct

The Chair reminded the meeting and the public o f the ‘Code of Conduct.’

It was raised all Parish Councillors ‘Registered of Interest Forms’ should be revisited.

Resolved: For the Clerk to send ‘Registered of Interest Forms’ to the Parish

Councillors and for these to be completed and returned to the Clerk. These forms to be reviewed on an annual basis and will be added as a standing item on the AGM


373 Any matte rs to be raised by the Public for ‘Public Air Time’ o Keckwick Brook - Culvert o Bayswater Close o Sandymoor Hall o Local Centre


Chairs Signature __________________________________________________

374 Policing Matters

Cheshire Police attended the meeting. They shared the following update:

Vehicle speeding in the Malmesbury Park area;

A number of car thefts in the area;

Areas of concern regarding Bayswater Close where raised with the police.

Cheshire Police advised if residents had any concerns, then please ring 101 for non-emergencies and 999 for emergency calls.

Police Crime & Commissioner Meeting

The Chair raised the next quarterly meeting was scheduled to take place 24 th June

2015 at Kingsway Learning Centre, Widnes.

It was also raised if the Commissioner held public surgeries.

Resolved: The Chair and Parish Councillor Simon Hurst will attend.

The Clerk to investigate when and where public surgeries are held and advise

Mr Michael Nutford-Sin (public) of the outcome.

375 Richard Jones, Homes & Communities Association

The Clerk advised she had received no communication from Richard Jones.

Resolved: The Clerk to write to Richard and agree for him to attend the September meeting.

376 To consider / raise awareness of planning and planning liaison matters:

The following planning applications where discussed:

• Planning Application:

An amendment had been received by the Clerk for the above application.

Resolved: No comments.

377 Finance

Payments for authorisation and receipts

Resolved: The payments were accepted and signed. The total expenditure totalled £

378 Standing Orders

The Chair advised he has added Rob in Brocklehurst’s ‘Contract of Engagement’ to the dropbox.


Chairs Signature __________________________________________________

379 Leads Update

Parish Councillor Simon Hurst has produced and completed his Terms of Reference for the Lead of Environmental. These have been accepted by the parish council and added to the drop box for reference.

Parish Councillor Simon Hurst had met with Nigel Hayes, HBC Open Spaces,

29 th May 2015 regarding some areas of work which required completion. The work and costings where agreed.

Resolved: For all Parish Councillors who are leads on specific areas, to complete a similar ‘Terms of Reference’ and send to Clerk. The Clerk to contact Nigel Hayes

380 Traffic Management and advise him to progress the work required and timescales.

Following Stephen Rimmers email regarding the 20mph traffic management in


Resolved: For the Clerk to write to Stepehn Rimmer to discuss.

381 Pinch Point Scheme

The Clerk had received a number of queries from residents regarding The Pinch

Point Scheme at Daresbury was discussed.

The Clerk advised she had received information from Dave Cunliffe, HBC Highways

Development regarding the scheme. Unfortunately there was no definitive date for the commencement of the works at Pitts Heath Lane. HBC are waiting for the target price and programme from their Term Service Contractor, Lafarge Tarmac. A start on the widened left-turn out from Pitts Heath Lane is imminent.

Resolved: Dave Cunliffe will update the Clerk on a date and progress of the scheme in due course.

382 Postal Address

The Clerk has received no feedback from Councillor Andrew Lockyer. Therefore, this area of work has not been progressed.

383 Update on Transfer of Land / Related Issues

No further update.


Chairs Signature __________________________________________________

384 Correspondence received by the Clerk

Pitch Point Scheme – as discussed.

385 Public Air Time – Limited to 10mins (subject to the discretion of those

Councillors present)

Keckwick Brook – Culvert

It was raised by a resident when the modification work was scheduled to take place at the Culvert at Keckwick Brook. Also, there is a lot of rubbish around the Keckwick

Brook area which needs removing.

Resolved: The Clerk to write to Dave Cunliffe, HBC Highways Development.

Bayswater Close

A resident raised the problems he has had with the removal of trees at the rear of his property. He had been promised the trees would be replaced, as these protected the property from the sound of the main road which runs adjacent to his property.

Resolved: The Clerk to write to Paul Wright, HBC Open Spaces.

Sandymoor Hall

A resident raised how a meeting had been held recently regarding the future of

Sandymoor Hall. It was also raised the ongoing maintenance and financial problems for the hall.

Resolved: The Chair advised Sandymoor Parish Council would support the hall however it could, in the future.

Local Centre

Richard Jones, HCA had not attended the meeting. Therefore, there was no update.

386 Any other matters arising for future discussion


387 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next parish council meeting is scheduled to take place Thursday 18 th

June 2015, 7:30pm at Sandymoor School.

There were concerns regarding the date of the next meeting.

Resolved: proposed for the next meeting to be scheduled Wednesday 15 th July

2015 The Clerk to send this date out for agreement.


Chairs Signature __________________________________________________
