September 2005 - East Goscote Parish Council

E.G.P.C. 14.09.05
Minutes of a Full Council meeting held on Wednesday 14th September 2005 at 7.00pm
in the Council Offices.
Mr Keith Gregory ( Chair)
Mrs Y Smith
Mrs B Allen
Mr S Riley
Mr R Jenkins
Mr D Walton
PC Rob Sewell
Mr D Houseman
Nick Shivers (Caretaker)
Co-option of New Members:
Apologies for Absence: Mr G Morton, Mrs M Loseby
Declarations Of Interest: Mrs Allen regarding Long Furrow and Carpet Bowls, Mr Riley
regarding Long Furrow and Mr Walton re Syston Fencing, Mrs Smith Regarding Village Hall,
Burial Matters, and the Christmas Committee, Mr Jenkins regarding all planning matters and
the Burial Committee, Mr Gregory – Syston News.
To confirm the minutes of the last full council meeting (10.08)
The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.
Matters arising from the minutes
05/093 – Hydrant covers still missing/burnt out car still there. There is also another problem
with chemicals on the forecourt of the records office.
05/084 – Chestnut Way Sleeper Bed – Councillors felt that that the new bed was excellent and
have requested that a second bed, of exactly the same dimensions be installed. (This was
agreed at a cost of £28 per sleeper x 8 £224)
05/100 – The clerk held a meeting with a Charnwood Borough Council officer regarding the
street nameplates for Weavers Wynd – New plates will be installed giving details of the house
05/100 – The “no golf” signs are now in place.
05/108 – Employee care – The Clerk has undertaken her eye test, and the Chairman advised
that the Caretaker inoculations could be carried out at Syston free of charge, whilst
occupational health charges £125. Mr Gregory is still investigating the necessary risk
assessment forms.
05/107 – The playtrail has been ordered at a reduced cost of £3100.00. The Council will need
to provide a skip costing £50. (Still below the budget)
05/111 – Betty Allen has a consultation document from the Melton PCT. The Clerk will show
this to Doctor Shah.
05/085 – Thanks to David Houseman, Keith Gregory and Ron Jenkins for all their hard work
in ensuring victory with Charnwood Planning Department, relating to the variation of
condition 7 on the Jelsons Site.
Matters arising from the Police
PC Rob Sewell was in attendance (Voicemail 0194) although advised the Council that a PC
Kevin Palmer may soon be taking over our beat. The Crime figures for August and September
were discussed. (10 incidents in August). Village Problems highlighted to the police were:
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o Youths using the bus shelter on Melton Road as a meeting point, sitting on the roof,
causing a disturbance to residents of Broome Avenue.
o Suspect with fake ID card trying to “read meters”, picked up in a Blue Van – Broome
o The Warren – van taking away scrap metal
o Parking problems caused by Wilson Builders on Chestnut Way
PC Sewell confirmed that if a resident parks over another resident’s driveway this is classed as
obstruction and the police could attend to get the vehicle removed.
One Councillor asked if parking fines were to be taken over by the Borough Council as part of
the Environment Bill – He believed this to be the case.
PC Sewell stated that Community Support Officers were in the pipeline and should be in
position for this area within the next 6 months.
Mr Gregory thanked PC Sewell for attending.
Matters arising from the Public
County Councillors Report
Mr Houseman advised Councillors that the planning application by Jelsons for the
Variation of condition 7 was rejected unanimously by Charnwood Borough Council.
The Traffic lights for Craftsmans Way are still expected for a November start date.
He asked for updated information regarding the Doctors Surgery – The Clerk will forward any
There were no questions.
Borough Councillors Report
Mr Jenkins advised the Council that he had addressed Charnwood Borough Council once
again, regarding the lack of enforcement for the McClean/Wimpey site.
He confirmed that because he objected to the Jelson variation of condition, this is what
prevented this application from going to delegated powers. The Council thanked Mr Jenkins
for his objection.
He wished for the clerk to advise that Doctors Surgery that should he take on a partner, the
problem would cease.
Reports from Representatives on other Committees
VHMC – The VHMC were very disappointed not to have received an award in the Best Kept
village hall competition. We were unaware that the halls were not split into categories
according to population and only prizes were awarded to first and second place throughout the
County. The winners were Frisby on the Wreake.
Annual Gas Checks have been carried out, and the hall is back in full use following the
summer break.
Bookings continue to be healthy. Next Meeting Monday 10th October.
BURIAL – A site meeting was held on 15th August where it is felt that the burial ground has
now reached a good standard. Discussions regarding the next committee meeting, which is to
be held on 27th September, were held, and members of the Burial committee are aware of this
Councils’ views.
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PAV/PLAYING FIELD: The playground inspections were carried out by Yvonne Smith and
any minor problems were reported to the caretaker. New roundabout seats have been fitted and
the pavilion is now in full use by the football teams.
LONG FURROW – Was delivered recently. Unfortunately the article regarding the new
council van was not included, but the Chairman will ensure that it is in the next edition.
NHOOOD WATCH – No report
JELSONS – No update
TREES – Since the tree inspection by County Council, much tree work has been carried out.
Also the Parish Council trees on the village green have all been lifted.
The Silver Birch tree on the corner of The Meadows/Broome Avenue is in need of attention, it
was also suggested that the location and suitability of the tree should be questioned.
CHRISTMAS – Syston band has been booked for 5th December when Santa will tour the
village and give out sweets. Unfortunately Mr Gregory is on holiday; Mr Jenkins will act as
Santa on his behalf. The Committee are arranging for the fair to be in attendance, their fee is to
provide £30 worth of sweets for Santa to give out.
Soup will not be provided by the committee this year, but we are negotiating with the fair
provider who brought along a catering unit, to offer soup at a special price. The use of the
sleigh and trailer has been confirmed with Syston Town Council, who have requested that they
carry out a collection for their Chairman’s’ charity – The Air Ambulance service. This was
agreed. The lights will be put into the tree at the front of the hall. Costs are being obtained, as
one price of £480 to install the lights only, has been received and we only have a budget of
£350. Articles for this event will be placed in the Long Furrow, Charnwood News and Syston
The Elderly vouchers will include lunch at the Plough, Café or Fish and Chips at the chip
shop. The Café are not offering home delivery this year. These will be given out on Tuesday
29th November and Thursday 1st December between 1pm and 3pm in the Village Hall. The
Chairman was asked to write to Dennis Bishop to ensure that the article for the vouchers is
included and that the distribution of the Long Furrow is at least a week before the voucher
collection – ie around 20th November.
The Council dinner will be held at the Gate Hangs Well on Tuesday 20th December. Invites
will be sent to: County Councillor, Onyx, Ellen Hewitt and Dennis Bishop.
As in previous years, all partners must be paid for in advance. Please forward your menu
choices, and guest payment to the Clerk as soon as possible.
SPEEDING COMMITTEE – You will have noticed that kill your speed posters have been
installed around the Long Furrow, albeit a little high. These will be in place until 10th October
Proposed Accounts
The Council accepted accounts to the sum of £3129.51 – Details attached
A list of correspondence received was given out to all Councillors present.
ELVAA – Public meeting 23rd September- One Councillor took details, as the village
is badly affected by aircraft noise since the new flight paths have operated.
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Resident letter re noise/problems from the Plough – This was discussed by the Council
and the beat officer. The police very rarely object to the renewal of licences, however,
PC Sewell suggested we contact Sgt Moore – licensing sergeant – regarding the
resident complaints. He did question whether the seats to the front of the Plough were
part of the licensed premises.
The Council agreed to re-iterate the resident concerns to Charnwood Environmental
Health and also write directly to the Plough.
PC Sewell will also confirm if the Plough has applied for extended hours of opening.
Resident letter re vermin problems – Charnwood pest control have visited and dealt
with the problem.
County Hall – Emergency Management Section – information request regarding burial
grounds/Home Office Survey – Mr Jenkins will ensure the Burial Clerk replies to both
these important documents.
Village Design Statement – One Councillor suggested that East Goscote should
investigate producing a village design statement, which will help us when responding
to planning applications. Mr Walton will look at the Design statement produced by
Burton on the Wolds to see if we wish to pursue this.
Planning Matters
P05/2344/2 – 34 Huntsmans Dale – Single storey to front and conservatory – No obj
P05/2528/2 – 5 Merchants Common – RE-submission including flue extraction details –
We will object again on the noise and smell aspect of the application.
The Clerk advised Councillors that the Parish Council website now includes details of all
planning applications within a 3 mile radius of East Goscote. By clicking on a link on our
website, a map giving all planning applications, their numbers, and details is provided. We
will place an article about this in the next Long Furrow.
Adoption of Open Spaces – Update
The Clerk advised that Charnwood Borough Council have now sent a letter to the Landscape
Architects acting for Wimpeys to the effect that they require a timetable for adoption within
the next 10 days or legal action will commence.
Risk Assessments – to receive reports
Simon Riley agreed to provide us with the reports prior to the next meeting. He apologised for
the delay.
Play area Access grants for DDA Conformity
The Council has received a grant application form from Charnwood Borough Council
regarding improvements to the accessibility of play areas. For any required improvements we
have to apply by 19th November. Mr Riley will produce a scheme for our consideration at the
next meeting.
Village Doctors Surgery – Lack of Funding.
The Doctor has written to the Clerk to explain that PCT’s in Leicestershire will have to merge
to save 15% in management costs to balance the overspend. Similarly they will soon be
looking into providing care from larger single point of contact centres, for patients, as it will
be more cost effective. Our PCT has not yet fully considered this and there will be a public
consultation. Once the public consultation is underway, we need to write to protect our village
from losing its surgery.
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Multi Sports Court – Flag Grant
Unfortunately following a visit from the assessors they found that the former sand/gravel site
was fully restored and was not visually intrusive, we therefore scored very low on FLAG’s
initial assessment and would be up against many other projects. It is therefore their suggestion
that we look into other grants available.
Ellen Hewitt has met with Hazel Fish to look into the possibility of alternative funders,
however, before proceeding, she needs confirmation of where the court will be installed on the
playing field. Ellen is concerned regarding the close proximity to the residents, of the site,
which we initially chose. Councillors will look at the playing field and possible sites for the
court and will confirm their decision at the next meeting.
Pavilion Fire Exit Door
The Clerk advised that although three companies have visited the pavilion she currently only
has two quotes as follows:Chris Keeling Joinery - £185.00 + Vat
MJ Joinery - £475.00
The Council RESOLVED that as the amount is below the figure where three quotes are
required as per the standing orders, we would accept the quote of £185.00 and go ahead with
the works.
Councillor Training Requirements
The Clerk held a meeting with Vicci Barrett of Charnwood CVS who offers many training
courses, free of charge to Councillors/volunteers. Apart from set courses, we were also offered
“tailored made” courses for a group of eight or more.
Two courses, which were of interest, were: Roles and Responsibilities of Management
Committees and Roles and Responsibilities of Trustees. The Council would like the Clerk to
arrange for a Saturday morning course to be held in the village hall, in the New Year, where
we could also invite Councillors from Rearsby and Queniborough.
 Scout hut – electric box open to the public. Mrs Angell has been informed of this.
No reports were handed in from Councillors.
Items approved for Expenditure
Pavilion Door £185/Proposed accounts/Sleeper Bed to Chestnut Way £224
SECTION 106 payments: Christmas Events
Urgent Items by Permission of the Chairman
Parish Council website statistics were issued to Councillors. The Chairman and Vice Chairman
were also asked to write new articles for the “current issues” and “Parish News” section.
Date and time of the next Full Council meetings:
The meeting closed at 8.55pm
L Pizer
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