Full Parish Council Minutes Jan 13

M D Lowe (Chairman) P Harley
D Atterbury
A Patel
J Brown
S R Brown
J Knaggs
S Coombe
D J Hill
D Knaggs
K Knaggs
P Newman
S O Rose
C Wooding
B J Seaton
The Clerk, The Deputy Clerk, 5 members of the public
P C Porter
The Clerk & Deputy Clerk
D Maguire, L Seaton, R Raven,
R Davies
M D Lowe (Chairman)
S R Brown
D J Hill
P Newman
B Seaton
To Receive apologies for Absence: None
Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures from Members and
Officers and the nature of those interests as specified In respect of
items on this agenda.
Cllr D J Hill declared an interest in item 6.
Monthly Expenditure Report – Mrs G M Smith
ACCOUNTS: Expenditure: The Deputy Clerk presented cheque no’s
110173 to 110186 for invoices and petty cash and direct debits totalling
£30,286.24 for January.
Councillor Hill expressed concern about the Electricity and Gas charges
and was of the opinion that they are expensive for all council properties.
Monthly Income Report - Mrs G M Smith
The Deputy Clerk presented income reports for December.
It was proposed and seconded that the Council accepts the accounts.
Resolved: The motion was carried
Real Time Information – Payroll Quote
The Deputy Clerk explained that from April 2013 there will be a new way
to report PAYE information in real time or RTI. Instead of sending all PAYE
details in one go at the end of the year you will have to send a tax return
every time a payment is made at the time it is made.
RTI is a requirement of HMRC to ensure accurate records on wages and
tax for the forthcoming Universal Credit, so eligible employees will get the
right amount of benefits.
The Deputy Clerk presented a quote RTI Training course provided by IRIS
Paymaster - £489.00.
Alternatively the Deputy Clerk presented a quote for a comprehensive
Payroll package from Vaughan-Davies Accountants to for the provision of
Payroll and RTI services - £35.00 per month.
It was proposed and seconded that the Council accepts the quote from
Vaughan-Davies Accountants to for the provision of Payroll and RTI
services - £35.00 per month
the motion was carried.
Resolved: the meeting was moved in committee/confidential for items 6
& 7.
Confirmed and signed this
day of
Chairman Councillor M D Lowe welcomed all to the January meeting of
the Council.
To Receive Apologies for Absence:
Councillors: D Maguire, L Seaton, R Raven, R Davies
Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the Council.
2. Disclosures of Interest (in respect of items on this Agenda):
Councillor Lowe declared an interest in any Business concerning
Charnwood Borough Council and Thurmaston Magpies FC.
Councillor Seaton declared an interest in any business concerning
Charnwood Borough Council and Thurmaston Events Team.
Councillor D J Hill declared an interest in any business concerning
EMEC Contractors and Thurmaston Events Team.
Councillor K Knaggs declared an interest in any business concerning
Roundhill School.
To receive Reports from the Police
The December Crime Report will be available on Thursday; copies will be
emailed upon receipt.
PC Porter explained the new Neighbourhood Policing arrangements. Also
reported on recent crimes in the area including a burglary on Church
Parish Precept 2013/14.
Councillor Lowe explained that at a Cabinet meeting of 20th December,
Charnwood Borough councillors resolved the Borough Council distribute a
proportion of the Council Tax support grant equivalent to potential
shortfall as result of changes to the Council Tax base arising from the
localisation of Council Tax Support. The Borough Council have stressed
that this is a proposal and as yet, no decision has been made, however, it
is reasonable to assume that this is the likely outcome.
All committees have approved their individual budget and copies of the
combined precept were issued with the Agendas. The 2013/14 precept
combined total represents and increase of 2.5% on last year.
It was proposed and seconded that the Council approves the precept for
Resolved: With a majority of Councillors voting in favour of the proposal,
the motion was carried.
Thurmaston Bowls Club – Grant.
The Clerk reported that Thurmaston Bowls Club has received very exciting
news in that they have been granted a bid of £41000 towards our Pavilion.
Sport England requires some docs in order to process the offer. One of
these things is a copy of the lease from the Parish Council by 20th
January. I have explained to the Club that the terms and conditions of
their lease are outstanding at present and have agreed to provide a
letter explaining that a 30 year lease has been agreed and this will be
followed by an official lease document when it is ready.
Wreake Valley Academy Consultation of proposed Amendments to
Admissions Policy with effect from September 2014
- Cllrs M D Lowe & D J Knaggs
Councillor D J Knaggs explained that Wreake Valley Academy is
proposing to amend their admission policy, changing the nature of the
school with effect from September 2014. The current admissions policy
allows for the admission of students into two curriculum years, Year 7 (11+)
and Year 10 (14+), and the proposal will change the admission policy so
that students will normally only be admitted to the school at Year 7 (11+).
Additionally there is proposed amendment to the catchment areas:
Wreake propose to maintain their current feeder catchment schools and
expand to give other primary schools direct feeder status: The Current
feed catchment schools include: Queniborough C of E Primary, East
Goscote, Broomfield County Primary, Rearsby, St Michael and All Angels
Primary, Gaddesby County Primary and Thrussington C of E. Proposed
additions: Church Hill C of E Junior school, Eastfield County Primary, The
Merton County Primary, The Pochin Primary,St Peter and St Paul C of E
The proposals are potentially detrimental to Roundhill Academy. A
previous proposal suggested that Roundhill and Wreake valley
amalgamate with years 7 -11 attending Wreake Valley and Roundhill
becoming a sixth form centre only.
Councillor Knaggs suggested that Roundhill is adequately capable of
becoming an 11 to 16 school.
The Clerk presented a copy a letter which has been issued to parents of
students of Roundhill Academy explaining that Roundhill will publish its
own proposals in the New Year.
A lengthy discussion took place including the following comments from
It is likely that transport for Thurmaston children would not be
provided as the school is located within 3 miles.
Roundhill has an excellent reputation
Support for expanded Roundhill to become 11 – 16 school.
Some parents choose to send to Wreak to avoid the transition from
Roundhill to Wreake.
There is meeting of the Governors of Roundhill next Monday.
It was proposed and seconded that the Clerk writes to Roundhill School
explaining the Councils concerns about the unsettling consultation at
Wreake Valley Academy and potential implications for Roundhill and
suggesting they expand with full support Thurmaston Parish Council.
Resolved: the motion was carried.
To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Full Parish
Pages 144 – 151 Tuesday 11th December 2012.
(make corrections amendments) to be signed by the Chairman enc).
It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein
be adopted as a true and correct record.
Resolved: that the minutes and resolutions therein be adopted.
To confirm and sign the minutes of the following Committee
Page 152 – 153 Minutes of the Meeting - Health and Safety
It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein
be adopted as a true and correct record.
Resolved: the motion was carried.
Page 154 – 156 Minutes of the Meeting of Health and Safety Committee
It was proposed and seconded that the minutes and resolutions therein
be adopted as a true and correct record.
Councillor Hill expressed concern about the incident of anti-social
behaviour towards a member of the staff and was of the opinion that the
Memorial Hall should be staffed during party hiring’s.
Resolved: the motion was carried.
Public Participation - Maximum of 15 Minutes (Meeting adjourned)
Planning Applications
Application No. P/12/2586/2
43 Westdown Drive, Thurmaston, Leics LE4 8HU
Erection of two-storey side and rear extension and single
rear and side extensions to detached dwelling. (Revised scheme for
changes to roof P/12/0442/2 refers)
Resolved – no comment
Application No. P/12/2605/2
25 Church Street, Thurmaston, Leicestershire LE4 8DQ
Proposal: Erection of single storey extensions to side and rear.
Resolved – no comment
Application No. P/12/2586/2
43 Westdown Drive, Thurmaston, Leics LE4 8HU
Erection of two-storey side and rear extension and single rear and side
extensions to detached dwelling.
(Revised scheme for changes to roof P/12/0442/2 refers)
Resolved – no comment
Application No. P/12/2572/2
169 Colby Drive, Thurmaston, Leicestershire LE4 8LE
Erection of 7 dwellings (Reserved matters – Outline P/10/1568/2 refers).
Resolved – no comment
Thurmaston Showstoppers - Letter of thanks
Now that our performances of “Mr Scrooge” are over, I would once again
like to thank you for your kind sponsorship.
Our Pantomime was very well received and very well supported this year.
Thank you once more for your help, it makes all the difference, our cast all
enjoyed the experience. A third and final performance is planned for
January revenue from which will go to children’s charities.
With very best regards and all good wishes for the New Year.
To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors (for information
The Clerk reported that the construction of the new play ground on
Silverdale Park will commence next week.
Councillor S R Brown:
Reported that he had received a complaint about flooding on the Mobile
Home Park, Unicorn Street, which he subsequently referred to the relevant
authorities via ‘fixmystreet.com’. Councillor Brown recommended that
the council requests that drains in the area are cleaned and requested
an Agenda Item for the next meeting of the Environmental committee.
Councillor S Coombe:
Reported that the final showing of Show Stoppers is on Thursday evening
this week, Silverdale Community Centre.
Councillor K Knaggs:
Thanked the councillors that attended the Activities Day at Silverdale
Community Centre and reported that the event was success raising
£255.00 for charity - children with hearing difficulties.
To receive Reports from Borough Councillors and the County
Councillor (for information only)
Councillor Harley reported on matters relating to the Borough and
Councils and answered questions accordingly.
The Chairman thanked all those present for attending and closed the
Confirmed and signed this
day of
Also Present:
The Clerk & The Deputy Clerk
Cllr L Seaton
R Davies (Chairman)
P S Harley
J Brown
S R Brown
D Atterbury
M D Lowe
To receive and accept Apologies for Absence
Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the
Declaration of Interest – To receive disclosures and the nature of
those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda.
Councillor D Atterbury declared an interest in any business relating to the
Royal British Legion.
Councillor R Davies declared an interest in any business relating to the
Royal British Legion.
Cemetery Extension – Update - Clerk
The Clerk updated Councillors on progress as follows:
Cemetery Drive: two trees have been removed in preparation for
the parking bays.
The Grant form has been re submitted with further information as
requested and we should receive a response in 21 days.
Environment Agency
Reply received as follows:
The risk to controlled water posed by the proposed cemetery extension
will be low. The site is located approximately 400 metres from the nearest
surface water course and is situated on mudstone geology.
The mudstone geology is classified as a Secondary B aquifer type which is
predominantly made of lower permeability layers. This may support
small non mains household water supplies such as wells. The local authority
(Charnwood BC) will hold details of any wells used to supply
household water and will be able to provide location information if there
are any in the area. Also details of any field drains in the areas would also
need to be assessed.
There are no licensed water abstractions with a 1 kilometre radius of the
site and the site is not located in a source protection zone.
The proposed development will be acceptable in terms of risks to
controlled water if the following conditions for burial can be met:All burials in the cemetery shall be:
 a minimum of 50 m from a potable groundwater supply source;
 a minimum of 30 m from a water course or spring;
 a minimum of 10 m distance from field drains;
 shall not be in standing water and the base of the grave must be
above the local water table
The reasons for this are to protect the quality of controlled waters in the
local area.
The National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 109 states that the
planning system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local
environment by preventing both new and existing development from
contributing to or being put at unacceptable risk from, or being adversely
affected by unacceptable levels of water pollution
The Clerk reported that she has forwarded a copy to Ballinger’s for
Cemetery Path Consultation
The Clerk presented 9 letters received in response to the consultation re
the proposed removal of the cemetery path. All responses were
objecting to the proposals.
The fencing work is now complete.
Quote received for the re-surfacing of the path: P J Brooks £4360.00.
It was proposed and seconded that in light of objections, the proposal to
remove the path should be withdrawn and the path re-surfaced pending
availability of funding.
Resolved: the motion was carried, Clerk to reply to all respondents.
Memorial Hall Hire
Incident 22nd December – options for staff security
The Clerk explained about the incident at the Memorial Hall on Saturday
22nd during a 21st Birthday party at the Memorial Hall involving the
Councils Premises Officer and party guests(see H&S minutes) and
reminded Councillors that In accordance with the Councils H&S Policy, we
have a duty of care to protect employees.
The explained that the Centre Managers have requested that the
following points are noted:
 The Memorial Hall is popular venue for hirers who prefer to provide
their own drinks. Hirers requiring bar provision usually book Elizabeth
 Hirers requiring kitchen facilities for the provision of hot food prefer
the Memorial Hall.
 The Council do not have sufficient staff and Managers for two bars.
 A Licensee would have to be present.
 The Premises Officer should wear a uniform/security jacket.
 Damage deposit charge increased to £300
 Installation of an additional hotplate would alleviate the need for
gas burners.
Te following options were discussed:
 Bar Provision - estimated costs
The Clerk presented estimates for bar facilities in the Memorial Hall:
Upright Display Chillers £380.00, Cash Register £230.00, Glasses £200.00,
Glass washer £750.00, Optics, drip trays, towels measure cups, ice buckets,
bottle bin etc £300.00 Beer Coolers? There would be additional costs of
fixtures and fittings, plumbing etc. region of £2 -£3K. Provision would need
to be made for the storage of glasses and equipment and necessary
adjustments to the fitted kitchen to accommodate a bar and storage.
Additionally, the council does not have facilities to transport the stock and
gas bottles at weekend. There is no cellar or storage provision within the
Memorial Hall.
Contract Bar
Contract bars/staff are available for hire at no cost if required.
 Security Guard provision - quote
The Clerk obtained a verbal estimate for security guards/Doorman as
For a function with 135 guests, two door men would be required @ £11.05
per person per hour. The service is not available for two hours slots, would
be provided from 6.30pm to 12.30pm.
Quote from Churchill Security Ltd: Total cost £132.60.
 Increased damage deposit
The damage deposit for function is currently £100, this could be raised to
discourage breach of hire conditions, including the use of own heating
equipment – gas burners – centre Manager Recommendation: £300.00?
No Alcohol: Alcohol prohibited?
Early Closure: Functions to close at 10pm?
Limited Availability:
The hall could be available for children’s parties/limited number of
guests/constituted groups/organisations. Future bookings could be
restricted to Community Events, Constituted groups, regular Hirers,
afternoon children’s parties to be closed by 7pm.
18th, 21st Birthday, Stag Parties, Hen Parties, Pre-wedding parties
Two members of staff to close parties
Member of staff to supervise functions
Hire charges increased: the current hire charge is £130.00 for 6 – 12
booking (Elizabeth Park £150.00).
The Clerk reported that complaints relating to late night parties include:
noise nuisance, congestion – parking.
Councillors discussed the options listed above and it was proposed and
seconded as follows:
18th and 21st Birthday Parties, Stag Parties, Hen Parties, Pre-wedding
parties to be prohibited.
Damaged deposit changed to Deposit on Breach of Hire conditions
and increased to £300.
Lone worker and dealing with conflict training to be arranged for
the Premises Officer and bar staff.
Hire charge to be increased to £155.00 to cover increase in staff
costs for closures.
the motion was carried.
Budget Review
The Deputy Clerk presented copies of the income and expenditure
reports to date which are slightly over budget at present.
Project Update
Budget balances for clarification:
Cemetery Chapel
Income increase
£2000 (to date)
Allocated as follows:
Commemorative plaque for the Chapel
Cemetery fence
Memorial testing
£ 200.00
£2800 balance allocated towards resurfacing of cemetery path (total cost
£4360.00 for consideration at end of financial year).
Memorial Hall Centenary
Progress update:
Ideas submitted to date:
Refurbishment of the outside of the building - cleaning – re-pointing
of brickwork.
An event at the Memorial Hall – re-enactment or Festival
(Thurmaston Events Team)
Remembrance Service – St Michael and All Angels
Councillors suggested the following ideas:
Refurbishment of the toilets
False ceiling
Bronze statue (indoor or outdoor)
Bronze plaque (pictures telling story)
Tea Dance WW1 theme
Clerk has written to the Events Team asking them to give consideration to
organising various events around 4th August 2014 and informing them of
the suggestions submitted to date.
Councillor Harley reported that he attended the last meeting of the
Events Team and it was the opinion that events should be in recognition of
the end of the war not the start.
Any Events in commemoration of the First World War should be sensitive.
Further suggestions were submitted as follows:
Local school children/members of the community could be invited
to take part in poppy planting
Memorial Hall Cleaning event
The motion was carried
Health and Safety
As above.
Requests for Next Agenda
Date of Next Meeting 19th March 2013
Confirmed and signed this
day of
Present :
Also present:
Officers : Mrs T A Kunne Mrs G Smith
B J Seaton (Chairman)
A Patel
R Raven
S Coombe
L Seaton
D J Hill
S R Brown
M Lowe
D Maguire
S Rose
To receive and accept apologies for absence
Cllrs: D Atterbury, K Knaggs, J Knaggs, C Wooding
Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the
Disclosures of Interest - To receive disclosures and nature of those
interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda.
Councillor Raven declared an interest in any business concerning recent
repair work to council properties.
Tony Donovan, Executive Director of Age UK Leicester Shire &
Rutland. Re: Service provision for Thurmaston
Mr Tony Donovan introduced himself and explained the services they
Residential and Nursing Home Advisory
Social Care Information and Advisory Service
Money Matters Project
Services for older people with mental health problems
Luncheon Clubs
Drop-in Centres
Practical Support
Travel Luncheon Club
Respite Support for Carers up to 8 hours per week
Day Care Centres
Cleaning Services
Gardening Services
Home Help
Mr Donovan explained as from April 2013, Age Concern will provide a
personal care service. However please note that due to funding cuts the
majority of services will be chargeable as from April 2013.
Age Concern aim to assist elderly residents to enable them to keep in their
own homes and have a good quality of life for as long as possible.
Councillor Seaton suggested that Elizabeth Park Centre would be a
suitable venue for the Luncheon Club. Mr Donovan agreed, and
reported that the Jagruti Group which meet on a weekly basis at
Elizabeth Park are supported by Age Concern.
Councillor Rose suggested an information event held at Elizabeth Park for
Residents and local community groups. Mr Donovan agreed.
Mr Donovan explained that Mountsorrel Parish Council funds a Benefits
Advisor who is employed on a regular basis to assist elderly residents with
advice on services and benefits. Councillor Lowe requested further
information and costings to enable Thurmaston Parish Council to consider
providing this service in the future.
Councillor Seaton thanked Mr Donovan and he left the meeting at this
point. Leaflets and posters are available in Elizabeth Park Centre.
Drains – Unicorn Street - Cllr Seaton & Cllr Brown
At the last meeting of the Parish Council, Councillor Brown reported that
he had received a complaint about flooding on the Mobile Home Park,
Unicorn Street, which he subsequently referred to the relevant authorities
via ‘fixmystreet.com’. Councillor reported that the drains in question had
been cleaned two weeks ago.
Councillor Brown recommended that the council requests that drains in
the area are cleaned regularly. It was agreed that the Clerk should write
to the County Council requesting that the drains on Unicorn Street are
included in the annual maintenance program.
Christmas Lights - The Clerk
The Clerk reported that the three year contract for the installation of the
Christmas lights has expired.
It was proposed and seconded that three tenders are invited (existing
Resolved – The motion was carried.
Village Boundary Signs – Cllr Newman
The Clerk explained that Councillor Newman has reported that the
Thurmaston Village signs are in a poor condition and was of the opinion
that the appalling state reflects badly on the Council and Thurmaston, as
a whole. Councillor Newman suggested that the signs should have a
yearly clean and maintenance as minimum, but some, particularly the
one near Roundhill will need to have more work, due to its location.
Councillor Newman supplied a photograph of from several months ago,
and stated that clearly they need to be better looked after. Note their
condition is a lot poorer now too. The Clerk reported that she had
identified a company in Leicester who would provide a cleaning quote if
Councillor Seaton and Councillor Hill offered to investigate this matter
Budget Review – Deputy Clerk
The Deputy Clerk issued copies of the income and expenditure account
to date which is in line with the budget.
Councillor Lowe suggested that he Council considers making a donation
to BABTAG towards to the cost of the Traffic survey should there be
provision within the budget at the end of the financial year.
Planning Applications
Copies of plans were forwarded to councillors prior to the meeting for
P/13/0025/2: Erection of single storey and two-storey extension to rear of
30 Methuan Avenue, Thurmaston, Leicestershire LE4 8FS
No comment
P/13/0007/2: Erection of dormer extension
66 Silverdale Drive, Thurmaston, Leicestershire LE4 8NH
No comment.
Retention of outbuilding (retrospective application)
33 Westdown Drive, Thurmaston, Leicestershire, LE4 8HU
It was proposed and seconded that the Parish Council object to this
application as follows:
In support of concerns raised by the residents of a neighbouring property the
Parish Council have decided to object to this application as it is over
dominant to neighbouring properties. Additionally Councillors would like to
request that if approved conditions are put in place to prevent the property
becoming residential.
Highway Maintenance Issues
The Clerk reported that he following issues have been reported to the
County Council since the last meeting of the committee:
Radar Gates:
The 3 Gates (Radar) situated at each entrance to the subway
under the A607 (Brook Street to Wayside Drive). The locks on all 3
gates have been vandalised, and, consequently, the gates are
permanently open, thus enabling cyclists to enter the subway. The
resident concerned was walking his dog through the subway over
Christmas and the dog was involved in a collision with a cyclist.
Additionally a barrier which was previously situated on the
approach footpath to the Wayside Drive entrance was vandalised
and removed some considerable time ago has not been replaced.
Reply received as follows:
Thank you for your email concerning the gates for the subway
under the A607. I have passed your report to the Highways Team
so that the matter can be investigated and any necessary work
can be arranged. The reference number for this request is 6398082.
Bollards missing and subsequent hold in footpath Redhill Lane: this
matter was reported three times:
Reply as follows:
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded the details to the
Highways Team so that they can arrange for the necessary action.
The reference number for this request is 6327400.
It was proposed and seconded that the Clerk should write to
County Council requesting that the Bollards are replaced.
Additionally this matter should be to the County Councillor.
Fly tipping: received a report from a resident of Thurmaston that 6
to 7 oil drums has been tipped on Canal Street/entrance to
Watermead park near the bridge. The gate at the entrance is open
as the padlock has been smashed
Reply received as follows:
Thank you for your email. We have spoken with our Country Parks
Team and they have confirmed that this entrance belongs to
Leicester City Council. They have also provided a contact number
for Leicester City - 0116 2293632
Overgrown Hedge: complaints from residents of the following
addresses about the hedge which is overgrown at the rear of their
properties bordering the A607: 25, 25, 27 and 30 Church Street
Reply received as follows:
I confirm that your query regarding progress of the hedge cutting at
this location as been passed to our Highways Maintenance Team
for their attention. Should you need to contact us again regarding
this matter please quote reference 6229232.
Charnwood Borough Council - Naming Thoroughfares
Notice that the new road for 11 dwellings rear of Colby Drive will be
assigned the name : Deacon Drive.
The Council had suggested Dent Drive and this name will be assigned to a
future new road.
Leicestershire County Council - Church Hill Road Flooding
Reply received as follows:
I refer to your correspondence and petition pertaining to flooding at
Church Hill Road. The Cleansing of the road gullies will be increased they
will be cleansed on a six monthly basis initially and this will be reviewed to
see if this frequency needs to increase.
We have had discussions with Network Rail regarding their responsibility for
the spoil that is falling from their embankment and adding to the problem
with the gullies , unfortunately they have not been forthcoming with any
response. I have chased them up again today with the intention of
arranging a site meeting to discuss again action that is required by them.
I shall keep you informed of my progress with them.
CPRE - Fieldwork Newsletter
Winter 2012. - Councillor Seaton took document for information.
Health and Safety
Councillors commended the work of the Councils Snow Wardens.
12. Reports and Agenda Items
Councillor Brown: Reported that he has received complaints from
residents of properties on Charnwood Avenue concerning drafts through
a gap left around the door frames of their properties following the recent
wall cladding work. The properties are all awaiting the installation of new
doors and Councillor Seaton offered to investigate this matter.
Councillor Lowe :reported that he had attended a meeting at Roundhill
Academy concerning their proposals to expand intake to 11 – 16
inclusive. There were approx 80 present.
Councillor K Knaggs: had submitted a report re: Pot holes in the road
Lonsdale Road and Melton Road.
Date of next meeting: 26th February 2013
Confirmed and signed this
day of
Also Present:
The Clerk, Deputy Clerk
Mr R Potts Centre Manager
4 members of the public
D J Hill (Chairman)
M D Lowe
C A Wooding
D Maguire
S R Brown
R Davies
A Patel
J Knaggs
P Newman
S Coombe
B J Seaton
To receive and accept Apologies for Absence -
Cllr D J Knaggs, K Knaggs, D Maguire, R Raven
Resolved: Reasons given for the apologies were accepted by the
Disclosures of Interest – To receive disclosures and the nature of
those interests as specified in respect of items on this agenda.
C A Wooding – Silverdale Park
Thurmaston Bowls Club Pavilion Project
Mr I Gaiter and Mr D Elwood
Lease Agreement (see example enclosed) – The Clerk
The Clerk issued copies of a Lease Agreement which was previously in
place for Roundhill School for lease of the Pavilion and pitches at Jubilee
Playing Fields, prior to the meeting for consideration and reminded
Councillors that there will be Solicitors costs associated to the formation of
the Lease Agreement.
The Clerk reminded Councillors that the Council has agreed as follows:
30 year lease for the Pavilion at a meeting on 5th June.
Full Parish Council in Sept 2012, it was agreed that the rent for the
new pavilion and green fees remains the same, less the room hire
fee which is equivalent of £182.00. This is subject to review as per all
hire contracts, however, the Clerk reminded Councillors that a
reduced rate was extended for the further 3 years commencing
Sept 2012.agreed £1968 - £182 = £1786.00
All costs associated with the new pavilion must be met by the Bowls
Club in addition the rent and green fees.
Councillors discussed and suggested the following:
 50% of the costs of setting up the leased to be paid by the Bowls
 Meeting to be held with the Club to discuss draft lease
 Small number of Councillors to meet with Solicitor to finalise
It was a proposed d seconded that the following Councillors should meet
with representatives of the Bowls club to discuss the terms and conditions
of lease; Councillor M D Lowe, S R Brown, D J Hill and B J Seaton.
Councillors M Lowe and B Seaton agreed to meet with the Solicitor.
A meeting with the Mr I Gaiter and Mr D Elwood, Thurmaston Bowls Club
will be arranged as soon as possible.
Resolved – The motion was carried.
Silverdale Park – Playground Project – Update – The Clerk
 Opening Ceremony – The Clerk
The Clerk reported that installation of the Playground equipment is
progressing and should be completed by the end of the week weather
permitting. Additionally, Charnwood Borough Council has granted
permission for the erection of the camera on Offranville Flats and an order
has been placed for installation of CCTV.
Opening Ceremony:
The Clerk suggested that an Official Opening Ceremony should be
arranged including members staff from the School Council,
representatives of Charnwood Borough Council being the funding
provider and the Parish Council. The Clerk suggested that the Council
books Silverdale Community Centre and provides a cake and a drink to
mark the event.
STEP – School Council have suggested that it would be great to get a few
of the old members together and maybe some of the new to show how
their views helped influence the design. Additionally requested
notification of the opening date ASAP as the more notice they have, the
more chance they have of getting the pupils there.
It was agreed that Children from the School Council are invited to open
the playground and to advise the Parish Council on the type of opening
ceremony they would like.
Resolved – The motion was carried.
Boxing Club Extension – Update – Cllr Seaton
Opening Ceremony – the Boxing Club are arranging their own opening
Councillors asked Councillor Davies (representing boxing club) for
clarification that the boxing ring would be sited in the new extension and
that the portable gym equipment was to be stored in the extension when
not in use so that the room could potentially be used for other hirers.
Councillor Davies stated that the ring was to remain in the existing room
and punch bags etc be housed in the extension.
A lengthy discussion followed and it was agreed that a meeting, on site
would be held with the boxing club to discuss this further. Councillors
stated that they wished to continue to support the boxing club as much
as possible.
The following Councillors wishes to attend:
Wooding, Patel, Lowe, S Brown, Davies and Hill
Budget Review / project update – Deputy Clerk
The Deputy Clerk presented copies of the income and expenditure
account to date which is in line with the budget.
She explained that the closure of the 3G pitch, due to snow would impact
on the income. Funds would need to be allocated at the yearend
towards the replacement of the 3G surface and towards the drapes
All projects allocated to the current financial year are complete with the
exception of the Kitchen project. Funding is in place for the project to
It was agreed to accept the quotation from Roshal for the creation of the
kitchen as follows:
Site set up
Building works
Dry lining wall cladding
Suspended ceiling
New floor covering
Decoration works
Electrical works
Councillor Seaton suggested a hatch be installed from the kitchen to the
meeting room. This was agreed subject to funding.
Resolved – The motion was carried.
It was agreed to discuss the kitchen fixtures further with Roshal and the
Centre Manager.
New Elizabeth Park Leisure Centre Signs – Cllr Newman
Councillor Newman advised that the sign for Elizabeth Part Sports Centre
was out of date and advertised facilities that were no longer available.
Councillors agreed that the sign required updating and asked Councillor
Newman to investigate costs. This will be considered pending funding.
Thurmaston Bowls Club Letter
The Club are still fundraising in earnest, but things always slow down this
time of year. All money made from the social evenings go towards the
After the success of the Race Night we held in June we would very much
like to hold another perhaps in April. This does depend somewhat on the
generosity of Elizabeth Park so would it be possible to have the hall at no
cost again? Either a Friday or Saturday Evening?
It was agreed to provide one let for the current year.
Park Issues:
Story Boards – Garden Street Recreation Ground : The Clerk reported that
the new storyboard has been installed.
Health and Safety No issues reported
Reports and requests for Agenda Items
Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 5th March 2013
Confirmed and signed this
day of