Учитель английского языка высшей категории Сидорук Н.А. 8thgrade Unit IVStep 9 WelcometoLondon Цель:актуализация знаний, закрепление навыков речевой деятельности учащихся по теме «Лондон – столица Великобритании» Задачи: 1.Образовательная: активизация речевой деятельности учащихся по теме «Лондон- столица Великобритании», ознакомление с новой лексикой, повторение грамматической структуры I’dlike…и случаев употребления нулевого и определенного артиклей с именами собственными. 2.Развивающая: развитие у учащихся коммуникативных,познавательных, ассоциативных и поисковых навыков. 3. Воспитательная: прививать уважение и толерантность к культуре и истории других стран, любовь к туризму. Тип урока: закрепление навыков и умений Форма урока: интерактивный урок Методы обучения: индивидуальный, проблемно-поисковый Оснащение: компьютер, интерактивная доска, флипчарты или слайды с видами Лондона, учебники 8 класса, речь учителя. Этапы урока 1. Приветствие учителя и учащихся 2. Мотивация и презентация темы урока Методический комментарий Создание положительного психологического настроя учащихся. Учащиеся приветствуют учителя. -Firstly, I want to know how well your Социализация Geography is. Look at the board. Here you Учащиеся can see the globe. You have to complete this называют столицы -Hello, dearpupils! Glad to greet you from the City Department of Education. My name’s N.A., I’m an English teacher from school № 36 of Astana. I hope our lesson will pass successfully and the connection will not let down. посредством мозгового штурма «Столицы мира» (слайд 1) Слайд 2 map with the capital cities of some countries. Only name the capital and I will pull it to the right place. Use the words below: Ankara, London, Athens, Cairo, Mexico City, Warsaw, Tokyo, Astana, Moscow, Washington D. C. -So, well done. I think you are ready to name the theme of our lesson: London. We are going to speak about one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the capital of Great Britain. I want to read for you the quotation written by Samuel Johnson: “When a man is tired of London, he is tiredof life.” I completely agree with him. And I wish you to visit London if only for once in your life When we talk about London we always imagine some famous places. -I propose you to work with the Word Map. 3. Работа с Can you name the places in London in the диаграммой «Достопримеч diagram below? Go to your active board and pull (underwrite) the right name under ательности the photos. Use the words from the box: Лондона» Wordmap London bus and taxi, Underground train, (слайд 3) St. Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Telecom Tower. 4. Чтение текста “London” ( слайд 4) -Now, pupils, we are going to work with a new text. -Firstly look at some newexpressions. I will read the words and their definitions. You have to try to guess their translation. -Now I’m going to read the text one time. Then you read it one more time Then we will try to answer some questions and to do a short quiz on London. Tolieon- лежать на, располагаться TheRomans- римляне Toland- высаживаться, пристать к берегу Attraction-привлекательность, аттракцион некоторых государств, в т. ч. Лондон, а учитель на интерактивной доске записывает ответы учащихся . Учащиеся могут озвучить тему урока “ WelcometoLondo n”.Учитель зачитывает эпиграф к уроку. Учащиеся называют достопримечатель ности Лондона на фото и подставляют под фото названия достопримечатель ностей. Цель: актуализация знания лексики по теме. Работа над новойлексикой. Учитель читаетновыевыра жения с дефинициями, затем учитель читает текст вслух 1 раз. Учащиеся самостоятельно также прочитывают текст один раз.Цель: понять Sights-достопримечательности Wheel- колесо (здесь: обозрения) Touristscan’tdowithout- туристы не могут обойтись без Double-deckers - двухэтажныеавтобусы Tube-тюбик, труба (здесь: название метро в Лондоне) Слайд 5. 5. Послетекстов ые вопросы (слайд 5) текст и ответить на послетекстовые вопросы, выполнить квиз. London London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. London has a population of about 7 million people. It lies on the river Thames where the Romanslanded 2000 years ago. There are 29 bridges over the Thames. One of them is the Tower Bridge. London is traditionally divided into 4 parts: Westminster, the City, the East End and the West End. London is famous for many things. Over 20 million tourists come to this city every year. They come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings, such as Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives. This place is the most popular tourist attraction in London. Other London’s most famous sights are the Houses of Parliament, where you can see and hear the famous clock Big Ben, Madame Tussaud’s Museum, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul’s Cathedral. Tourists also come to visit London’s theatres and museums, its multiple shops, such as Harrods and Selfridges (the 2 most famous shops in London). And of course the guests can visit the busiest shopping street – Oxford Street where they can buy anything. The big wheel next to the Thames which is called London Eye is among the popular sights of London. Being in London tourists can’t do without visiting the 5 beautiful city parks: Hyde park or St. James’s park and the others. If the visitors start their tours around London they can use the famous double- deckers or the oldest underground in the world which is called “TheTube”. The children’s favourite place is Hamleys - the biggest toy- shop in the world. -I think you are ready to answer some questions about this text: Учащиеся отвечают на послетекстовые вопросы. Ответы они могут найти в тексте. 1) What is the population of London? 1)About 7million. 2) Where is London situated? 6. QuizTime (слайд 6,7- с правильными ответами) 2) It is situated on the both banks of the River Thames. 3) What famous historic buildings do you know in London? 3) Buckingham Palace, The Houses of Parliament 4) What parts is London traditionally divided into? What are they? 4) London is traditionally divided into 4 parts. They are the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. 5) What is“Hamleys”? 5) It is the biggest toy-shop in the world. 6) Where does the Queen of England live? 6) She lives in Buckingham Palace Now it’s time to do a short quiz on Britain’s Capital. You have to name the right variant and to circle it. 1. Which is the most popular attraction in London? a) the British museum b) Buckingham Palace c) Covent garden 2. Which is the busiest shopping street in London? a) Regent Street b) Oxford Street c) Piccadilly Circus 3. London Underground is the ....in the world. a) fastest b) busiest c) oldest 4) How many bridges are there over the river Thames in London? a) 17 b) 29 c) 11 - 1.b 2. b 3.c 4.b 7. Выполнение послетекстово го упражнения (слайд 8) -Complete the sentences below. 1. London is one of the largest cities in -----and the larges in---------. 2. Its population is----------- people. 3. London lies on the -----------------. 4. Traditionally London is------------into 4 parts. 5. Harrods and Selfridges are the two--------shops. 8. Рефлексия ( слайд 10) Make sentences using the example. Example: I’d like to go to London because I want to see (to visit) Big Ben (Telecom Tower, the Tower of London etc.) Don’t forget to use correctly: The CityLondon The East End Westminster The West End Buckingham Palace The Tower of London Big Ben The River Thames St. Paul’s Cathedral The Houses of Parliament Trafalgar Square The British Museum 9. Домашнее задание -Well, our lesson is over. I thank you very much for your work and hope that you have enjoyed this tour of London. For your next lesson take ex. IV, p. 125, ex.VI, VII, p.126-127.Good – bye! Учащиеся выходят к доске и вставляют пропущенные слова. Можно воспользоваться учебником.