Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 20, 2015
Rehoboth Reformed Church
Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve
Rev. Adam Grill, Pastor
Welcome, Announcements & Call to Worship
*Praise Time
Once Again We Come
I Will Celebrate
Children’s Blessing
(4 year olds thru 2nd grades are dismissed to Children’s Church)
Hymn #67 (vss. 1,2)
The Love of God
2 Kings 4: 1-7
Offertory Hymn #59
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
(please remain seated as our morning offering is received)
*Benediction & Closing Song #52 (vs. 1)
O God Our Help in Ages Past
8372 S. Lucas Rd.
McBain, MI 49657
Come, friends, let us warmly welcome each other and join together to worship
God. In the spirit of the psalmist, who wrote: “O give thanks to the Lord, for he
is good” and “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so…” (Psalm 107: 1-2), let us
praise the Lord. Hearts warmed by the Spirit cause hands to reach out in love.
8:15 A.M. – The Orange Praise Team will practice.
Nursery: Infant: Connie Schepers, Alexis Gilde, Megan Taylor.
Toddler: Jodi Boven, Ashley Schierbeek, Gracie Brunink.
3 years – Pre K: Holly Mulder, Windy King, Kenda DeZeeuw, LeAnn Eisenga.
Greeters & Coffee Fellowship: Jim & Beth Oudman, Mick Scholten.
Organist: Sandy Bode.
Pianist: Michele Bosscher.
Praise Time: Orange Team.
Sunday School classes for those in 5th grade and under will meet during the
worship service.
11:10 – Young Women’s Bible Study will meet.
Financial Peace University Class will meet at 2:00 P.M. in the Youth Room.
Youth Impact, our high school youth group, will meet at 5:00P.M. We will be
meeting at Pastor Adam’s parents’ lake house on Lake Missaukee for dinner,
games, boating, and more! We will be meeting at 125 S Mark Trail Lake City,
MI from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. All 9th-12th graders are invited! Bring your friends!
7:00 P.M.*Elizabeth Circle will meet at the home of JoAnn Gilde.
Leader: Barb Scholten.
9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet
in the church basement.
6:00 P.M.*Ignite (middle school youth group) will meet.
6:30 P.M.*Worship Choir practice.
9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet
in the church basement.
9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet
in the church basement.
5:00 P.M.*The A.M.E.N. Chorus will practice in the sanctuary
NEXT WEEK – Sunday, September 27high school.
8:15 A.M. – The Green Praise Team will practice.
Nursery: Infant: Deb Whetstone, Melissa & Brandon Fauble.
Toddler: Jen Gilde, Emma Schierbeek, Claire & Brook Goodrich.
3 years – Pre K: Jeremiah & Julie Johnson, Sarah Pluger, Michelle Taylor,
Abigail Abrahamson.
Greeters & Coffee Fellowship: Mark Scholten, Tyler & Megan Scholten.
Organist: Sandy Bode.
Pianist: Sandy Bode.
Praise Time: Green Team.
Sunday School classes for those in 5th grade and under, during the worship
There will be a meeting for all Kids Hope Mentors and Prayer Partners after
the service on Sunday, September 27th.
Financial Peace University Class will meet at 2:00 P.M. in the Youth Room.
Youth Impact will meet at 6:00 P.M. in the Youth Room.
Monday, September 28 – Esther Circle will meet at 1:30 P.M. at the home of
Jeanne Damhof. Leader: Mary Lou Schut.
- Priscilla Circle will meet at 7:00 P.M. at the home of Betty Bell. Leader:
Ruth Stahl. Priscilla Circle write to Pokot Project.
- Grace Circle will meet at 7:00 P.M. at the home of Jessica Whetstone.
Leader: Jessica Whetstone.
Tuesday, September 29 – Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in
the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Dorcas Circle will meet at 1:30 P.M. at the home of Nell Bode. Leader:
Pauline Schut.
Wednesday, September 30 – Ignite (Middle School Youth Group) will meet at
6:00 P.M.
- The Worship Choir will practice at 6:30 P.M.
Thursday, October 1 – Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in
the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Friday, October 2 – Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in
the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Saturday, October 3 – The A.M.E.N. Chorus will practice at 5:00 P.M.
The flowers in front of the sanctuary this morning are given in memory of
Randy Schierbeek who passed away 6 years ago September 19th.
We extend our congratulations to Jordan Smith & Chelsea Jones who were
united in marriage yesterday.
Words of Hope devotionals for the next quarter are available on the Welcome
Dave and Nancy Thompson will be on vacation this coming week through
Sunday, Sept. 27th. Mary LaChonce will be doing the bulletin. Please have all
information and announcements to her by Thursday. Jamie Helsel will be doing
the janitor work.
An address to add to your directory: Denny and Judy Walker, 227 Arbutus,
Cadillac, Mi, 49601.
Wednesday Night Meals: We would love to have your help feeding the
congregation and community at our Wednesday Night Meals this year. If you
are interested in helping in any capacity (organizing the meal, helping prepare
the meal, clean-up, making desserts, etc.) please sign up on the sheet in the
Fellowship Hall or contact Betsy Benson in person or at 231-920-0162 or These meals were such a blessing to the congregation
and the community last year and we need your help to continue reaching out!
The Women’s Bible Study DVD series will be starting on Wednesday, October
7th at 6:30 P.M. in room 107.
Good News! Our new church sign will be delivered soon. We are excited
to once again tell the community that we have room for all and will
continue “winning, equipping and serving”. Please watch your step. Concrete
and masonry repairs to the East entrance will begin soon. We apologize for the
inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation. A few other projects that the
Property committee is working on include; Parking expansion, technology
upgrades, nursery capacity and more. Thank you for your continued support.
An offering for the Bible League will be taken next Sunday, Sept. 27th.
Baskets will be available as you leave the service for your offering.
It’s time to start thinking about our college students and how we can
encourage them in this new school year. If you have a student in college
please fill out the form that was in your mailbox and turn it in to Karla DeZeeuw
as soon as possible. If you didn’t get a form to fill out in your mailbox, there are
extra copies on the Welcome Center.
Advance Notice: Our annual Mission Conference is October 11-18; but the
whole month of October will be focused on Jesus’ call for every follower to Go
Make Disciples of All Nations (Acts 1:8). Join us as we go ALL IN for
missions in October. Our theme will be PRAY-GIVE-GO. In short, we ALL can
Pray, many can GIVE, and some of us can GO---and we should be open to the
Holy Spirit’s direction regarding how we should get involved. On October 11 th,
we will be led in worship by Rev. Ron Goodman from Orphan Helpers. At 11:15
we will enjoy an international Potluck Lunch….and as we think about Christ’s
followers across the globe, we challenge you to offer your best International
dish. On October 18, Rev. Jim Wall of the Acts 2 Network will lead our worship
service. And finally, on the evening of the 18th, we will be laughing along with
321 Improv. This group left us laughing last year and return for an encore
presentation. You will love this family comedy event. We want to fill the churchno charge for tickets-so invite your friends and bring your family for a night of
great comedy here on October 18 at 6 pm. Our financial goal for this year’s
conference is $31,000. We will raise $10,000 for translating the Bible in new
languages for unreached people in the Amazon Basin and to send Rehoboth
missionaries in October of 2016. $10,000 to help build a safe place for
Orphan’s in El Salvador and send Rehoboth missionaries in June of 2016!
$5,000 to send a love offering of $1,000 to each of the missionaries we
currently support. $3,000 to fund another water well for Pastor Conrad Bitoye in
Tanzania. Finally, $3,000 to fund the purchase of a medical mission van for
RCA missionaries in Nicaragua.
The Board of Footprints in Time regrets to inform you that our Executive
Director is retiring. So the following is requesting applicants: Christian based
program seeking Director. Program provides services for the special needs and
elderly population. Part-time salaried position commensurate with experience.
Send resumes to Footprints in Time Adult Day Program, P.O. Box 220, Lake
City, MI 49651.
“We want to express our gratitude to all who sent cards to Bruce when he was
ill and for all the cards, food, memorial gifts, and kindnesses upon his death.
Rehoboth really knows how to support the family in times like these. Thank you
all so much.”
Doris Brumels and family
“Dear Rehoboth family, We would like to express our appreciation to the entire
church family for the genuine love and concerns you shared with us during
Carter’s fight with cancer. Whether it be cards, notes, various gifts, visits, or
prayers, it was such a blessing. Thank you for praying us through this. God is
good all the time.”
The Chad Brunink family
“ Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Requests for prayer
*Peggy Swiger had surgery on Thursday for breast cancer and will be
undergoing radiation treatments. We have appreciated the many cards,
thoughts and prayers that have been sent our way. We are blessed to be a part
of such a caring church!
Ignite is Rehoboth Reformed Church's Middle School (6th-8th) Student
Ministry reaching to inspire a community of young disciples to enjoy loving and
serving God, in a safe environment.
Ignite Leader: Ashley Bronkema, Jen Gilde, Kendra Vandervelde, & Sarah
Our first meeting for Ignite, our middle school ministry, will begin with a pizza
party on September 16, 2015 at 5:30 PM. Ignite will then meet from 6:00 PM –
7:30 PM. Please note the earlier Ignite start time.
Calling all youth 9th –
grade: Youth Impact is Rehoboth Reformed
Church’s High School Student Ministry, designed for students to grow in their
personal relationship with Christ by worshiping, praying, building relationships,
studying God’s Word in a new way, and creating a willingness to serve.
Youth Impact Leaders: Ashley Bronkema, Nicole Bosscher, Tammy
Westdorp, Bryan Meyering, Brent Eisenga.
Our first meeting for Youth Impact, our high school youth group, will be on
September 20, 2014. We will be meeting at Pastor Adam’s parents’ lake house
on Lake Missaukee for dinner, games, boating, and more! We will be meeting at
125 S Mark Trail Lake City, MI from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. All 9th-12th graders
are invited! Bring your friends!
Pastor – Rev. Adam Grill
Email –
Phone – 231-846-5664
Youth Program Coordinator – Ashley Bronkema
Email –
Phone – 231-878-4253
Office hours – Wednesdays 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Children’s Education Program Coordinator – Brenda DeZeeuw
Email –
Phone – 231-429-4302
Office hours – Mondays 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Youth & Education Administrative Associate – Betsy Benson
Email –
Phone – 231-920-0162
Church Secretary – Nancy Thompson
Email –
Phone – 231-775-7943
Office hours – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Maintenance Director – David Thompson
Phone – 231-775-7943
Music Director – Angela Warner
Email –
Phone – 231-775-1067
Kids Hope Director – Jessica Whetstone
Email –
Phone – 231-920-8082
Media Director – Brian Chapman
Email –
Phone – 231-846-6073
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Consistory Members
Larry Buning (15)
Tom Bosscher (15)
Mark Scholten (16)
Tom Whetstone (16)
Pat Birtles (17)
Ken DeZeeuw (17)
Cainen Gilde (15)
Nate Swiger (15)
Trent Mulder (16)
Michael Vandervelde (16)
Troy Finstrom (17)
Bob Potter (17)