Г. СПб, Авиаконструкторов ГБОУ школа № 581 Учитель английского языка Ербулатова Галина Петровна МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ. 5 КЛАСС УМК БИБОЛЕТОВА М. З. “ENJOY ENGLISH” ТЕМА УРОКА: "A Trip to London". Тип урока: урок-путешествие Социокультурный аспект: - знакомство с достопримечательностями Англии : Alton Towers, Cadbury World, York, the Viking Centre; Развивающий аспект: - развитие внимания, памяти, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, к анализу, обобщению; Воспитательный аспект: - формирование потребности и способности понимать образ жизни зарубежных сверстников, воспитание потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе, воспитание уважительного отношения к иноязычной культуре; Учебный аспект: - совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения, развитие умения читать с целью полного понимания текста и с целью извлечения конкретной информации. ЦЕЛИ УРОКА: 1. Познакомить учащихся с достопримечательностями Англии; 2. Совершенствовать грамматические навыки говорения, навыки по чтению, монологической и диалогической речи; 3. Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка. Оборудование: Видеофильм о Великобритании («Окно в Британию»); Слайды; Доска; Магнитофон; Карта Лондона; Плакат с Достопримечательностями Лондона Ход урока Слайд № 1 НАЧАЛЬНЫЙ ЭТАП УРОКА Организационный момент. T. Good morning boys and girls! I am very glad to see you. Look at the blackboard! We are having an unusual lesson. The topic of it is “A TRIP TO LONDON”. Today we are going to revise our material on the topic «TOWN LIFE. LONDON”and «Sights of London»: We’ll do some exercises, write a quiz, watch a film, work in groups, act out dialogues, play and sing the song “Do you live in London?” Учитель - ученики Речевая зарядка Записать в тетрадь новые слова ( или раздать карточки со словами) Situated — находится Bridge — мост Monarch - монах Sights - достопримечательности Architect - архитектор Columns - колонны Fortress - крепость Prison – тюрьма Raven — ворон Capital - столица T - CL Brainstorm Фонетическая зарядка T. But before we start our traveling let's pronounce the words which will be necessary for us: Buckingham Palace Слайд № 2 Thames Слайд № 3 Westminster Abbey Слайд № 4 Nelson’s Column Слайд № 5 St. Paul’s Cathedral Слайд № 6 Tower of London Слайд № 7 Trafalgar Square Слайд № 8 [ai] – sights, high, while [ ] - gallery, capital, banks [ ] – castle, heart, part, architect [ ] – square [ ] – column, monarch [ ] – raven, place T - Cl ОСНОВНОЙ ЭТАП УРОКА А Работа с текстом и ответы на вопросы по тексту. Now let’s read the text about London. London, is the capital of Great Britain. It's a very big city. London is situated on the river Thames. The Thames is the deepest river in Britain. There are 27 bridges over the Thames. Tower Bridge is one of the oldest and most beautiful bridges in London. It is more than 100 years. About 9 ml people live in London. London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also a very old city. London is 2000 years old. London consists of 3 main parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the Heart of London, it's business centre. There are many banks and offices there. The West End is the richest part of London. The main interesting places are situated there. And the East End is a working part of London. The political centre is Westminster. Westminster Abbey is there. It is the traditional place of coronation for English monarchs. Many people are buried in the church. There are many sights in London. Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to meet. In the middle of the square there is Nelson's Column, which is 51 m. high. The Queen of England lives in Buckingham palace. It is the most famous place in London. There are 600 rooms in it. It has an indoor swimming pool and a cinema. One of the greatest English churches, St. Paul's Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. The most interesting museum is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it’s a museum. There are always black ravens in the Tower of London. People believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there. Answer the questions: 1.What is the capital of Great Britain? 2.How many bridges are over the Thames? 3.How many people live in London? 4.What parts does London consist of? 5.What is the richest part of London? 6.What sights do you know in London? Р1,Р2,Р3,Р4, Р5 коммуникативная III Физкультминутка. Well done. Now let’s get off our double-decker bus and have a rest a little. Let’s do exercises for our eyes (window-wall-ceiling-floor…). Let’s do our exercises for our hands. Up, down, up, down, Which is the way to London Town? Where? Where? Up in the air, Close your eyes And you are there. T - Cl здоровьесберегающая IV ОСНОВНОЙ ЭТАП УРОКА В Просмотр видео и работа в группах T.: Now we are going on a boat trip, we’ll watch a film about London . What sightseeing have you just seen? Name them all. (Дети называют все достопримечательности) Now let’s divide and work in groups. Imagine that you are guides. What can you say about places of interest in London? (Ученики получают фотографии с достопримечательностями) (Приложение 1) T.: You’ve seen many interesting places; you’ve found many interesting facts about London and now say what you think about London. Listen to the dialogue and act it out. (Приложение 2) Now it’s time to play. If you have a chance to visit London and go on a trip, what will you want to do there? Please make as many sentences as you can. ( Приложение 3 ) Пение песни “Do you live in London?” T. Now it’s time to sing. Are you ready? ( Приложение 4) ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЭТАП УРОКА Домашнее задание Look at the blackboard and write down your home task for the next lesson: exercise 3, page95 Итоги урока Today we have done a lot of. What have you learnt today? Do you like our excursion? Оценки Your marks are … Our lesson is over. Good-bye, my friends. P1-P2 P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7 Видео технология ролевая игра игровая Приложение 1 St. Paul’s Cathedral Trafalgar Square Tower Bridge Buckingham Palace Hyde Park Приложение 2 A:How do you like London? B: Oh, it’s beautiful. It’s different from other European capitals. A: Yes, I think it’s one of the most interesting and unusual cities in the world. There are many places to visit: museums, art galleries, theatres… B: Oh, yesterday I saw St. Paul’s Cathedral, heard the voice of Big Ben, visited the famous Tower. A: Have you visited St. James Park? B: Not, yet. What is it famous for? A: It is the oldest and the smallest of the royal parks. It is near Buckingham Palace. There is a lake in St. James Park which is famous for its water birds. You can see pelicans and ducks there. People like to rest in this park. B: How can I get there? A: By bus or just walk. Приложение 3 If I go to London, I will… … eat fish and chips; … drive in the right side; … feed ravens; … see Big Ben; … visit Buckingham Palace; … visit Tower Bridge; … see the Tower of London; … visit Trafalgar Square; … see St. Paul’s Cathedral; … see the London Eye; … take ride at Alton Tower; … visit Hamley’s; … visit the Viking Centre; Приложение 4 Песня “Do you live in London? Do you live in London? Do you like it here? Do you eat fish and chips? Do you watch TV? Do you drive on the right side? Do you have a car? Do you go to Oxford? Is it far? Do you learn computers? Do you dance and sing? Do you know Prince Charles? Do you know the Queen? Do you like the Beatles? Do you play handball? Please, tell us, tell us all!