Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve

Welcome to Rehoboth!
Our mission is: Winning people to Christ and equipping them to serve.
Praise Time
Lord of All
You’re Worthy of My Praise
Lamb of God
Welcome, Announcements & Prayer
Arise, My Soul, Arise
Children & Worship Blessing
(4 year olds thru 2 grades are dismissed to Children & Worship activities)
Hymn #355
Trusting God
Mark 4: 35-41
Offertory Hymn #385
Near the Cross
*Closing Song – Lift High the Cross #304
Pastor Adam Grill
8372 S. Lucas Rd.
McBain, MI 49657
March 15th
Welcome to Rehoboth
We are a Community who firmly believes in God's word. Our name was chosen
125 years ago when our church was founded! Rehoboth means room for all.
We are a church with a rich history and modern style. We have cutting edge
children’s ministry (infant – 5th grade), and relevant Middle & High School
groups. During the week we have Life Groups that meet around the area to
create true community.
What’s going on today?
11:00 A.M. – Join us for Sunday School classes for all ages.
Preschool & Kindergarten meet in Room 102
1st grade meets in Room 103
2nd & 3rd grades meet in Room 104
4th, 5th & 6th grades meet in Room 106
7th & 8th grades meet in Room 107
9th & 10th grades meet in Room 201
11th & 12th grades meet in the Youth Room
Women’s Bible Study meets in Room 105
Men’s Bible Study meets in Room 302
Young Women’s Bible Study meets in Room 301 on the 1st & 3rd
Sundays of the month.
Sunday School Guide class meets in the Choir Room.
The Blessing DVD series meets in the sanctuary and on the 2nd & 4th
Sundays of the month.
6:00 P.M. – Youth Impact (9th – 12th grade)
If you would like more details on events going on at the church this week please
What’s going on this week?
9:00 A.M. Footprints in Time
9:30 A.M. Service Day
6:00 P.M. Family Night Menu: Sloppy Joes, veggies, & potato chips.
9:00 A.M. Footprints in Time
9:00 A.M. Footprints in Time
Other Announcements
If you would like to purchase a tulip ($11.00), daffodil ($11.00), or a daisy
mum ($14.00) in memory of someone to decorate our sanctuary on Easter
Sunday please sign the sheets on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.
Please place your money in the box below the signup sheet when you sign up.
Next Sunday, March 22nd will be the last day to sign up.
There will be a short informational meeting for parents regarding the middle
school mission trip on Wednesday, March 25 at 6:15pm in the middle school
youth room. Please plan on joining us even if your child is only thinking about
Rehoboth wedding photos needed. It is not too late to get your Rehoboth
wedding photos turned in. We will be celebrating our wedding history on June
14, 2015. Please turn your photo in by April 19 to Holly Helsel or church office.
We would also like any baptism photos. Photos will be returned.
Let's celebrate 125 years of God's service here at Rehoboth with 125 days of
caring. We encourage you to show God's love for others with some extra acts of
kindness. Rehoboth is known for its acts of caring. Be challenged to a little
more over the next 125 days as we get ready to celebrate a milestone of 125
years of making room for all here at Rehoboth Reformed Church.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Rehoboth’s 125th Anniversary Celebration.
Sunday, April 19th – Remembrance Sunday.
Sunday, May 3rd – Homecoming Sunday; Potluck at noon.
Saturday, June 6th – Golf Outing at Missaukee Golf Club at 9:30 am. 4 person
scramble. Cost - $40 per person. Sign up on the bulletin board in the
Fellowship Hall.
Sunday, June 14th – Wedding History Celebration.
Sunday, July 5th – 125th Anniversary Celebration.
Registration forms for summer camp sessions at Cran-Hill Ranch and
Camp Geneva are available in the rack in the Fellowship Hall across from the
bathrooms. The church will pay ½ of the camper’s fee. Please see Trent
Mulder for a voucher. Registration fills up fast and is on a first-come, first-serve
basis, so get your registration in early.
For three Wednesdays, (March 18, 25, and April 1), from 6:30-7:30, a prayer
study will be offered at church. It will cover the following:
Session One: Becoming Intimate with God and Hindrances to Prayer
Session Two: Spiritual Equipment and Intercessory Prayer
Session Three: Becoming a Prayer Servant, Becoming a Praying Church.
If you sense the call, please come! If someone comes to mind, please invite!
Open to everyone. For more about this, feel free to call me. Amy Smallegan at
Carrington for our student of the week. You can send Anna a card of
encouragement at 4230 Wimbledon Dr. SW, Apt. 5, Grandville, MI 49418. I
am sure Anna would really appreciate hearing from all of us. God bless you
Spring is almost here and that means it is time for the Annual Youth Auction
Fundraiser to be held on Saturday, April 25th. It will be here before you know it.
Please be thinking about joining us for Dinner and an Auction. Also, please
think about items and/or services you would be willing to donate. Baked
Goods, Hunting/Fishing Items, Gift Cards, Donated Services and Themed
Baskets are always a huge success! All monies raised will support the Ignite
and Youth Impact groups as they grow in their faith, go on mission trips and
impact our world. Please see Ashley Bronkema, Betsy Benson, Alicia Drum or
Greg or Sarge Buning if you have items to donate or wish to help out with this
important event. There is also a signup sheet on the bulletin board if you would
like to donate something. Nursery will be provided, so drop off your kids and
enjoy a night of fun!
BIG TICKET FESTIVAL!!! Middle and High School Youth, save the dates for
Big Ticket Festival, a weekend of fun, worship, entertainment, activities and
speakers! Friday, June 26 and Saturday, June 27 in Gaylord, MI. Join us for a
weekend to remember! Tickets are $52 (food and transportation costs will be
determined and added later). Sign up in the Youth Room by March 29th!
Financial Peace University--not your typical money class- it's practical,
entertaining, and fun. During the class, you will learn how God intended us to
manage money from Dave Ramsey, a renowned financial adviser, radio host,
and best-selling author. The class will meet on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm in
the youth room, starting March 25, and finishing May 20. The cost for the class
is $100, which covers you, your spouse, and any teenagers living in your home.
You will receive a book, workbook, budget tools, and more. For more
information about FPU or to register, go to, or
contact Bob and Rachel at or 231-878-8172.
Ignite is Rehoboth Reformed Church's Middle School (6th-8th) Student
Ministry reaching to inspire a community of young disciples to enjoy loving and
serving God, in a safe environment.
Every Wednesday Night (Sept.-May): 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Sign up in the Youth Room by March 29th to go to BIG TICKET FESTIVAL on
June 26 and 27. Tickets are $52 (with food and transportation costs to be
SAVE THE DATE! Middle School Mission Trip August 2 - 6, 2015.
Calling all youth 9th –
grade: Youth Impact is Rehoboth Reformed
Church’s High School Student Ministry, designed for students to grow in their
personal relationship with Christ by worshiping, praying, building relationships,
studying God’s Word in a new way, and creating a willingness to serve.
Youth Impact will meet at 6:00 P.M. tonight for a Mystery Dinner.
Sign up in the Youth Room by March 29th to go to BIG TICKET FESTIVAL on
June 26 and 27. Tickets are $52 (with food and transportation costs to be
SAVE THE DATE! High School Mission Trip July 11 - 17, 2015
“ Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Praises and Thanksgiving
Requests for prayer
*Pray for our nation’s military, volunteering their lives and service for our country.
*Please be in prayer for Joel Kortman who was in a serious car accident on September
1st, 2014. Please pray for his complete recovery.
*Please pray for Jonathan Eisenga, grandson of Bruce & Gert Eisenga, son of Bryan &
Diane Eisenga and nephew of Darwin & Kim Eisenga. Jonathan is at DeVos
Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids and has had two brain surgeries this past week.
Pray for him and his family to feel God’s presence and for strength.
*Pray for Mel Scholten who is in the hospital in Texas. He is improving and will be
there a while to receive therapy.
*Pray for Dave Richardson, Arlene Scholten’s brother, who is in intensive care at
Munson in Traverse City with a circulatory problem in his legs. Pray that the treatment
his is receiving is effective.