November 29 bulletin - Rehoboth Reformed Church

First Sunday of Advent
November 29, 2015
Rehoboth Reformed Church
Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve
Rev. Adam Grill, Pastor
Advent Reading & Lighting
Welcome, Announcements & Call to Worship
*Praise Time
Celebrate the Lord of Love
Shine, Jesus, Shine
Give Thanks
Ministry of Music – Idaline Helsel
Children’s Blessing
(3 year olds thru 5th grades are dismissed to Sunday School classes)
Hymn #124
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Offertory Hymn #148
O Holy Night
(please remain seated as our morning offering is received)
*Benediction & Closing Song #134
8372 S. Lucas Rd.
McBain, MI 49657
As we begin the joyous season of Advent, let us join together as the family of
God to worship our Creator. All are sincerely welcomed as we approach the
throne of grace. May God bless us all!
8:15 A.M. – The Purple Praise Team will practice.
Children’s Ministry volunteers:
Infant: Betsy Benson, Gayla Finstrom, Lorra & Linde VanderVlucht.
Toddler: Brandon & Kait Reinink, Blake & Madison Whetstone.
3 years – Pre K: Shaun & Courtney Mulder, Michelle Taylor, LeAnn Eisenga.
Greeters & Coffee Fellowship: Youth Impact, Nate & Peggy Swiger.
Organist: Sandy Bode.
Pianist: Angela Warner.
Praise Time: Purple Team.
Sunday School classes for those in 5th grade and under will meet during the
worship service.
Adult Sunday School class opportunities:
Sunday School guide class meets at 11:00 A.M. in the Choir Room.
Men’s Bible Study meets at 11:00 A.M. in Room #106.
Women’s Bible Study – discussing the Blessing Book – meets in Room #107.
Young Women’s Bible Study meets 1st & 3rd Sundays at 11:10 A.M.
Youth Impact will meet at 6:00 P.M. Mystery Dinner.
7:00 P.M.*Our annual Congregational Meeting will be held. Two new
elders and two new deacons will be elected at the meeting.
The following individuals have been nominated for the office of
Elder and Deacon. Elders – Greg Buning, Ben Franklin, Dave
Meyering, Tom Schepers. Deacons – Derek DeZeeuw, Darwin
Eisenga, Josh Herweyer, Bryan Meyering. Absentee ballots
can be obtained from Nancy at the office until 11:30 am today
or during office hours and can be turned in until the time of the
Congregational Meeting. These ballots will be accepted on the
first vote only.
9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet
in the church basement.
6:00 P.M.*Ignite (middle school youth group) will meet. Lesson: Power
Play. Your greatest power play is giving something away.
6:30 P.M.*Worship Choir practice.
6:30 P.M.*Women’s Bible Study DVD series will meet in Room 107.
9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet
in the church basement.
7:00 P.M.*The Children’s Ministries Team will meet in the basement.
9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.*Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet
in the church basement.
10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.*Women’s Ministries Christmas Marketplace.
Please plan ahead to bake cookies and baked good for our
sale. Any donations for the Marketplace Booth can be left by
the table at the top of the stairs leading into the Fellowship Hall.
Glassware, decorative household items, kitchenware,
collectibles can be donated. Some examples of items to be
donated are on the table. All proceeds from the cookie walk
and glassware booth goes to our mission fund. Anyone
interested in having a booth can call Vickie Bosscher at 8252984. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board for food
donations for the Christmas Marketplace. We will be serving
coffee, cinnamon rolls & lunch. If you are donating, please
have your items to the church kitchen by Friday, at 6:00 pm.
Thank you!
NEXT WEEK – Sunday, December 6high school.
8:15 A.M. – The Blue Praise Team will practice.
Children’s Ministry volunteers:
Infant: Holly Buning, Nicci LaChonce, Blake & Madison Whetstone.
Toddler: Steven & Sarah Eisenga, Zach DeZeeuw, Josh Eisenga.
3 years – Pre K: Krisann DeZeeuw, Courtney Vanderhoof, Megan Taylor, Kirk
Greeters & Coffee Fellowship: Ben & Angie Taylor, Bruce Taylor.
Organist: Mary Jo Blackmer.
Pianist: Kenda Gilde.
Praise Time: Blue Team.
Sunday School classes for those in 5th grade and under, during the worship
Youth Impact will meet at 6:00 P.M. Lesson: Real Talk. Prayer is REAL talk to
a REAL God who wants to be a REAL Dad to us.
Sunday, December 6 – The Elizabeth Circle Christmas Party will be held at
6:00 P.M. at Carol Bruninks. Please bring a dessert or hordourve.
RSVP to Carol at 825-2977.
Monday, December 7 – Esther Circle will meet at the church at noon for their
Christmas Party.
Tuesday, December 8 – Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in
the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Wednesday, December 9 – Ignite (middle school youth group) will meet at
6:00 P.M.
- Worship Choir will practice at 6:30 P.M.
- Women’s Bible study DVD series will meet in Room 107.
Thursday, December 10 - Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in
the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
- Cookies, Coffee, Caroling & Crafts: The next Women’s Gathering will be
Thursday, Dec. 10 at 6:30 P.M. Please sign up today or next Sunday on
the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.
- The Consistory will meet at 7:00 P.M.
Friday, December 11 – Footprints in Time (Adult Day Program) will meet in
the church basement at 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Check your mailbox for the December issue of the Reflections.
Information for the January issue of the Reflections is due to Brian Chapman
at or the church office by Sunday, December 13th.
Also in your mailbox today is the Financial Reports for the Congregational
Meeting tomorrow night. Please bring your copy with you to the meeting.
BUILDING FUND OFFERING – On December 13th the Building Fund offering
will be taken up with the regular offering. We are encouraging those giving to
the Building Fund to use the envelopes in the pew backs. This is happening
because we have a baptism and Children’s Christmas Program that Sunday.
Thank you for your understanding.
HELP NEEDED: Would you be willing to be a greeter or a parking lot attendant
at the McBain Schools Choir Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 17th
here at Rehoboth? With so many guests coming to Rehoboth what a great way
to welcome them. If you are interested in helping there is a signup sheet on the
Welcome Center or you may call the church office at 775-7943. Thank you!!
COLLEGE ENCOURAGEMENT MINISTRY – We are featuring Nathan Smith
as our student of the week. Please take time to send Nathan a card of
encouragement at 1059 Wells West, 471 North Prairie St., Whitewater, WI
53190. I am sure Nathan is a very busy young man and would really appreciate
hearing from all of us. God bless you Nathan. Nathan celebrated his birthday
on Monday, Nov. 23rd.
The choir is raising money for a new piano for the choir room with the added
benefit of being moveable to the fellowship area if needed. We will be selling
poinsettias which may be used to decorate the church sanctuary during the
Christmas season or for your own personal use. The plants may also be
designated in memory of a loved one. There will be a sign up table in the
fellowship area by the mailboxes or call or text Carol Brunink 920-4841 or Kim
Meyering 920-5882 for orders. Cost is $15.00 each. Additional donations will
be joyfully accepted! Thanks for supporting the choir.
Youth Impact will be collecting donations of canned and boxed food items
for Project Christmas once again this year. The box is located in the lobby
through Sunday, December 6th.
Service Day Ladies – Save the date of Wednesday, December 16th for our
Service Day Christmas Party. It will be held at noon in the Fellowship Hall at
church. Please bring a dish to pass and a $10 gift exchange.
Winning People for Christ and Equipping Them to Serve: It is time again to
set up the schedule for greeters and coffee fellowship servers for 2016. If you
are unable to serve please contact Nancy in the office at 231-775-7943 or by Sunday, December 20th.
H.O.O.P. (Helping our own People) Tree - For 51 years, H.O.O.P. has been
providing a Christmas Party for underprivileged children in Missaukee County.
Once again, they are seeking donations of toys, games and books for children
0-14 years of age. Monetary donations are welcomed and will be used for
grocery gift certificates, boots and shoes. In 2014, 150 children were served
and they expect more children this year. All donations, large and small, are
greatly appreciated. This is the last day the tree will be up as items will be
delivered tomorrow. If you have items at home please contact Patti Bosscher.
HELP! We need volunteers to provide childcare on the nights we have our
Women’s Gatherings. We are looking for men and teens to help us out so
moms with children will be able to come to our gatherings. Please contact Jen
Nederhood at 231-878-0990 or through email at if
you are willing to help.
HOSPITAL OUTREACH - With mom's agreement, Pastor Adam has been
blessing newborns at Munson, Cadillac, once a week. Through this
relationship, it has come to light that there are other ways Rehoboth can be in
relationship with the OB unit. They would appreciate any of the following items
to distribute to new moms and babies: knitted or crocheted hats using soft
cuddly yarn, quilts and blankets (not yarn), bibs, or purchased items i.e. onesies
or outfits. This will be an ongoing mission not just for the holiday season. If you
have questions or need help with materials, please contact Patti Bosscher at
920-3870. Thanks, in advance.
Any families in Missaukee County who would like to participate in Project
Christmas should register by call Friends Ministries - Monday - Friday 10 am
until 5 pm at 231-839-8816. If anyone wants to volunteer at Project Christmas
email Niki Nichols at
“ Do not be anxious about anything, but in
everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Requests for prayer
Mike King will be having prostate cancer surgery on Wednesday.
Ben Franklin had hip replacement surgery on Monday in Traverse City.
Gert Eisenga had back surgery on Monday and is recuperating at home.
Gabby Chapman’s mother, Ann, has returned to her home and is under
Hospice care.
We extend our sympathy to Ron & Carol Dykgraaf upon the death of Ron’s
brother, Don, on Monday. There will be no viewing or service.
We extend our sympathy to Pam Ruppert upon the death of her mother on
Thursday, Nov. 19th. If you would like to send her a card her address is 1149
Astwood Mews Lane, St. Johns, MI 48879.
Ignite is Rehoboth Reformed Church's Middle School (6th-8th) Student
Ministry reaching to inspire a community of young disciples to enjoy loving and
serving God, in a safe environment.
Ignite Leaders: Ashley Bronkema, Jen Gilde, Kendra Vandervelde, Sarah
Pluger, Lucas Taylor, and Craig Sterk.
Ignite will meet on Wednesday, December 2 at 6:00 P.M. Lesson: Power
Play. Your greatest power play is giving something away.
Ignite and Youth Impact will be volunteering at Project Christmas on
December 12th. Students are needed to be human shopping carts from noon-2
PM. We are also looking for students to help carry groceries for families.
Anyone interested in volunteering MUST sign up in the youth room by
Wednesday, November 25.
Ignite will be ordering shirts again this year! Cost is $25 for hooded
sweatshirts, $13 for long sleeve shirts, and $10 for t-shirts. Order forms are in
the youth room and due by Nov. 22nd.
The middle school winter retreat at Cran Hill Ranch will be February 12-14,
2016. Join us for a weekend of broomball, ice wall climbing, gaga ball, worship,
and great sessions. Cost is $31 due to Ashley by January 3, 2016. Sign up in
the youth room.
Calling all youth 9th –
grade: Youth Impact is Rehoboth Reformed
Church’s High School Student Ministry, designed for students to grow in their
personal relationship with Christ by worshiping, praying, building relationships,
studying God’s Word in a new way, and creating a willingness to serve.
Youth Impact Leaders: Ashley Bronkema, Nicole Bosscher, Tammy
Westdorp, Bryan Meyering, and Brent Eisenga.
Youth Impact will meet tonight at 6:00 P.M. for a Mystery Dinner.
Ignite and Youth Impact will be volunteering at Project Christmas on
December 12th. Students are needed to be human shopping carts from noon-2
PM. We are also looking for students to help carry groceries for families.
Anyone interested in volunteering MUST sign up in the youth room by
Wednesday, November 25.
The high school winter retreat at Cran Hill Ranch will be January 22-24,
2016. Join us for a fun-filled weekend of broomball, ice wall climbing, gaga ball,
worship, and great sessions. Cost is $31 due to Ashley by December 22, 2015.
Sign up in the youth room.
GENESIS 2016 will be March 4-6 at the Grand Traverse Resort in Acme, MI.
Registration must be done online. Please let Ashley know if you are interested
in going and have not yet received the email link to register. Please register
ASAP as spots will fill up quickly! Cost is $60 due to Ashley.
Pastor – Rev. Adam Grill
Email –
Phone – 231-846-5664
Youth Program Coordinator – Ashley Bronkema
Email –
Phone – 231-878-4253
Office hours – Wednesdays 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Children’s Education Program Coordinator – Brenda DeZeeuw
Email –
Phone – 231-429-4302
Office hours – Mondays 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Youth & Education Administrative Associate – Betsy Benson
Email –
Phone – 231-920-0162
Church Secretary – Nancy Thompson
Email –
Phone – 231-775-7943
Office hours – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Maintenance Director – David Thompson
Phone – 231-775-7943
Music Director – Angela Warner
Email –
Phone – 231-775-1067
Kids Hope Director – Jessica Whetstone
Email –
Phone – 231-920-8082
Media Director – Brian Chapman
Email –
Phone – 231-846-6073
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Consistory Members
Larry Buning (15)
Tom Bosscher (15)
Mark Scholten (16)
Tom Whetstone (16)
Pat Birtles (17)
Ken DeZeeuw (17)
Cainen Gilde (15)
Nate Swiger (15)
Trent Mulder (16)
Michael Vandervelde (16)
Troy Finstrom (17)
Bob Potter (17)